Walking on the side of Zuo Zhicheng, Jiang Qing was also brows frowned at this time, and said to Jiang Tianzheng, “Dad, do you think Azuo can win?”

“Sometimes things like winning or losing, sometimes it’s not as simple as two people winning.” Jiang Tianzheng said unhurriedly, “state, belief, performance, venue, and other factors will affect. The odds of winning now are indeed not high. “

“But how can it be?” Jiang Tianzheng looked at Zuo Zhicheng and said, “Azuo, you can rest assured to play in a while, you are very innate talent in playing and playing, as long as you do your best on the platform, It doesn’t matter if you win or not. Even if you lose, I won’t let them hurt you. “

“Master, Senior Sister, you are too pessimistic …” Zuo Zhicheng bowed his head helplessly: “I have made clear progress in the past two months, and I feel I will win.”

“Haha. It’s the best you can think like this.” Jiang Tianzheng smiled: “I just want you to have no psychological burden and play well.”

While talking, a gambling stall appeared in front of everyone. That’s a bet on the results of today’s competitions. Speaking of the big match competition, in addition to Zuo Zhicheng and Xiao Changhe’s performance competition, the big match is divided into two contents.

One is the study of the nature of the performance between the museum owners. This is mainly based on the advertising effect. That is, several museum owners come to the stage to study, highlight the ability, and promote their dojo. This competition will be discussed tomorrow.

Another real victory is the discussion between the various students. This is also the competition in which Zuo Zhicheng and Jiang Qing have reported. This is the content of today’s competition.

As for the third day, it was the official establishment ceremony of the association and the award ceremony.

The current betting stall is obviously about betting on the result of the competition between the students today. And Zuo Zhicheng’s own odds of victory, he does not know how high it will be.

Just then, a fatty yelled said, “I’m pressing 1000 money!”

1000 yuan is almost an ordinary family can earn a year, heard fatty said, almost everyone looked over to see what the other party will bet.

That fatty, that is, Zhou Xingyun, who researched Martial Hall, said: “When the show was over, Xiao Changhe won.”

cut! There was a boo, and Xiao Changhe’s ability to win a few people was almost inevitable, and even if the odds were 1000 yuan, it was estimated that he would make a few dollars.

The people who saw Haoran dojo glared over, Zhou Xingyun shrugged towards them without belonging, then looked towards Zuo Zhicheng’s eyes, shook his head, revealed a pity expression, turned and left.

“This dead fatty!” Afei and the others gritted his teeth.

Then Zuo Zhicheng’s entire group came to the door of Rising Sun Dojo, and they could see that a huge ring was almost filling the entire street. A few Martial Masters who want to show their hands in front of the crowd have already studied on the ring.

Under the ring, more than a dozen dojo men and horses occupied a place, and countless audiences also gathered in a group, firecrackers, noises, shouts, and all kinds of noisy sounds mixed together, full of everyone’s ears .

“Let’s go too.”

However, just a few steps away, two Rhan Sun Dojo heroes came over and stopped in front of Zuo Zhicheng.

The visitors were two men with brown and yellow skin and tall stature. From their brown pupils, they did not seem to be pure Great Qi people.

“Haoran dojo, right?” They pointed to a remote, back corner: “Where is your position?”

When the two took Zuo Zhicheng and his team to the place arranged by Rising Sun Dojo, several students became a little bit angry. The position of the 18 dojos is obviously the worst of them. Not only is it farthest from the ring, but even half of the ring cannot be seen from an angle.

Someone complained right now.

However, Jiang Tianzheng waved his hand to stop the movement of the students behind him: “Forget it, if you want to see it later, you can find a good place by yourself.”

‘Hunt people …’ Zuo Zhicheng looked at the silhouettes of the two big men and thought to himself: ‘Xiao Jingyang should not be so stingy, I am afraid Xiao Changhe did this kind of thing. ‘

Thinking, he looked towards Xiao Changhe’s direction, which is where Rising Sun Dojo is. Xiao Jingyang has not yet appeared, only Xiao Changhe and several disciples are standing there. In addition to the disciple I’ve seen before, there are more than a dozen hunters.

Especially the first one, who is tall and almost broke through two meters, has a firm face, thin lips, and looks like a robot. Especially the two stout arms are almost as thick as the thighs of ordinary people.

And the strength of these people, Xiao Changhe’s innateness of purple on the back reached 12%, it seems that these months have indeed worked hard.

But what surprised Zuo Zhicheng more was the Hant who was more than two meters tall. The congenital purity of his entire back has reached 30%.

Although it is only 30% of the back, it is far less natural than Zuo Zhicheng, but for everyone present, it is almost the highest level of physical fitness. Even a little higher than Xiao Jingyang.

‘There is a problem …’ Without the spirit strength food, ordinary people can reach this level after more than ten years of cultivation. It must be a master teacher, aptitude, cultivation technique, and efforts are indispensable.

Secretly remembered the man’s appearance in his heart, Zuo Zhicheng already had the idea to investigate the other party.

More than half an hour later, the 18 dojo patrons and disciples have arrived one after another. 18 dojo contests have finally begun.

The first is Xiao Jingyang’s speech on the stage. Naturally, these are nonsense to promote the spirit of Martial Dao and promote Great Qi martial arts. However, everyone did not expect that Xiao Jingyang actually invited the Young Master of Xinlucheng City Lord, and Yao Youwei came to watch the battle. By the side of Yao Youwei, the young Young Lady who officially appeared with him last time.

The girl was still fair and flawless, with a jade stone-like face, and the slender silhouette, which made people want to hold him in her arms. As soon as it appeared, countless men stared blankly.

Jiang Qing looked at Zuo Zhicheng, and found that the other was not staring at each other, secretly relaxed. But when I saw A Fei, Huang Meng looked at Qing Young Lady stupidly, and his father couldn’t help but look at it twice. He couldn’t help being snorted and secretly pursed his lips.

Of course, Xiao Jingyang on the stage did not know why Yao Youwei came over. He was just trying to hire an ordinary official.

So after speaking for a few minutes on the stage, he said to Yao Youwei, “Young Master Yao, it is better for you to say a few words.”

Yao Youwei was talking to the Qing Young Lady beside him. He was interrupted by Xiao Jingyang, his face was immediately unhappy, he waved his hand and rejected Xiao Jingyang’s invitation.

Of course, no one dared to force him at the scene, Xiao Jingyang pretended to be all right, and then talked, and then 18 dojo patrons came on stage together.

I don’t know if it was intentional or coincidental. Jiang Tian was also arranged to a corner position on the stage. No one from the beginning to the end let him say the last sentence.

(Three chapters were finally updated. Brother sisters, please contribute more clicks, and recommend it.)

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