Silent Killing

Chapter 716

Mo Fangyun’s brow twisted, her body flashed through these attacks, but the number of needles increased slightly, it seems that considering Mo Fangyun’s ability to perceive and dodge, she has been walking to the limit, Having to restart turned on hearing. Come and listen to the wind shift.

At the same time, many patterns and sentences on the ground, roof, and walls were projected, all of which were questions that Upros and Navie wanted to ask.

A few seconds later, Mo Jianyun’s ears once again rang the strange Qi of Great Prose.

The human heart is not controlled if you want to control it. Even if Mo Fangyun guesses that the other person may want to read the mind, she listens to the other person’s problems in her ear and looks at various images and problems in her eyes. Although she tries to control, she still has Can’t stop streaming all kinds of information.

“Well, Zuo Zhicheng is Zuo Qingcang. He now has Atlantis in secret.”

“Their technological progress has been a little bit faster, and even nuclear weapons have emerged. It seems that some space-time travellers have done it.”

“Zuo Qingcang should already be the Void Refining powerhouse, currently the world’s first on the surface.”

Hearing what Upros had said, a look of disdain flashed in Nawei’s eyes: “It’s just a frog in well, he doesn’t know how deep Earth’s water is.” Their family’s current image of Earth is brutal and yet Behind, if it wasn’t for the existence of the North Demon Sect, they would refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. I am afraid that they would have aggressively invaded and taken over Earth.

Therefore, although they did not dare to appear on a large scale and attracted the attention of Northern Demon Sect, they always dismissed many of the superficial rulers and superficial powerhouses on Earth.

“Huh … huh?” Suddenly, Uprose’s face turned pale, and the whole person stopped asking questions. Holes in the wall stopped firing the hidden weapon, and scattered needles were scattered all over the ground.

Mo Fangyun sneered because she knew what she had just thought. It seemed that the other party hadn’t heard the news before. Now that she knows it, she is obviously scared.

And Na Wei on the other side frowned. He looked at his companion in puzzlement and asked, “What’s wrong with you, Uprose?”

“I … I …” Upros breathed a few breaths before he said in shock: “The word on the moon. It was written by Zuo Qingcang.”

“What?” Na Wei complexion changed, full of unbelief, puzzlement and doubt: “How is it possible? He is just an ordinary Earth master, even if it reaches Void Refining realm, let alone cause such a large-scale damage to the moon. Even if It is impossible to go to the moon. “

Yes, the moon is nearly 38 kilometers away from Earth, and all the roads are in a cosmic vacuum environment. It is impossible for the powerhouse to land on the moon at any time, and there is absolutely no corresponding space technology built on Earth. Otherwise, their spaceship will never be so easy. He approached Earth, landed, and looted several Earth people.

Upros said: “No, I know you don’t believe it, but that’s what I read from her mind. This is what Zuo Qingcang did. He fought with another human named Witch King, and finally Hit the moon. And left this text on the surface of the moon. “

“Impossible!” Na Wei really couldn’t accept the message represented in the other person’s words, as if one could not accept a orangutan smarter than him.

He was loudly shouted: “The battle strength of the ordinary person powerhouse, the limit of Void Refining Heaven Opening, is nothing more than destroying the city, and it is absolutely impossible to reach this level. This must be some kind of trick.” Na Wei’s words are not unreasonable. According to common sense, even if the Void Refining powerhouse reaches Heaven Opening realm, it should not have this level of destructive power, and the whole battle is also played by Zuo Qingcang, not a real battle.

But Zuo Qingcang’s strength. Obviously not an ordinary Void Refining martial artist can explain.

Na Wei suddenly responded, and asked loudly, “How long? How long did it take him to complete the whole thing?” In his opinion, if the other party spent more than ten years to complete this thing, it would not be too much. Already. With the equipment on his hands and his own abilities, he can do it.

But then Uprose’s words made him even more crazy.

“A few minutes, maybe a few seconds.” Uprose swallowed. “We need to go back quickly and report the incident. This information is too important.”

“A few minutes? A few seconds?” Na Wei flashed deeply in disbelief, if the other party had this ability. Not on behalf of the Barbarians on Earth, you can pinch him to death with the flick of a finger, which makes how Na Wei, who has always had an aloof and remote attitude towards Earth, can calm down.

Suddenly, he laughed: “I see, Uprose, you’re doing it.”

“Medium?” Uprose wondered.

Na Wei said in a tone where everything is in his grasp: “Yes, your information is read according to the thinking of women, but is it really true in your thinking? Not necessarily.”

He was right, what he thought might not be correct, but the first reaction in the mind of most people after seeing a problem was often the truth in his heart. With some training, it is not impossible to change this instinct.

Uprose has interrogated many people with his reading ability, and it is not that he has not encountered such an opponent, but what he just saw in Mo Fangyun’s mind was so shocking that he forgot about it.

Thinking of this, he calmed down a little, nodded: “You’re right, but there is still a problem. Who wrote the word on the moon, how to write it, and why?”

“This information is really important.” Na Wei’s brain was also moving at a high speed, and the words on the moon were indeed a big loophole in his reasoning.

“Well, go to Atlantis and catch a few people to ask?” Na Wei said.

Uprose was hesitant. The reason why they arrested people in Dongmu was that the powerhouse here was relatively scarce and it was not easy to be found out.

Of course, they originally did not want to be discovered by Bei Demon Sect, but now they are worried about Zuo Qingcang. Even if Zuo Qingcang is not as exaggerated as Mo Fangyun thought, they are in trouble even if they only have 30% of their strength.

But next moment, they don’t have to worry about it.

The sound of hong long long kept ringing, and the two were stunned under their feet, only to feel that the floor under them trembled violently, the dazzling red light flashed, and the alarm sounded frantically.

“Damn? What’s going on.”

“We were attacked.”

“How is that possible? It’s 40ten thousand meters high!”

But at the next moment, the whole aircraft issued a terrifying wailing sound, which seemed to remind him of the fact.

On the dissipative layer more than 40 kilometers from the ground, numerous hydrogen ions were pumped out to form a huge humanoid figure of several hundred meters high, which is what Zuo Qingcang looks like.

The humanoid opened his palm, and a flying saucer-like thing was being grasped by him. Under the pressure of fierce force, the flying saucer continued to tremble and emit an overwhelming ** sound, whether it was the particle shield on the surface or the metal structure of the body A little bit started to deform.

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