Silent Killing

Chapter 732

Throws a punch, Buffizzol turns to fly.

But this is just the beginning, everything is like a nuclear bomb, air friction, explosion, high-energy particle flow, countless particles collide like crazy asteroid groups, a large amount of energy is converted into thermal energy and diffused out, and the air is instantly turned Into a plasma flame.

The huge Fireball was spreading at a speed of 1000 meters per second with the shock wave. There was a huge earthquake in the depths of the earth. Everyone on the ground was panicked and confused, but did not wait a second or two. One layer The layer deck was penetrated, the earth bulged, and the flames soared into the sky, like a volcano erupting from the ground, and more than a dozen buildings were directly blown into the sky.

More than 20 kilometers away, Azure Moon Hill and the rest of the Bai Family stared blankly at the direction of the St. Riggs family, watching the flames rising from the ground, watching the huge Fireball covering the ground, and dazzling rays of light. Let them not see anything at all.

As soon as boxing met Buffizol, everyone in the room immediately responded, but compared to the fist strength that tore Buffizzol’s body, the subsequent explosion was nothing to the people in the field.

Aktina’s pupils contracted at a rapid rate, almost becoming the size of a needle-mantle almost instantaneously. Before the shock wave and high temperature of the explosion and the body, the solidified Taoism suddenly started, and the whole person had fallen into a shadow and sunk into the ground.

Li Family ’s patriarch Li Changhao ’s nerve reaction ability is not so fast. He has hardly waited for him to react to what happened in the field of vision. The shock wave has drowned him, but the reason why the Star River was named Star River was because of curing. Taoism guarded himself like the stars.

The shock wave swept away, but only the scorched body of a strange long snake was left, but Li Changhao himself was gone.

The lunatics of the Heruan family, a white-haired Gandall finally raised his head at this time, watching a punch to smash Bufizzol Zuo Qingcang, his face showed a tinge expression, the flame shock wave swept Passing his body, he stood up like a breeze. The flames seemed to turn into a well-behaved cat around him, turning into sparks that rubbed his body.

A long white hair turned into a bouquet of flames, and in a smirk, a mighty spirit could rise into the sky. Apparently Gander’s Heruan family is known for its ability to control flame.

“Hahaha. Okay.”

“Finally there is another good opponent.”

Angrily flashed in Gonathos’s eyes, the shock waves and flames around him had bypassed without touching his body, as if they were alive, avoiding any ominous beast.

“You’re dead.” Gonathos’s jaw was raised high, like a sentence. Not possible, but inevitable, and then he didn’t say much. The palm moved towards Zuo Qingcang shrouded in the past, and the Gravitation Force, which was hundreds of times, was suddenly laid down.

In principle, no matter how strong a person is, if they are suddenly squeezed by hundreds of times gravity, they will not be able to bear it.

Because the structure of the human body is placed here, there are too many parts such as internal organs and joints. Blood vessels, the brain, are very fragile. Even if they have been strengthened by various martial arts techniques, they will not be able to withstand hundreds of times of gravity if they enter Star River or Void Refining realm.

But after the gravity mantra was cast, Zuo Qingcang’s body didn’t seem to change. Not only did his body look unchanged, but the ground under his feet didn’t produce any extra cracks.

In principle, even if your body can hold hundreds of times gravity. The ground under your feet must sink, crack.

At this moment, Gonathos even suspected that his gravity spell had failed, and he subconsciously cast it again. It was still unresponsive.

Although he thought a lot, in reality it was just less than a second, and the idiot Gander thought that Gonathos had not attacked, and laughed and pointed out: “Your Majesty, this boy will stay Give it to me, it is exactly the best whetstone in my path. “

while speaking. He pointed out that the high temperature, flames, and plasma in the center of the explosion seemed to have met mother, and quickly moved towards his fingertips, then, like a vortex, like a Phoenix with wings flying, moved towards Zuo Qingcang went wild.

A little fire star was ahead, thousands of firelights followed closely from behind, and moved towards Zuo Qingcang like a tsunami of flames.

This simple finger not only helped the St. Liege family to extinguish the fire, but also completely extracted the heat energy, which is equivalent to using the other way to give it to the other.

Facing the blow from heaven shaking earth shattering, Zuo Qingcang’s face did not change at all, but he made an unexpected action for everyone.

I saw him taking a deep breath, then slightly pouting his mouth, then spit, and he spit out the water in the direction that he was moving towards the fire sea.

But in the eyes of everyone unexpectedly, this drool moved towards the fire at the speed of ordinary drool, and the air seemed to freeze for everyone passing by.

It turned out that Zuo Qingcang was taking a deep breath, sending a stream of nitrogen into liquid nitrogen and sending it out, and under the manipulation of his entangled mimicry, this was a mouthful of liquid nitrogen that had been constantly minus -50 degrees below zero.

So an astonishing scene appeared. With this drool of Zuo Qingcang, thousands of flames burst, and the drooling point directly killed the leading fire star, and burst through the fire sea. The ice path moved towards Gander.

Facing this scene, Gander’s face was full of blood and he was completely humiliated: “you are courting death!”

Along with his shouting loudly, Gandell’s yang yang chi rong practised by him was urged to Peak, and he saw a huge Supreme Fireball like Supreme Yang born in his palm, amazing nuclear fusion The reaction took place in his hands, just like a little Supreme Yang, with a blazing high temperature moved towards the direction of saliva, that is, the direction of Zuo Qingcang.

How terrifying is the energy and high temperature of the fusion band? The entire imperial city seemed to be turned into daylight under the dazzling rays of light. All around the steel plates, iron armor, and cement began to melt directly. Outside the imperial city shield, a large amount of liquid nitrogen on the Titan planet They started to emit white gas frantically, that is, they were warmed by the extreme heat, this move will even affect the environmental changes of the entire imperial city all around in the next few years.

But even so, the saliva still easily passed through Gender’s artificial Supreme Yang, hitting his forehead, the high-temperature Formation was directly defeated, the kinetic energy passport was shattered, and the nano-scale colony was penetrated and replaced The special alloy bone was broken, and so the layers of curing Tao were broken through by the drool of Zuo Qingcang, and finally rushed into Gander’s brain, and he became an ice sculpture.

At the corner, Aktina, who had sprinted into a shadow on the ground, saw this scene, only to feel that her heart was half a beat slow, and the whole shadow stopped.

How did you know Zuo Qingcang spit out and moved his neck slightly, and glanced coldly.

Fear spread all over the body in an instant, Aktina even retreated from the shadow state due to the intense mental fluctuations, and then retreated three steps in a row, and then she looked at Zuo Qingcang with an unsure look.

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