Silent Killing

Chapter 733

Just after Aktina was frightened by Zuo Qingcang’s glance, there seemed to be a slight flow in the air, a large transparent object suddenly appeared, and her mouth moved towards Zuo Qingcang and swallowed.

That ’s a huge mouth with 30% of its body, a strange monster similar to a frog and snake combination. After swallowing Zuo Qingcang, he revealed his dark golden body, and Li Changhao drilled from the monster ’s body. Come out, laughed heartily: “It is absolutely impossible to come out of the swallowed shadow into the stomach of the world, you are dead!”

How could he not be excited? The power of Zuo Qingcang is obvious to all. The opponent punched Gonathos’ first hitter, the beast Divine General Buffizol, and spit out the salt soda for 300 years. Gander, with a look of fear, experienced, Aktina, the chief assassin of the Abad family who had undergone countless hell-style training.

How great is this? How powerful?

So even if Li Changhao was trembling in fear, he was shocked, but he still chose the sneak attack rashly because of the transformation of demonic beast that he had.

This transformation of demonic beast is the brainchild of Li Changhao for hundreds of years. In order to make him strong enough, he even secretly steals the corpses of other 12 Royal Family. If it was not Gonathos who kept him down and covered his crimes, I’m afraid he was torn to pieces by the angry pure blood Royal Family.

However, it paid a huge price and brought great results. Li Changhao not only successfully created the engulfing shadow, but also a monster that can read the opponent ’s genes and evolve by engulfing the creature, as well as the monster legion led by the engulfing shadow. Into his body.

999 rare beasts gave him 999 lives, so he could survive the aftermath of Zuo Qingcang’s attack, and only paid a charred corpse.

The Stomach of the World’s Stomach is an ultra-vacuum environment created by a space barrier.

As long as Zuo Qingcang can’t break the barrier of space, he will be trapped alive in the stomach of the world, consuming every vitality of himself in an environment where there is no light, no heat, nothing. Eventually stepped into death.

Judging from the strength of Zuo Qingcang, Li Changhao estimates that it will take a very long time. But long time is nothing, as long as Zuo Qingcang’s body is obtained, the other party is transformed into a new demonic beast and then integrated into his body, then his strength will inevitably enter an explosive growth stage.

“At that time … even if it was Gonathos … no, even Gonathos could never be my opponent.”

The thoughts in Li Changhao’s mind can’t help but come out, thinking his face full of excitement.

But he had no idea what monster he was swallowing.

Zuo Qingcang’s transmission capabilities are completely different from the Bai Family’s transmission capabilities. The latter is transmitted through the ubiquitous space gaps in the universe, which is equivalent to taking shortcuts.

And Zuo Qingcang’s quantum transmission is that he uses the hidden variable field he found to directly transfer material, energy and information. He can even use quantum bubbles to transmit across the universe. How can it be swallowed by the space barrier of the shadow zone? stop.

Almost at the same time as a series of giggles in Li Changhao’s mouth, a horrible brute force had spread through his entire body, and in his horrified eyes, a big hand protruded directly from the stomach of Devouring Shadow. The muscles on the pale arm have sharp edges and corners, and even a trace of blood can be seen on the arm, which is the blood of the engulfing shadow.

A scream came from Li Changhao’s mouth. While spitting blood, he screamed sternly: “No! No!”

But how could Zuo Qingcang listen to him. The other hand has also stretched out from the belly of the devouring shadow, and with a sudden tear in his hands, the body of the devouring shadow has been torn out by a large mouth more than three meters long, and various blood, corpses, garbage, Impurities, things that were eaten by the engulfed shadow without being digested, with attendants crowding round want to rush out.

The entire process was swallowed from Zuo Qingcang, to laughed heartily by Li Changhao, and to tear up the devouring shadow by Zuo Qingcang, but for a second or two, Gonathos at this time also gave up thinking about the invalidation of the gravity spell. Hold your hands together and put on a triangle shape.

Raging psionic waves moved towards all around to radiate. next moment The most powerful force in the universe, Gravitation Force, has arrived.

Gravitation Force, the most widely used force in the universe, ranging from small dust particles to star clusters, is subject to Gravitation Force.

After the gravity spell didn’t work, Gonathos used the most powerful weapon in his hand, the Gravitation Force.

The St. Riggs family where Gonathos belongs has always been known for manipulating gravity, even Gravitation Force. As the most genius of Shocking and stunning in the St. Riggs family, Gonathos has the rebirth memory brought by Quantum Organ, so that he awakened all life on the body at a very young age, and then began to cultivate The fundamental Dafa of the grid family, Seven Gods Key Destruction.

And by the nickname of Gonasus’s son of the past earth, it is enough to know to what extent he has mastered Seven Gods Key Destruction.

Just by being able to practice the realm of the Golden Bridge with this fundamental Dafa and mastering the Quantum Organ, he has also demonstrated his accomplishments.

Seven Gods Key Destruction means that the cultivator uses the seven reference targets as the Gravitation Force to perform the Gravitation Force operation. The choice of the Seven Gods itself often represents the strength of the cultivator.

In the Supreme Yang department, Gonathos can feel the most extensive Gravitation Force, of course, the power of various planets.

From the previous gravity mantra, it can be known that Titan Star is clearly one of the seven gods selected by Gonathos, and at this moment, it is the Gravitation Force of another planet.

The planet in the second layer of the nine planets, which weighs 5.68 * 10 ^ 26 kg, is also the closest planet to Titan Star.

Carry the weight of the earth.

At this moment, the Gravitation Force sub-exchange between Saturn and Zuo Qingcang is frantically increased, and the role of Gravitation Force is also magnified hundreds of times. The huge force of tens of millions of tons directly throws the wreckage of the engulfing shadow into the sky, as if Space junk moved towards Saturn as fast as it could.

If Gonathos does not stop, I am afraid that the wreckage will continue to accelerate like a meteor. Finally, it will be shredded by hurricanes of more than 1800 kilometers per hour on Saturn, or it will crash into the deepest core rock formation and become A puddle of mud.

But Zuo Qingcang penetrated directly into the body of Devouring Shadow, and remained in place, as if the Gravitation Force wave had no effect on him at all.

“How is that possible?” Gonathos frowned, an unpleasant thought flashed in his heart: “The shadow of devour was pulled away, which means that the Gravitation Force wave worked, but Zuo Qingcang didn’t move …”

“That is to say … he used his own power to perfectly inefficient Saturn’s Gravitation Force? No, it’s not just Saturn.” Gonathos’ heart startled: “There was the gravity spell before, not my mistake. , But even Titan Star ’s supergravity, he just did not mind it. “

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