Silent Killing

Chapter 742

It takes a lot of time to carry out reverse engineering. According to Zuo Qingcang’s estimation, even if you have two ready-made materials and the memory provided by Gonathos, about all the information related to Bai Shirou and the genetic key, you need at least six Earth Only months.

So before that, he also needs to help Azure Moon Hill stabilize Titan Star.

The whole thing speaking of which is very slow, in fact, it is very fast, until Zuo Qingcang arrives at the St. Liege family, it is less than half an hour from now, all around the ruins, whether it is densely packed aircraft in the sky, or the ground The various artificial people and clone warriors on the shuttle were surrounded by the location where moved towards Zuo Qingcang was located.

Apparently they noticed the fighting just now, but they didn’t even realize what was going on.

Then, there were a few small conflicts, and the conflict ceased completely after Zuo Qingcang sent Gonasus to a Titan Star host.

The moment Gonathos entered the Titan host, he frantically moved towards the entire network, copying and backing up himself, moving all his data and information towards the entire Titan Star network.

Looking at Zuo Qingcang in front of the display, he asked tentatively: “Aren’t you afraid I’m out of control?”

“You are a smart person, so you should know that I destroy every machine on the entire Titan Star, every network node evaporates, and it will not take too long.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “And turned into The digital life of you looks like Eternal Undying, but in fact there is no Quantum Organ and no light rebirth, your life strength is greatly reduced. This time, whether I kill you or the Antilogic Family kill you, you They are dead, but they will not be born again. “

Gonathos sighed, knowing that the other party was right, and now fight against the Antilogic Family, or hope to survive the pursuit of the Antilogic Family. It all fell on Zuo Qingcang.

So Gonathos said, “Please rest assured, Titan Star is my prestige. It is enough to suppress the whole, I can give you unlimited support, but just relying on video and electronic information, they may suspect it over time … “

Gonathos finally revealed his fox tail, and wanted to create a realistic body, which was what he really wanted.

But Zuo Qingcang also knew that Gonathos was right, a real body. This can guarantee Gonathos’ control of Titan Star. Compared to letting Zuo Qingcang take the time to integrate Titan Star himself, doing this with the prestige accumulated by Gonathos obviously saves time and effort. .

However, Zuo Qingcang certainly couldn’t let Gonathos build a body on his own, that would be a return to the tiger, and Zuo Qingcang could not stay on Titan Star forever, so after hearing Gonathos’ proposal, he did not immediately agree. Instead, one hand grabbed the hair, and one hair fell off naturally.

“The body can give you one, but the specific manufacturing. Just leave it to me.”

With his words, his hair moved gently towards the air. And it expands constantly as if it is inflated. In the blink of an eye, it becomes a flesh-and-blood humanoid shape. Then, with the continuous increase of the inflatable shape, it gradually has clear eyes, ears, nose, and hair, muscle and nerve skeleton.

Zuo Qingcang cloned himself with all his energy, but in the process of cloning, he slightly modified the appearance of this clone to make him look like Gonasus.

Such an Avatar can help Gonathos suppress Titan Star while keeping him under his control. Can be described as one move, two gains.

So the next time, Titan Star gradually returned to normal. With his Supreme prestige, Gonathos attributed the recent explosions to accidents. He wanted to retreat with his four men and delve into a newly researched Taoism.

This is to let Gandell and his four men fade out of the field of vision, and then slowly remove the influence.

On the other hand, with the support of Gonathos, Azure Moon Hill did not continue to marry her, but defeated several other candidates and became the Bai Family’s temporary patriarch.

But through the unprecedented support of Gonathos, the Bai Family understands that I am afraid that this temporary word will soon disappear.

And compared to Gonathos, the Bai Family Hall was blood-washed that day, killing the two sisters Bai Ruyun and Bai Rulian, and then Zuo Qingcang, who claimed to be traveling to the St. Liege family, surprised the Bai Family.

Although it was reported that the explosion of the St. Liege family was due to the accident of the psionics pool leaking, but when looking at the suddenly changed attention of Gonathos, no one would believe that the explosion was an accident, and believe that the change of Gonathos has nothing to do with Zuo Qingcang.

On the bright side, there is the support of Gonathos, secretly all the pure blood Royal Family of the Bai Family are afraid of Zuo Qingcang, who once appeared.

So there may be some people in my heart who are not convinced, but at least in actual operation, no one is against Yang Moon of Azure Moon Hill, the temporary patriarch.

Five Earth days later, Azure Moon Hill fully awakened, awakened all the memories left by her mother, and looked at the Bai Family, which had temporarily eliminated the previous influence, and she gave everything to her aunt Bai Shirou.

As for herself, after having solidified the cultivation base, she came to the laboratory prepared by Gona Soest.


The door opened with a bang, and Azure Moon Hill slowly walked into the laboratory.

In front of her, Zuo Qingcang floated in the air, all around was all kinds of flickering and constantly running instruments.

After all, Titan Star is much more advanced than Earth. There are also many instruments that Zuo Qingcang does not have in Earth, which provides a lot of convenience for his reverse engineering of genetic keys.

“You’re here?” Zuo Qingcang asked, “How are you feeling?”

“It’s weird.” Azure Moon Hill looked at his hand. “It’s like there’s an consciousness in your head that doesn’t belong to you, and the abrupt memory keeps flashing.”

Zuo Qingcang asked, “If you don’t want to, after the experiment, I can try to seal this memory for you.”

“That’s not necessary.” Azure Moon Hill shook the head: “Did you notify Earth?”

“Well.” The experiments and research here take at least half a year. If Earth hasn’t heard from Zuo Qingcang for more than half a year, it will definitely be a mess. So a few days ago, he had sent Gonasus a team of clones. , Went to Atlantis to pass on the news, and brought a lot of Titan Star’s technical knowledge with him.

The electronic information technology, spaceship technology, space technology, life cluster technology and various biotechnology here obviously have great benefits for the development of Atlantis.

Azure Moon Hill nodded: “If nothing is wrong, let’s start.”

“I also want to know quickly what kind of power my mother left me.”

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