Silent Killing

Chapter 741

“What then?” Zuo Qingcang listened to Gonathos’s memories, and then asked, “This disaster is for your name? Let you choose a name for him? What did you talk about later?”

“There is no back.” On the computer screen, Gonathos shook the head in a daze. “I was burned next.”

“You said, burn?” Zuo Qingcang frowns said. What kind of heat and flames are needed to get the Golden Bridge realm to be able to manipulate the Gravitation Force, Magical Treasure, and countless Gonathos?

But immediately Zuo Qingcang seemed to react, seeing his thoughtful gaze, Gonathos smiled with a nodded smile: “Yes, I was burned to death at 200 degrees, so illogical, unreasonable, unfathomable mystery.

But this is where the Antilogic Family is powerful. Their behavior, consciousness, and even their existence are illogical. So they can do all sorts of unreasonable things, and our thinking about them is based on logic, so we can’t understand them anyway. “

Zuo Qingcang’s eyes flashed a rare anxiety: “That is to say, as long as they can use the described attributes, as long as they can be spoken and summarized, they cannot be described? Because they cannot be described at all. They are not without, It’s not empty, it’s not chaos, random, and void, because these things are an attribute that human logic thinks about, and it’s an induction of logic language itself. “

“What about your fourth life?” Zuo Qingcang looked up and asked, “How did your fourth life fight against them? How did you die?”

At Gonathos of the fourth century, he was not as low-key as the previous one. With deep roots and vast knowledge, he quickly surpassed all the Titans, and secretly followed Bai Shirou, looking for the strong secret of the other party. .

But he is not trying to defeat the Antilogic Family. To be honest, after seeing this monster once, he did not have any resistance in his heart. He did not find Bai Shirou’s power for confrontation. But to escape.

At first, relying on the power that surpassed Bai Shirou, he easily followed the other party, and gradually understood the source of the other party’s power, which is the so-called gene key, and opened the 1024 kinds of life cluster power through the gene key.

However, after all, he did not know the relevant information of Bai Shirou in advance, and was finally calculated by Bai Shirou, not only failed to get the genetic key. He was also attacked by Azure Moon Hill sneak attack 20 years later, and because he wasted too much time in the condition of Bai Shi’s soft genetic key, his power was not greatly improved.

So he fled with all the relatives of the Titans. In this case, he had no courage to fight against the Antilogic Family, but even if he escaped hundreds of light years, they still met the Antilogic Family as destined.

Is there a reason? Is there a reason?

“Why does the Antilogic Family keep their eyes on the Titan Star?” Roared Gonassos of the Fourth Age, moved towards the plague.

The Huanghuang disaster shook his finger: “It’s not just you, he seems to be cleaning up all life in the universe, as for the reason …” He shrugged with a smile.

Gonathos fell to the ground with a stunned expression on his face. hehe, why? If there is a reason to do something, there is a reason. That’s not the Antilogic Family.

Their behavior is not random, it is not chaos. There is no reason.

So he died again in this life. Since he failed to chase him across time and space twice, Gonathos had to come up with an idea, maybe the Antilogic Family couldn’t, or he wouldn’t pursue chase hunting?

To be honest, any logical judgment based on the Antilogic Family is useless, but it does not prevent Gonathos from trial and error, so this time he still intends to snatch Bai Shirou’s genetic key, but not for anything else. Instead, in order to further strengthen their Quantum Organ, they attempted to carry out space-time transmission without applying the optical rebirth method.

But unfortunately. Although this time has not encountered the Antilogic Family, but first encountered Zuo Qingcang, Gonathos once again simply failed.

Listening to Gonathos’ narration, Zuo Qingcang’s heart could not be calm for a long time.

The Antilogic Family, because it is irrational and illogical, is toward the Omnipotent, the omnipresent evolved monster.

Facing the coming strong enemy may be this monster, anyone’s mind will not feel relaxed.

Until now, he and Gonathos didn’t even know what the other was, if there were any weaknesses, could they be killed.

However, whether Gonassos’s speculation is correct or not, whether the Antilogic Family can hunt them out of time or not, for Zuo Qingcang, it is imperative to step up cultivation of Taoism.

After all, Martial Dao is practicing, and he is one at the same time, both inside and outside. He has already entered a level of bottleneck before he can prove Good Fortune Soul Performance.

It is Taoist practice. As long as he has the power of the genetic key, he can quickly activate 1024 types of life clusters. Of course, he can activate 81 types of life clusters of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky to complete the life-chart cultivation.

Taoism, which has been stagnating for a long time, can finally enter the next practice. Thinking of Zuo Qingcang here, I can’t help but sighed, a small fluctuation in my heart.

So next moment he asked: “Gonathos, tell me everything you know about the genetic key.”

Gonathos sighed, thinking of what he has pursued for so many years, and now he will give it to his enemies. Even with his realm, he ca n’t help but feel annoyed, depressed, and unhappy, but the form is compelling When Zuo Qingcang controlled the mouse and selected each and everyone file again, he shouted: “It’s all right, I said, I said it’s not enough.”

Regardless of Zuo Qingcang or Gonathos, they are Peak researchers, after all, their understanding of life clusters is probably the highest in this world, so in just over ten minutes of conversation, Zuo Qingcang has basically understood The existence of the genetic key.

Half of the genetic keys are within the body of Gonathos, and half of them are within the body of Azure Moon Hill, but the biggest problem now is that Gonasus ’s body is completely self-destructing. Where is the genetic key in the body? presence.

But this is not helpless, Zuo Qingcang reached out and beckoned, and a charred body was taken out of the imaginary space by him.

This is the former self-destructed body of Gonathos. Although Zuo Qingcang has tried to stop it, his attack exceed the speed of light, but he did not think about the speed of light, so he still could not rescue it, but now Gona South’s overall memory is here. He does not believe that the other party has not studied his body and genetic keys.

Zuo Qingcang intends to use this remains to clone Gonathos, and then perform reverse engineering based on the conditions of Azure Moon Hill and Gonathos to extract the genetic keys.

After all, Zuo Qingcang, who was able to perform the microscopic action of the speed of light, has far more advantages than Gonathos in this respect.

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