Silent Killing

Chapter 743

Watching Azure Moon Hill lying naked in the nutrition trough, Zuo Qingcang’s fingers bounced flexibly, the seemingly erratic fluctuations in the air continued to rise, and various detection rays have moved back and forth towards Azure Moon Hill Sweep away.

With continuous exploration, various data have been converging to Zuo Qingcang’s mind.

And this is just the beginning. The next steps are blood drawing, testing, cell puncture and so on, so that Zuo Qingcang can fully understand the state of the Azure Moon Hill within the body gene key.

When necessary, he even made some clones of Azure Moon Hill for experiments.

After all, the information of 1024 kinds of life clusters is not trivial. Bai Shirou, as the peerless genius of the Bai Family, has the various protections, problems, and traps that she left behind in her genetic key.

But even so, as the days passed, the rays of light in Zuo Qingcang’s eyes seemed to be getting brighter and brighter. That was countless data, and boundless information was shining.

Zuo Qingcang here is dedicated to reverse engineering of the genetic key. The entire Titan Star has been handed over to Gonathos. Although the latter has been turned into a digital life and full of resentment, he is still afraid to resist Zuo Qingcang’s Will, only a little bit of the entire 12 Royal Family, and provide a variety of knowledge for Zuo Qingcang’s research.

Three months later, in the laboratory.

A bit of light shines in front of Zuo Qingcang. It is a growing mass of flesh and blood in a vacuum environment. Although all around is made by Zuo Qingcang to simulate a vacuum environment to prevent all kinds of bacteria and radiation pollution, but with The entanglement mimicry is launched, and various nutrient solutions are continuously transmitted into the flesh and blood, helping the growth of flesh and blood.

This is a life bundle created by Zuo Qingcang by combining the information in the two genetic keys, one light and one dark.

I am afraid that even Bai Shirou, the developer of the genetic key, never imagined that someone could directly analyze the genetic data from the micro level, and then use the exceed the speed of light to perform artificial synthesis technology.

After all, Zuo Qingcang inherited and plundered too much knowledge and technology, the modern knowledge of the previous life, the life-chart system of Nanshengmen, the advanced knowledge of refuge, the research results of Second Universe, the vast literature of witchcraft in the Southwest, and Titan Star has inherited thousands of years of scientific achievements, and this knowledge comes together. Even if the pigs are fine, let alone Void Refining realm. Zuo Qingcang, one step away from Good Fortune Soul Performance, is definitely not stupid, but super smart.

For 5 hours of continuous monitoring and actual operation, even Zuo Qingcang felt a bit of fatigue, but this 105th experiment was finally successful.

The life cluster has stabilized, and it starts to operate according to the effect of the planned life blueprint.

Shen Ming Cong ‘Yuan Yue’, another key of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky. At this point a prototype has finally been completed. After a few days when this condition is stable, Zuo Qingcang will start transplanting the experiment, ensuring that there is no problem with the life cluster, then they will start transplanting to themselves.

This brings us closer to the completion of Life-Chart for Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky.

With the information provided by the genetic key, as long as the synthetic life cycle becomes more and more mature, it won’t be long before he can fully complete the ability of Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky.

But think of the existence of Antilogic Family, think of that indescribable battle strength. Zuo Qingcang felt his own pressure.

It is impossible to defeat the Antilogic Family with Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky, and whether or not the Antilogic Family is true. He all needs stronger, more powerful power.

It’s like Good Fortune Soul Performance on Martial Dao. Zuo Qingcang has taken a road that is many times harder and more powerful than the ordinary Good Fortune Soul Performance. In terms of Taoism, of course, he cannot meet the pure Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky.

Just like Life-Chart, 81 life clusters form Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky. After completing Ghost Eye Yellow Springs Sky, Zuo Qingcang will be able to add other life clusters. At that time, it will also repair all the lives of the South Saints. -Chart, this is all required. It’s also the basic thing.

He believes that such cultivation is definitely more powerful than Bai Shirou’s simple use of 1024 types of life.

But it is still not enough. Because the South Holy Gate is only a part of the life cluster, many ancient life began to lose life cluster, Taoism, they have not recorded.

Therefore, Zuo Qingcang wants to fully exert the power of all life clusters, he must create by himself, and create a pair of 1024 Life-Chart.

Only in this way, the foundation he built for Star River is strong enough, and when he enters the golden bridge stage, he will be able to grasp the strongest Quantum Organ.

Both Martial Dao and Taoism must be stronger than common sense.

Looking at the ‘Yuan Yue’ on the palm of his hand, Zuo Qingcang’s body flashed and he had already teleported to the observation room.


On the other side, while Zuo Qingcang advanced by leaps and bounds in Titan Star, Earth, Haijing Labs in Atlantis.

Since Zuo Qingcang went to Titan Star, no one in his private laboratory has come in, but even so, many of the instruments here are still running automatically.

Among them, Zuo Qingcang’s most valued instrument, or the one that most hindered his next Martial Dao promotion, was proved to be a Good Fortune Soul Performance instrument. The device named World Scanner is still running.

However, these years have passed, and the world scanner has not found a similar world that really meets the requirements. It can be seen that there are too many parallel worlds, there are too many worlds derived from the timeline, and most of them are too harsh. It is so bad that there is no life at all, and even planets and stars have not been born.

However, it seems a little different today. With the operation of the world scanner, a large amount of data appears on the screen between the flashing of red light, which is a large amount of physical data of a certain world.

According to Zuo Qingcang’s settings, this situation will occur, and there is only one possibility, that is, the world scanner found the target.

In the twisting force field on the other side, there is Jing Zeyue, which is divided into countless blood and sealed.

When the World Scanner showed results, hundreds of eyes were born from these flesh and blood, and all looked towards the direction of the World Scanner.

Just as a lot of physical information was constantly flushed out of the screen like a waterfall, the opposite world also responded.

A bang, like a tremor of space, was born from the air with nothing.

“Who is speaking?”

This shows that on the other side of the world, there is a powerful creature that perceives the information emitted by the world scanner when it looks for the parallel world.

At the next moment, a pure black palm was grabbed out of nothingness, slightly paused, and Jing Zeyue moved towards seal grabbed it.

If it was Jing Zeyue who was in a complete victory state, of course it would not be possible to be caught so easily, but now he is not only divided by Zuo Qingcang, but also sealed by all his strength, which is naturally a state of arbitrary slaughter.

All the flesh and blood of Jing Zeyue was taken away by lightning, the pure black palms had been taken back into nothingness, and then disappeared completely.

With only the remaining empty laboratory left, the World Scanner is still refreshing data line by line.

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