Silent Killing

Chapter 727

Bai Ruyun and Bai Rulian saw the scene in front of them, and in the eyes turned pale with fright, especially Bai Ruyun, she was too aware of how terrible the other party had just forcibly cracked the tearing moon.

It’s too clear what the quantum transmission in the other’s mouth means, which is something that the Titan Star 12 Royal Family hasn’t learned.

“Go!” With a loud scream, Bai Ruyun has grasped Bai Rulian into a rays of light and disappeared. Zuo Qingcang slightly smiled. The idea has settled in an area more than 200 kilometers away.

As one of the leaders of the Titan Star 12 Royal Family, Bai Ruyun’s life-saving secret technique is very few. Similar to traveling through space, there are many one-time transmission arrays of hundreds of kilometers.

Appearing 200 kilometers away, Bai Ruyun’s left hand was completely twisted into a powder, and Bai Rulian, dragged by her right hand, turned into a puddle of meat.

That was the moment they just launched the array, and they were attacked by Zuo Qingcang exceed the speed of light. If it was n’t for one second of solidified Taoism on their bodies, they deflected a lot of attacks. I ’m afraid they have become There are two balls of minced meat.

Even so, Bai Rulian was already half dead, and Bai Ruyun’s original meticulous silver hair had already been scattered. As soon as the transmission was completed, he looked up and saw endless darkness. It was Zuo Qingcang several hundred meters long palms like an overwhelming mountain. Came down.

“Ah!” At the first sight, the situation wasn’t right, Bai Ruyun roared, his silver hair fluttered in the wind like a lion’s coat, and he disappeared again with Bai Rulian.

This time the two came to a lake, but as soon as they appeared, Shadow Chase, the heavy sense of oppression, came directly under the pressure of the lake and the waves, forming a huge palm gap.

The giant palm in the sky is still falling, the only difference from the last time is that the palm is closer to Bai Ruyun and Bai Rulian.

Shua! Bai Ruyun and Bai Rulian disappeared again, but as she transmitted again and again, the giant palm of Zuo Qingcang was as casual as a cloud, even if the environment was constantly changing. The distance between the two is getting closer.

Coming to the mountains, the frozen peaks were directly destroyed by the shock wave hit by the giant palm.

Coming into the ocean, liquid nitrogen was gasified directly by the amazing heat, forming a series of explosions.

Come into the sky. The atmosphere of red was torn, revealing a dark space.

Looking at the giant palm that was close by, the suffocating oppression followed, and the two could even feel the hurricane assaults the senses, and the feeling of suffocation kept flashing.

Bai Ruyun’s face was getting ugly. As transmission formations were abolished, her heart sank.

Without the ability to crack quantum transmission and space transmission, each of her Transmission Formations needs to consume a lot of psionic energy, and its structure can only support one use.

For 300 years, she painstakingly arranged, but only 99 on Titan Star. She thought it was 99 lives, but she first discovered the existence of Transmission Formation. It was just delaying her failure time, the other party was playing with her like a cat and a mouse.

With the use of the 99th Transmission Formation, the giant palm in front of them was no more than XNUMX meters away. The raging winds blew the clothes of the two men, and the wounds on their bodies kept flowing with blood and silver hair. dance.

When Bai Ruyun was about to perform his last trick, only a half of his body was left aside, and Bai Rulian, who was struggling on whilst at death’s door, suddenly yelled, hitting the ice under his feet.

She … is scratching her head. As soon as Bai Ruyun realized this, she heard Bai Rulian shouting, “Surmit … we surrendered!” Despair was all in his eyes.

The ice around all around was blown by the shock wave, the ocean of liquid nitrogen surged up, and the waves of hundreds of meters were set off by the pressure of the giant palm.

Lie on the ground like a toad, under the threat of death. Where did it look like aggressive before?

Bai Rulian turned his head, and lost one’s head out of fear watching Bai Ruyun and said, “big sister, we surrender, you surrender with me.”

“Waste.” Bai Ruyun slaps Bai Rulian’s mouth full of blood, looks up at the huge palm that drops inch by inch, furiously shouted: “No matter who you are. No matter where you come from, you are dead today, this is you Forced me! “

Bai Ruyun’s face flashed a trace of madness, the space around all around set off waves of ripples, and a bit of bright fire flickered in her palm.

Black holes are one of the most dangerous, violent, and fierce forces in the universe, devouring everything, even the light.

Bai Family’s research for thousands of years is not just for biotechnology. They are also constantly developing their own capabilities. Even thousands of years ago, an ancestor of Bai Family began experiments on artificial black holes.

Facing one of the most violent forces in the universe, the people of Bai Family can only deeply awe and look forward to it.

So after they started experiments with artificial black holes, various large particle colliders were built, large atoms close to the speed of light, and as their nuclei continued to collide with each other, artificial black holes were born.

Unlike people’s imagination, from the perspective of human vision, black holes are not pure black.

The artificial black hole made by Bai Family can all around particles ten times their own mass in an instant.

Although Bai Family has no way to maintain each and everyone artificial black holes, these artificial black holes often only disappear for a moment because of their insufficient mass.

However, Bai Family captured its artificial black hole each and everyone by virtue of its own space ability, and then sealed it as a weapon.

This has become another trick of the Bai Family’s three secret tricks. The Devouring Moon is also the only one of the three secret tricks that has not been used since it was invented.

These artificial black holes are like nuclear weapons of the Earth period. They are preserved by the Bai Family leaders of each generation, and they are continuously manufactured and grown with the passage of time. Even if there are other 11 Royal Family joint protests, no one knows the Bai Family. How many artificial black holes have been created in private, and where has their quality gone?

To this day, almost no one knows the formidable power of these artificial black holes.

This is also the place where St. Riggs, Gonathos has always feared the Bai Family.

At this moment, forced to the limit, self-esteem, confidence, and honor have been trampled on by bitless Bai Ruyun, and finally the madness of women has erupted, and the accumulated artificial black holes have been lethally released.

However, at this moment, she still has the last trace of calm, but only released the accumulated one third artificial black hole. Although the artificial black hole is not a real black hole, if it is released, it will be enough to destroy the entire Titan Star.

Facing this scene, Zuo Qingcang also quietly stopped giant palm.

Seeing the stop of giant palm, Bai Ruyun’s mouth showed a sneer, watching the molecules around all around, the atom quickly moved towards the black hole, she coldly said: “You regret it is over now, go to hell with me Right. “

But at the next moment, she stunned her whole body, not knowing when to start, the artificial black hole in her hand had disappeared.

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