Silent Killing

Chapter 728

Quantum entanglement works with True Yuan at once, and True Yuan at the same time communicates the imaginary space.

This allows Zuo Qingcang to charge all non-living matter within 3000 kilometers at the speed of light.

The giant palm in the sky was suddenly broken, and turned into countless fragments dissipated in the air.

Bai Ruyun stood blankly, looking at his empty palm.

Several hundred meters high waves fell and turned into heavy rain and turned Bai Ruyun into a falling chicken, but she did not respond at all, until Zuo Qingcang turned into a humanoid appearance in front of her, and she raised her head and stared deadly. The other person asked, “What the hell did you do?”

Zuo Qingcang took a picture with a single palm, and in the desperate eyes of Bai Rulian, he turned the opponent’s body into countless pieces of flesh and blood, but a lot of life clumps were preserved and stored in the imaginary space In.

Originally, the Bai Family ’s set of life-cluster systems was intended to save the two sisters Bai Rulian and Bai Ruyun, but the appearance of artificial black holes changed his attention.

In order to get the remaining artificial black holes, he can temporarily let Bai Ruyun live for a while.

Although the fighting between the two of them spread to a wide range and caused great damage, they are all called human-shaped natural disasters, but because they are all changing in space, it ’s faster and faster. At this moment, only a few minutes have passed. Quantum transmission was launched again, two flashes, two seconds, and it has crossed over 4500 kilometers and returned to the Bai Family manor in the imperial city.

Until this time, the hall had just become a ruin, and the dust had settled, attracting the attention of countless people.

Seeing Suo Qingcang that suddenly appeared, holding Bai Ruyun like a chick, the remaining pure blood Royal Family of the Bai Family looked like a dumbstruck. Zuo Qingcang threw Bai Ruyun in front of Azure Moon Hill, coldly said: “As of today, Azure Moon Hill is the leader of your Bai Family. Do you have any questions?”

Naturally no one would touch Zuo Qingcang’s brow at this time. This was also what he expected, so after saying this. He looked towards the northern part of the imperial city, where the St. Riggs were, and asked, “The guy over there is Gonasus, right?”


Half an hour ago. In the closet of the St. Riggs.

A group of people are gathering in secret.

That is the current patriarch of the St. Riggs family. The power is partial to Titan Star. With Supreme strength, he almost dominates Gonathos for nearly a hundred years. He is entertaining a group of his guests.

Like many people in the St. Riggs family, Gonathos is also a blonde white man.

The difference is. His eyes, hair, angular cheeks, strong torso, slender limbs, and healthy muscle skeleton, every part of him has a perfect feeling, just like the Spiritual God in the sky. Same thing, this is the first look of Gonathos.

More special is his eyes. Jade green’s eyes seem empty, but if you look closely, like two vortexes, it seems to inhale your soul, and it seems to contain endless information.

At this moment Gonasus held his chin in one hand, seemingly dazed and thinking, but none of the people present dared not to focus on him.

This is even more the case with Gonathos.

The old man with white hair and a robe said: “First of all, congratulations to Lord Gonathos. Tomorrow is your big wedding day. After the Bai Family, the rest of the 12 Royal Family is not a concern. The entire Titan Star belongs to it. Huangtu Baye is close at hand. “

Hearing the flattery of the other side, Gonathos didn’t respond, but just nodded, and said, “Seven stars, I know you very well, but I have no interest in your goals. I have no interest in your ideals.

It’s just that you shouldn’t come here at this time, let’s say, what do you need to communicate with me? “

Qixing felt a moment in his heart, and only felt that his purpose, identity, and Taoism had been seen through by the other party for a moment. He adjusted his mentality and glanced at the crowd in the back room.

“There are some things to communicate, but doesn’t Your Majesty first introduce the identities of the adults.”

Gonathos eyebrows slightly frowned, but immediately calmed down, pointed to a big man on the side and said, “Buffizzol.”

The first place of Gonathos is a burly man with a beard and a dozen thick braids on his back, as if he were a Viking white man. Nassau’s first general.

It is said that he has lived in the hypergravity zone of the St. Riggs family since he was born, and possesses a terrorist force that lifts the entire imperial city in one hand, known as the buffizol of the beast Divine General.

Opposite Buffizol, Tingting, a slender woman wearing a black veil, stood, only the cold light flashing from time to time in her eyes gave a vicious feeling.

It was the first powerhouse of the Abad family in the 12 Royal Family, Aktina. Although the other party did not show the mountains and was not exposed, but with the strength of Qixing, he could not even feel the existence of the other party, and even the line of sight was blurred. Qixing even reacted, and he could not remember what the other party looked like, He couldn’t even distinguish skin color, body shape, height, and fatness.

“It is indeed the chief assassin of the Assassin Shi Family,” Qixing praised.

Then he continued to follow the introduction of Gonathos. Standing behind Aktina was a middle-aged man with eyes closed in his robes, his eyes narrowed. It seems to be smiling all the time. But Qixing can feel that although there is nothing behind the other party, it seems that there is a vaguely hidden ominous beast.

This is the patriarch Li Changhao of the Li Family in the 12 Royal Family.

Finally, there was an old man who had been sitting in the corner. The old man looked unsharp. His thick white beard and hair covered the entire head. He was wearing a tattered clothes. While sitting cross-legged, a light flashed on his fingertips He kept looking at his fingertips, as if the whole world was on a little shimmer at that fingertips.

That ’s the patriarch Gander of the 12 Royal Family, the father of the Heruan family, a idiot who announced his abdication just one day after he took office. He has not slept for 300 years, has no meals, and has no wife and children. Cultivating lunatics, the 12 Royal Family old ghost that can be compared with Bai Ruyun’s generation.

It is also because of his obsessive cultivation of the capabilities of the Heruan family that many people on Titan Star have a headache.

Each of the four people in front of him can be said to be the Titans’ Heaven’s Chosen Child, the proud and arrogant reached the extreme, but they willingly committed themselves to Gonathos.

So the Seven Stars looked towards the top Gonathos, the one who has never failed since his birth and is called the undefeated God.

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