Late at night, Zuo Zhicheng has come to the secret base and started a day of training. The first natural way to warm up is North Peng Approaching Heaven Form, which has been practiced tens of thousands of times. This martial arts fully supports the god-level cultivation technique of the Qi Practitioner period. Zuo Zhicheng estimates that even if the refining spirit is reached, even Void Refining’s level, this set of cultivation techniques can be used to enhance the strength of innate breath.

In addition to North Peng Approaching Heaven Form, Zuo Zhicheng’s second cultivation technique is Hell King Golden Body. This is a martial arts that is similar to the previous practice of kung fu, but it is different and much more brilliant. The main practice is the human epidermis, that is, the outer layer of skin from the basal layer to the stratum corneum.

His main purpose, naturally, is not to try to impervious to sword or spear, it is simply impossible. The flesh is the flesh. No matter how you practice it, it is impossible to completely impervious to sword or spear. If you pursue it too much, it will only make your skin look thick and hard like rhino.

Hell King Golden Body is pursuing the innate strength that originally acts on the muscles, and penetrates it to the base layer. In other words, what he is pursuing is a trembling force on the surface of the human body.

In simple terms, it is like a layer of force field. No matter what kind of attack, once it hits the body, it will be deflected by the muscle force of the body surface innately, and even rebound directly, as if it were in human The body surface is coated with a film.

Once this kung fu is practiced to a high level, as the basal layer of skin becomes more and more tough, that is, the so-called ‘force field’ output becomes higher and higher, impervious to sword or spear is naturally idle. But the hard work to be done will obviously not be small. Because every impervious to sword or spear is the result of tens of thousands of hard training.

This also directly causes the stratum corneum to be shaken for a long time, and the skin that has been trained always exposes the smoothest layer. Need to cooperate with many kinds of medicines, otherwise the loss of cuticle protection will increase the risk of various skin infections and chemical injuries.

The cultivator’s body is just like being exposed to hell at the same time. Before practicing a strong defense, it must first face great danger. The difficulty of cultivation is very high, and the progress of cultivation is often very slow. That’s why this effort is called Hell King Golden Body.

However, Zuo Zhicheng has already practiced Great Accomplishment, and has the experience of martial arts practice. In addition, his left eye now has a detailed observation of various sports. After matching the potion, he started to try the practice of Hell King Golden Body. , Now it’s worth getting started.

After assiduous cultivation during this period of time, Zuo Zhicheng’s innate purity has reached 44%.

As for the translation of ancient characters, the process is relatively slow. After all, he is equal to learning a completely strange language, and then translating ancient secrets with very complicated content.

So after more than three weeks of work, he has just analyzed the names of two cheats. These two books, also called Dao Scripture, are one book and one book are two.

As for the nourishing spirit of the refining spirit, Zuo Zhicheng has been slow to make progress in this method of cultivating the power of the mind.


More than two months passed in the blink of an eye. After three months of hard work, Zuo Zhicheng had revealed a trace of ingenuity. Of course, this is just an illusion that Zuo Zhicheng intentionally gave to others.

But no matter what, at least now Zuo Zhicheng, Jiang Tianzheng already thinks he has a little chance of defeating Xiao Changhe.

As for the real progress over the past three months, naturally, Zuo Zhicheng knows it.

Purple has an innate proportion of 76%, especially Hell King Golden Body, relying on the monitoring of the left eye, and the strong foundation laid by North Peng Approaching Heaven Form, has been introduced, making his surface surface begin to take shape Anti-shock force.

Unfortunately, the refining spirit method didn’t make much progress after entering Self Manifestation. Zuo Zhicheng can put himself into an extremely calm state anytime, anywhere, but he can hardly do this to let this mental power infect others and affect others.

But compared to these, the knowledge in two volumes of Dao Scripture will probably have a greater impact on his life.

Although only translated part of the table of contents and the beginning. But that was enough to let him know what the contents of these two Dao Scriptures were.

One volume records the positions of all life plexes, how to measure them, how to activate life plexus, and what Taoism can be practiced. And the most incredible part, how to transplant others’ lives.

As for the contents of the two volumes, it is a kind of thing called Life-Chart. A single life cluster can already make people have extraordinary power, and different life clusters can be combined with each other to produce Life-Chart, which is even more Dangerous and even horrifying power is also a secret mission in the South Secret Secret.

Unfortunately, how to cultivate, we have to wait for the rest of the content to be translated. These are in no hurry.

So for now, let’s get things done right now.


Rising Sun Dojo is located on Fulu Street, where there are many shops and businessmen everywhere, soaring signs.

As the oldest and most famous dojo in Xinlugang, many of the shops here have hired Rising Sun Dojo’s Martial Master to defend the shops.

Today, the crowded Fulu Street is even more crowd crowd, lion and dragon dancers, jugglers, and various snacks. It’s like a holiday.

All of this is naturally because today is the union of 18 dojos and the establishment of Xinlugang Wushu Association, which is also the day of the first Xinlu Martial Arts Competition.

Zuo Zhicheng and Jiang Qing, Xiao Lan and a group of large and small students followed Jiang Tianzheng and moved towards Rising Sun Dojo.

Although the street is lively, the students of Hao Ran dojo looked at the front of Zuo Zhicheng in front of them, but they were worried.

“Have you heard? Xiao Changhe let out a word to interrupt Brother Cheng’s limbs on the ring.”

“Well, it seems that Xiao Changhe has not been out for two months and practiced hard for a while.”

“Yeah, it seems that the day before yesterday I went to the Xinlu Boxing Club to compete and win the genius Wang Qiang.”

A Fei, a few people with big mouths talking and talking, looking towards Zuo Zhicheng’s back has become increasingly worried. Although Zuo Zhicheng has made great progress in the past two months, what the other person said is also the son of Rising Sun Dojo curator Xiao Jingyang. He has been practicing martial arts since he was five years old. I do n’t know how many people I have studied with large and small.

Even if it has been a bit deserted in recent years, the strength is indeed real, especially the various rumors heard in the past two months, making it difficult for them to imagine that Zuo Zhicheng can catch up with less than a year other side.

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