Silent Killing

Chapter 729

The undefeated god, Gonathos.

Just from the word undefeated, you can know how heavy the nickname of Gonathos is.

That is to win every battle. There has been no defeat for more than 200 years without any major mistakes. It is simply an impossible Gods Vestige, but this Gods Vestige was completed by Gonathos, so he was defeated by many Titans. People think it is Spiritual God.

Many of them believe that with the leadership of Gonathos, the Titans can continue to revitalize, defeat the power of Northern Demon Sect, rule Earth, and grow explosively.

But Qixing is not an ordinary person. He is a master of the monk himself, and a member of the mysterious organization Tianzi, so he knows a lot about the history of monasticism and the secrets of the whole world.

So he knows that Gonasus in front of him is definitely not a Spiritual God reincarnation, what kind of luck is in the sky, and the other party can be undefeated for life, and there must be any special support. There are also several times, they think that the biggest possibility is the Quantum Organ from Gonathos.

Although I don’t know what Quantum Organ they have after they practiced the Golden Bridge, the other side’s undefeated aspect is likely to be related to this.

After listening to Gonathos’ introduction, Qixing lowered his head and said, “Your Majesty, in fact, I came here this time to remind adults of something.”

“Oh? What is it?” Gonathos said indifferently, no matter the tone, movement, or expression, it is full of a feeling of having everything under control, and it makes people feel so as it should be by rights.

Qi Xing’s actions were more respectful, slowly said: “Your Majesty knows that when Azure Moon Hill Young Lady was in Earth, he met a man named Zuo Qingcang.”

“Zuo Qingcang?” Gonathos’ eyes seemed to have countless rays of light, but in the blink of an eye, it was frowned. In his memory, there were too few parts about Zuo Qingcang, as few as Bai Rulian of the Bai Family and his mention. Too.

“Zuo Qingcang, since I don’t have too many reflections of this person in my memory. Then the other person should not be an important person.”

There is only one reason why Gonathos has such a judgment, just like the judgment of the emperor, because of the quantum sense of Gonathos. The so-called rebirth of light.

This quantum sense is different from Jing Zeyue’s future eyes. He can’t see the so-called future, but he can perfectly copy his memory at the moment of death and reinvest it in the nodes of the timeline.

As for where this node is. That was the source of Gonathos, back to the moment he was born.

In other words, Gonathos is a person who has been reborn, and has been reborn a total of five times. At the time node he was born, the timeline grew five forks and five parallel worlds were born. People.

With the memory of five rebirths, Gonathos’s understanding of the entire Titan Star and the entire history of Earth is almost incomparable.

So he can learn to speak and write at the age of three. After reading the book, he started to practice Taoism at the age of five, and at the age of ten he awakened all the abilities of life cliques, reached a golden bridge at an incredible speed, and once again possessed the quantum senses of the Rebirth of Light.

The cosmic rebirth method gave him the best innate talent, rich experience, and gave him a near-immortal nature.

This is a rather strange experience of immortality, because in the past few generations, for those few parallel world people, Gonathos has died.

But for Gonathos himself. He just restarted five times in a row.

This is an immortality and immortality for himself, an immortality in subjective consciousness.

Because of this, he is for the emperor, and for the North Demon Sect. Even the current empire on Earth, Great Qi, Kunlun, and other forces have a very deep understanding of the great experts of Earth.

It is also because of this, that he can be undefeated throughout his life, and can easily conquer his great experts. Because he knows the strength of each opponent. Pros and cons, even weaknesses.

Therefore, when he heard Zuo Qingcang’s name, he would show a slight disdain in his eyes, and then he would think that the other party was just a nobody, because he had never heard the other party ’s name in his memory of previous generations.

So after hearing the encouragement of Bai Rulian before, plus he didn’t want to have any mess with his nominal wife in the future, so he just sent two people to Earth to clean it up. In his memory, Zuo Qingcang was not No master, there is no master in Qingyue family, and there is no big shot.

It seemed that he was paying attention to the slightest disregard in Gonathos’ mind, Qi Xing went on to say: “Adults know, then Zuo Qingcang’s new continent on Earth is very powerful.

I am afraid that even an ordinary pure blood Royal Family is definitely not his opponent. I am afraid that his strength is no longer under the adults. He glanced at the violently big Hanbfizzol and four others.

It seems to be to provoke the relationship between the two, tied Gonathos to his warship, Qixing deliberately said that the strength of Zuo Qingcang was low, and the other party in the province was unwilling to be an enemy.

“Is this kind of strength?” Gonathos rubbed his chin, and there seemed to be some unbelief in his words.

“It’s true.” Hearing the other side’s question, Qixing relented, knowing that it really was like intelligence. Gonathos did not understand the latest situation of Earth. Qixing even talked more bluntly: “This person is Some strengths, arrogance and arrogance, are even more important to his own woman. Once he is deemed to belong to his woman, all the people he thinks are trying to get involved will be killed by the whole family.

It’s just that the fortune-telling situation is very strong, not only fortuitous encounter has increased greatly, but several encounters with the adversary have turned the danger into danger, and the disaster is a blessing.

If he knew what happened to Azure Moon Hill, he would definitely come to Titan Star. “

“Hmph, the country bumpkins on Earth, can you come here?” Buffizzol could not bear the words and words of the other side, and could not help but say:

“Master Gonassos, then Zuo Qingcang really needs the strength of the Seven Stars. I’m afraid that Upros are dead. Let me go to Earth in person to see how he managed to avoid the danger.” A cruel smile had already appeared on his face.

After hearing this, Qixing couldn’t help but smile in his heart: ‘Bufizzol’s strength, but he died in Earth, but it was the best way to provoke the rivalry between Gonathos and Zuo Qingcang. Although Zuo Qingcang’s nagging was powerful , But in the face of the undefeated god in front of you, and the military power of the entire Titan Star 12 Royal Family, it may not be able to win steadily.

It’s best to fight on both sides … “

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