Silent Killing

Chapter 779

Just before the war in Luoyang, eighteen layers of hell. top,

Here, Supreme Taoist and Zuo Qingcang sit opposite each other.

The eyes of the three kept glanced over the entire continent. It seemed that every little movement in the whole world could not escape the three eyes, and the entire continent was as clear to them as the palm view.

But even so, there are some things that exceed their expectations.

When Yu culture and anomalies were discovered, Laojun frowned, and if he didn’t say anything, Zuo Qingcang secretly scanned the other party from head to brain and kept it as archive information.

When the reincarnation team appeared in Taiyuan City, the doubts in Laojun’s eyes were even more serious. Ruolai still looked unmoved, but Zuo Qingcang burst into his heart.

As for the three people who use the entire continent as a checkerboard layout, all things that are unreasonable, abnormal, and should not appear can naturally be considered as the opponent’s hands.

The transmigrator, especially the appearance of the reincarnation team, was regarded by Rulai and Laojun as the layout of Zuo Qingcang. After all, these two things, especially the latter, were definitely not seen by the two.

But Zuo Qingcang knew that it was definitely not his arrangement.

The more Jing Ze did not, he should not know these things.

Is there a stronger, deeper transmigrator in this world?

or is A silhouette of Rulai and Laojun appeared in his mind: one of the two guys is a transmigrator, this is done to make another person think that this is my arrangement but in this way, it is not exposed to me in advance Did he, or did he not know that I knew this, I did n’t know that I came from Earth

Zuo Qingcang couldn’t help thinking of this possibility. As for the coincidence, when they set up a bet, there was such a situation of reincarnation. It was so coincidental that it happened that Zuo Qingcang couldn’t help but doubt it.

Then Chen Boyuan appeared, and then when Sun Wukong encountered Zhou Wuji, when the so-called divine crystal material appeared, Zuo Qingcang had affirmed his suspicion, and the matter in front of him was absolutely wrong. It’s very wrong. It’s absolutely impossible that there are so many characters in a world at the same time. There must be someone or forces who can arrange it.

But what is the purpose of the other party?

Need to verify.

Already quietly infiltrated into the chest, the newly-created life Cong Yuan slowly fused, the communication process of the quantum bubble was speeded up, and a few minutes later, the corner of Zuo Qingcang’s mouth slowly showed a smile that was hard to detect.

On the other side of the city of Luoyang, Kou Zhong’s eyes still exuded a faint white light.

The Tianji Moko he carries is not just a cultivation technique. It is a strange power, born from martial arts, but beyond the category of martial arts.

Not only can he let his eyes develop strength, but he can also use it as a universal spiritual medicine. Now that he has applied the power of Tianji Moko to his eyes, he can clearly see the movement of the tent in the distance. This paragraph Over time, he has been searching for Li Shimin’s place in the camp, but the other side is like a hazy phantom. He could feel the presence of the opponent, but could not find the exact location of the opponent.

But next moment. He saw some interesting sights.

“Hmph, let’s start with you, and see how long the bald donkey can hide.” Kou Zhong smiled coldly, and what he saw in his eyes was Zhao Deyan, who was unscrupulous. And being so coldly stared at by a master like Kou Zhong, Zhao Deyan instantly felt a stiff body.

at the same time. A feeling of something was shrouded in Zhao Deyan. Facing the huge weak spot of Zhao Deyan, he was immediately noticed, and then he shot out.

Heavenly Demon Qi field dropping from the sky, Zhao Deyan instantly felt as if he had come to the depths of the seabed. Infinite strength shrouds his surroundings, twists or stirs, or rolls or tangles. Dozens of different forces and more than a hundred different directions are displayed at the same time. The strange way of attack seems to tear Zhao Deyan into pieces in an instant.

Zhu Yuyan felt this kind of attack. Zhao Deyan didn’t need to think about it. He knew that the comer was Zhu Yuyan. In this world, it was possible to perform such a sneak attack, and the attack was so weird and powerful, only Zhu Yuyan’s Heavenly Demon Qi field.

No, although Zhao Deyan froze for a while, he quickly withdrew his thoughts and fully defended the soul. The 18 claws tore apart, but found that he was like a lion in the water. He could not stand under the attack of the Heavenly Demon Qi field. Stable.

No, Zhu Yuyan’s Heavenly Demon Qi field should not be so powerful.

Just as Zhao Deyan was struggling to resist Heavenly Demon Qi, Ning Dodge on the other side had found something wrong here, although he didn’t understand how the other side could hide the breath and sneak attack under his eyelids, but supported Zhao Deyan. Imperative.

“Ning Dodge, Demon Sect cleared the traitor, do you also care?”

A series of lithe and graceful sounds of evil spirits came from outside the sky. The sweet smell made the soldiers all around dizzy and dizzy. They seemed to be caught in some imagination, and their faces were all obsessed with smiles. Obviously they had completely lost the battle. strength.

While speaking, the energy burst, the clothing of a soldier smashed into numerous fragments, and the soldiers moved towards all around shot, and the fragments seemed to be like rain, and a series of sweeps shot all the soldiers around the dementia. They fell like pieces of wheat.

A woman with fair skin and a look like a ten-year-old girl appeared in front of Zhao Deyan. Her all around air was constantly distorted, and the light and shadow were changing. It seemed that the entire space was distorted. The delicate skin and uneven body Both are unclear under the change of light.

It is the contemporary sect master Zhu Yuyan of Yingui School.

She was chased by Xu Ziling, and finally she had to join her in the Imperial Court camp. However, with the help of Diji Moko, she not only healed her wounds, but also broke through the weak spot of the past and reached the 18th in magic power. Again, this time and again, not only while suppressing Zhao Deyan with the Heavenly Demon Qi field force, he also took control of the overall situation and blocked Ning Daoqi’s support.

“Sect Head Zhu I trust you have been well since we last met

Faintly smiled, Ning Douqi was moved towards Zhu Yuyan step by step. With his stepping movement, World’s Essence Qi, the earth’s magnetic field under his feet, all around the radiation, the Temperature has undergone an inexplicable change. Zhu Yuyan has a feeling That is, it’s not that Ning Dodge came alone, but that the other side came over with the whole world.

Ning Dodge’s martial arts also went a step further. As long as the feeling of sinking in front of the sky is nothing but a spiritual illusion, Zhu Yuyan holds her heart firmly, and Heavenly Demon Qi is fully open, like a reef in the waves, bearing the mental shock of the other forcibly.

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