Silent Killing

Chapter 759

The genius lives in one second and rises to W, W. Ben, x. : 6d (The so-called Celestial Court is an interest group after the world ’s immortal Buddha centralized. It can be described as a group of people with the largest rights in the entire world. They can manage all mortal people’s age, illness, death, and even some of the Mana, position, cultivation base are all under their management.

But although it is so similar to the mortal government section, in the final analysis, because of the existence of Immortal Technique and Magical Treasure, the interest group formed by this immortal Buddha is based on strength.

Although Jade Emperor is known as the commander-in-chief of Celestial Court, due to the lack of cultivation base, there are some Peak characters in the world that he cannot easily command.

The Supreme Taoist in front of him is obviously one of them.

Seeing the old man’s white beard and old face, no one dared to underestimate him, because all the immortals present were considered high-level in Celestial Court. Which of them would be a fool? They all knew the horror of the old man in front of them.

The four heavenly masters looked stunned, and the barefooted fairy bowed her head and said nothing. Wang Lingguan’s eyes flashed a little thoughtful. Taibai Jinxing was still full of nervousness, and seemed to have no idea of ​​Laojun’s movements. The only flash of strange color in his eyes seemed to indicate that What is it.

The Goddess of Mercy Bodhisattva read a Buddhist chant, but the Jade Emperor pretended to be unknown, and moved towards Laojun.

Supreme Taoist smiled and shook the head: “This demon flame is so towering, but it is too impudent, it is better to leave it to Old Daoist, plus refining.”

The Jade Emperor hearing this is willing to agree, the presence of the immortals is even wider, and they want to see what the Supreme Taoist known as the Three Realms will do.

And unlike everyone else present, Supreme Taoist claims to be too Qing moral deity, its existence has been too long, no one in the audience knows how old he is.

As the earliest born cultivator, the earliest group of people who mastered the Immortal Law, he is also the group with the deepest understanding of the entire world.

So a lot of Divine Immortal was present at Zuo Qingcang’s body protection method, but the old monk saw some truth during this time, after all, it is a kind of sumina mustard, Universe in the Sleeves s method. But a lot more clever.

However, Laojun’s insights and eyes are indeed poisonous. He is the only one who finds that the other party is also consuming while attacking, but Zuo Qingcang relies on the 3000 kilometers of exceed the speed of light transmission. The action of spitting out the absorbed attacks is too stealthy and quick, and few people can detect it.

Now that you know a little bit about each other’s details, Supreme Taoist secretly calculated that there are seven or eight ways to crack. At the moment, I found my hand out of the sleeve, but it was the easiest way to choose.

The easiest way is to fill it. If you fill the imaginary space of Zuo Qingcang with matter, the other party ’s dark sky will naturally not be able to absorb it. Even if you directly hit the upper limit of the imaginary space’s absorption limit, it will naturally be impossible to suck up.

And to the point of Supreme Taoist, the electromagnetic fluctuations caused by the will alone are enough to drive everything. That is the pure power saved by time little by little, little by little water.

So I saw the whole 15th-layer of hell started to move. The boundless particles squeezed from all around with Zuo Qingcang as the center. From a distance, it looks like a nebula that shrinks sharply, and even the photons move and shrink with it.

Single thought moved a continuous substance on his head, and the mighty power of Supreme Taoist made all the fairies in the audience jump.

As the object, Zuo Qingcang first felt unusual. Looking at all around was like thousands of meteors. With a ray of light moved towards the material tide of his body, Zuo Qingcang naturally started the exceed the speed of Light transmission will release the material sucked into the imaginary space to a distance of 2000 kilometers.

But he soon discovered that the total amount of material controlled by the other party far exceeded the amount he transmitted. And this number is constantly increasing.

Obviously, to this point, it has become a competition of pure power. On the one hand, Supreme Taoist controls the material and smashes it, on the other hand, Zuo Qingcang transmits the transmitted material. And Zuo Qingcang, watching the gradual increase of matter in the imaginary space, had to admit that the absolute power of the other party is above himself ;.

You should know that this is the effect of the opponent crossing the unknown world, and hitting the 15th-layer hell directly through the air.

So under the control of Supreme Taoist, these substances gathered frantically and filled the entire imaginary space in a short time. During this period, Zuo Qingcang tried to expand the transmission range. Trying to move the body at high speed and trying to smash the material, but none of it really played a decisive role.

I saw that within a short period of time, various particles were directly aggregated into various substances under the interference of Supreme Taoist. These substances, like fine sand, gradually covered Zuo Qingcang’s body.

This shows that the imaginary space has reached its limit and matter has begun to overflow.

I saw more and more material covering Zuo Qingcang’s body. Within a few seconds, Zuo Qingcang’s entire body had been wrapped in layers of huge rock formations, and it seemed as if it was sealed by a moon. Within the same.

The Moon’s volume, density, and Gravitation Force are constantly increasing, and the internal pressure of the moon soon exceeds ten million times the atmospheric pressure, and it continues to increase.

Seeing that the demon was sealed by the Supreme Taoist, the immortals could not help secretly whispering in the presence. This is a very moral moral respect. It is indeed the old monster that existed before the Celestial Court was born.

But when the immortals thought that Zuo Qingcang had been sealed by the old monarch, the huge seal planet stopped moving. Taibai Jinxing was impatient and asked directly: “How did you stop?” The tone is really bad, disrespectful to the leader, disrespectful to the master, this is all a taboo of Immortal World.

At the moment he chuckled, and asked respectfully with a look: “How did Xianzun stop? Could the demon have been crushed to death?”

“He’s gone.” Supreme Taoist’s face showed a surprised expression, and raised his eyebrows. “This demon is intentional.” His eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of anger in his heart. He didn’t expect the other party to find the coordinates to go to the 18th Layer hell so quickly, but it was more than ten times faster than his jump from 7th-layer to 15th-layer.

How long, how long has he not been played like this, let alone how he stepped down in front of the Heaven Realm celestial beings.

Obviously from here, in addition to possessing mana, the Celestial Court Fairy Buddha is actually not much different from all Mortal Manifestations. They also have love and hatred, and talk about face and politics and humanity. )

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