Silent Killing

Chapter 760

The genius is one-second residence, and I heard the words “Supreme Taoist” from the book x (advertising). There were a few cultivation bases in the audience, and the most flexible mind had already reacted to it. I looked forward to eighteen. layers of hell, which is the lowest layer of the 18th layer hell.

In their hearts, they couldn’t help but raise a single thought head, and the king of the tibetan was bad luck ;.

Yes, Jizo is indeed bad luck. As one of the great big shots of the 18th Layer Hell, and also the endorser of Buddha Sect in Hell, he was greeted by Buddhism and Celestial Court a long time ago, know this time for action.

Although I can’t figure out the specific meanings in the sky, the king of the tibetan wants to care about you so much. Anyway, hell is 30% of my acre. How can you be so noisy? The ground is broken, can it be worse than it was? Moreover, the advantage of hell is not the environment.

Then Zuo Qingcang really broke the seventh and 15th-layer hell.

Then, Supreme Taoist’s shot. The King of Jizo continued to think carefully. Does this uncle finally reach out to hell? He even thought that the other party had deliberately sent a demon to give Celestial Court a chance to intervene in hell and even shuffle the cards completely.

After all, Buddhism’s imprint in the whole hell system is too deep.

Guessing the fighting methods of a few big guys, he stayed in the 18th-layer hell with the thought of being able to hide and hide, thinking that I pretended to be a retreat and practiced without knowing anything.

Of course, the real idea of ​​Supreme Taoist is impossible for Jizo to guess, because the realm and location of the two are different, and the measurement and pursuit are also very different.

But as a great big shots of hell, he is more familiar with the subspace of 18th Layer Hell than anyone. He even felt a horrible pressure before the Supreme Taoist and came to the 18th Layer Hell and came to him.

The whole body was dark and dazzling, and when the silhouette like a demon appeared, looking at the Jizo was straightforward throws a punch.

A loud bang, which re-entered Mount Tai, was enough to knock a city into a powder, but it was picked up by the King of the Tibetan Plateau, and you saw a ripple like a crack in front of him. The round shifted all the attacks on the earth. Zuo Qingcang couldn’t be more powerful to destroy the whole land of hell with such an ordinary punch.

However, the entire Dao Field of the Jizo King was turned into a gray fly in this hit. Numerous medicine pill, Magical Treasure, cheats, monks, nuns, and Sami were all beaten into basic particles in an instant.

Seeing this scene, even the king of the tibetan was completely fired, it was really a fire for the buddha. But then Zuo Qingcang’s actions completely extinguished the fire in his heart.

Because the other party saw that he took this fist, Martial Dao, full of battling fighting intent, rolled up with will, which contained the terrible oppression of the Tibetan King.

“That’s right. It’s a pass-through method that works like Vajra doesn’t.”

“Little Monk. Then take me another punch.”

121 Infinite Star dropping from the sky, a little black light appeared in front of the Jizo King, Genesis Infinite Star.

This is the intention of Supreme Taoist. Zuo Qingcang deliberately let him fill his imaginary space. This is tantamount to squeezing matter into the imaginary space by the power of Zuo Qingcang himself and Supreme Taoist. Go in.

According to the calculation of Infinite Star, the weight of the imaginary space at this time is more than 45 trillion tons, which is XNUMX times that of the previous punch.

Obviously, Genesis Infinite Star is also a trick that can increase the formidable power unlimitedly with the improvement of Zuo Qingcang’s strength, and now the King of Jizo enjoys this.

The moment the black light emerged, the mood of the Jizo was very complicated. But in the face of the excited the speed of light, he didn’t have time to think too much, or there were too many things to think of.

But as an author, I can summarize it in one sentence.

The King of Jizo: “I’m really a dog.”

The next moment, an even more amazing explosion than the 7th-layer hell, light and heat filled the entire 18th Layer space quickly, and evaporated everything, temporarily offsetting all physical laws, bringing the entire subspace into In a state of chaos.

More than a billion high temperatures fill the entire 18th Layer Hell, like turning the entire subspace into a pot of particle soup.

But although the explosion was more severe. It brought a higher Temperature, greater pressure, and a more terrible electromagnetic storm, but the king of the tibetan was forcibly supported by this hit.

Part of the reason was that he kept passing on his attacks. Part of the reason is that his golden body is really powerful.

Zuo Qingcang looked at the golden skeleton in front of him, and looked like the shaky Jizo king. True Yuan waved over and found the other party’s abnormality.

Unlike Yang Jian’s Vajra Indestructible, the King’s Vajra skeleton is not hard, but illusory ;.

Everything works. Like a dream story. Zuo Qingcang suddenly flashed this sentence in his mind.

The counterpart’s golden body is not real, but like a shadow on the ground, it is a projection caused by a different dimension. As long as the body is still there, no matter what kind of attack it is, you can re-inject energy and not really die.

Just after the Zuo Qingcang True Yuan wave scan, 121 Infinite Stars were fully analyzed for a few seconds. Daodao golden light rose from the back of the other party. With a Buddhist horn, the door of an unknown dimension was opened, and a big golden hand directly The gold body of the Jizo was captured back.

“Want to go?” Cold light flashed in Zuo Qingcang’s eyes, not even think was a palm moved towards the opponent’s golden palm, and a large number of nuclei were collided together under the transmission of the speed of light. Zuo Qingcang started with Nuclear fusion strikes.

The palms of the two people hit each other through the air, and a bang of hong long long caused a series of explosions of heaven shaking earth shattering in hell, which directly caused a chaotic energy tide in the entire subspace.

After the palm of his hand, golden’s giant hand trembled slightly, and dragged it back to hide.

Zuo Qingcang had to chase after, and even left Hell through the opponent’s door, but found the direction behind him, and a sword finger did not know when he had approached him.

On the other side, there is a golden giant palm moved towards Zuo Qingcang with the same mountain range.

It was Supreme Taoist who pointed to the sword with Zuo Qingcang. He had n’t watched the show in vain for a while, but the 18th Layer Hell was too important. In order to protect the important facilities such as Bridge of Helplessness during the big explosion of Genesis, he did n’t have Choose to attack Zuo Qingcang the first time.

Of course, no one knows if the opponent’s main target is the King of the Tibetan Plateau.

The big golden hand on the other side, however, protected the Six Paths of Samsara while seizing the gold body of the Jizo King.

Then, as if there was a tacit understanding in advance, the two men attacked Zuo Qingcang at the same time with one finger and one finger.

Seeing this scene, the Immortal World gods all held their breath and grew their mouths. This may be the most terrifying alliance of the entire Between Heaven and Earth for XNUMX years. )

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