Silent Killing

Chapter 780

The two great experts suddenly entered the most dangerous spiritual competition, but Ning Dodge had been 100 years of Martial Dao cultivation base and got Li Shimin’s guidance. On the realm, he completely suppressed Zhu Yuyan, and he saw his face calmly and calmly. Step by step, every step on the ground seems to bring a tremor of the sky, and set off a stormy sea in Zhu Yuyan’s heart. In this way, let the other party ’s mental shock attack freely, I ’m afraid I do n’t need Ning Dodge to shoot, Zhu Yuyan ’s Heavenly Demon Qi field changes will collapse on their own.

However, Ning Dodge has just stepped out of the ten meters distance. A black whirlwind has drilled out of the ground. One extreme, one soft, one cold, and one hot. The two extreme strengths are combined into one. Behind Dodge.

And carrying this force is a pair of white crystal clear, exquisite and clear palms, cold and powerful palms, wide and large, it seems to contain the most terrifying force in the world. the amount.

The master of the palm is a man with two pale and white spots. The man’s face shows a hint of evil charm, like a king in the night, moved towards Ning Daoqi silently and silently.

It is Demon Sect Number One Expert, which is called Shi Zhixuan.

In fact, Li Shimin has the full support of Buddhism, many grasslands, Buddhism, door valves and masters of magic.

Ssangyong and Yang Guang naturally gathered a large number of powerhouses, such as Zhu Yuyan and Shi Zhixuan, who have not dealt with Buddhism and Ci Hang Jingzhai.

Of course, their union is also related to the brutal suppression of Ssangyong.

Even so, they are not without benefits. Like Zhu Yuyan, Xu Ziling used Diji Moko to help Shi Zhixuan make up the wounds and spiritual spot in the body, healed the problem of split personality, and made Shi Zhixuan’s immortal seal Great Accomplishment. Entered the coveted martial arts realm.

However, Ning Dodge is the oldest Xeon in the world after all. In the second moment after the appearance of Shi Zhixuan, under the inner workings of Daomen, the realm who is one of heaven and man found a trace of unnaturalness, and Internal Qi locked Shi Zhixuan behind the sneak attack behind him.

Faced with Shi Zhixuan’s immortal imprint, he scrambled to break it, or rely on it to collapse or paste or shoot. Do as one pleases, like like a heavenly steed, soaring across the skies, block Shi Zhixuan’s palm force as much as possible.

However, the spirit spot of the evil king is completely made up now. Under the stimulation of the extreme moko, he is ruthless and indulged in magic and sanctification. Both realm and skill are not what they used to be.

I saw that his body was shaking, and Illusory Demon Movement Technique followed. The whole person instantly transformed into hundreds of silhouette moves towards Ning Daoqi, and it seemed as if there were countless Shi Zhixuan in the siege.

Ning Dodge felt instantly at the center of wind and rain. The intertwined vigor, the soul coercion coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth, countless illusions flashed like flowers and horses, but he was laughing, and he gave up his hands to the extreme, such as Xiaoyao Riding the Cloud , Yuqi Feilong, wonderful.

Each meridian of Shi Zhixuan at the moment is like crazy steel bars, which outputs strength, precision, and inner strength. Each punch, each palm, and each hammer drew strong winds and was full of energy. Soldiers in the distance were stunned by the horrifying sounds and air waves before they approached.

At this time, Shi Zhixuan in a black robe is like the ancient barbaric giant god living, the towering backs seem to support the entire sky. It is necessary to thoroughly understand the righteous sect Number One Expert in front of the eyes, the door Paragon, Loose Practitioner Ning Dodge.

And Ning Daoqi ’s hands seemed to have infinite magic, and she saw thousands of infinite changes. It seems that new tricks are born anytime, anywhere, and each one is enough to make a third-rate sect a dominant player.

This time, as if the Tao had done the best of heaven and earth, he explained Martial Dao, Heavenly Dao, and humanity in his own unique way.

It’s like a side World, carrying any strikes of Shi Zhixuan, the violent Demon King, but it can never fail in the slightest.

Step back to Peak. Combining the life and death of the evil king, one hundred feet further Ning Dodge.

The battle between the two Martial Dao Peak masters did not allow anyone to intervene. Not to mention that no ordinary sergeant could approach, even Zhu Yuyan and Zhao Deyan had to fight and retreat, watching the two shadows in the battle shocked.

However, although Shi Zhixuan and Ning Dodge are strong, it is impossible for the world to be Invincible.

Regardless of Li Shimin’s or Ssangyong’s camp, there are people who plan to shoot.

In the middle of the tent, Li Shimin sits cross-legged on the top of an extravagant, fur-filled, spice-filled tent, exuding golden rays of light all over his body.

He closed his eyes, folded his hands, his face solemn appearance, like the Buddha in the sky came to the world, and said gently: “All those who hold Vajra know the assembly. Such as the letter to solve the game God transformed into the king of the treasure in the building. Gao Nowhere. Kings of all kinds. Interracial decorations. Bodhisattva is a constellation. Its Vajra name is Vajra of Voidlessness. Vajra of Voidness. Vajra of Voidness. Vajra of variegated clothes … … “

Not to mention Buddhism, various martial arts masters, even a closed-six ordinary person, seeing Li Shimin in front of him has only one feeling, that is, the Buddha’s incarnation, and the feeling of Li Shimin in front of him is that the Buddha came Human incarnation.

Before Li Shimin, Fan Qinghui, Da Kong, the four Great Saint monks, and even Li Yuan, Li Magical Powers, Li Jiancheng, or Tuoli, Tongli, Qu Ao, etc. all kneeled in his powerhouse. In front of him, Li Shiming quietly listened to the Buddhist scriptures.

Their faces were either excited, moved, or shocked, and even burst into tears.

It usually sounds like an ordinary Buddhist scripture. After Li Shimin’s recitation, he has a strong and powerful force.

I usually can’t figure it out. I didn’t understand it in the past. Life, heaven and earth don’t seem to have any secrets in front of me.

With a chirping sword, tears flowed out of Fan Qinghui’s eyes. It was a touch of life and a love for Red Dust. At this moment, the Merciful Vessel Sword Manual naturally reached the realm of the sword.

“Congratulations, Qinghui, you have finally reached the realm with a clear heart, and you have gone further from detachment.”

Fan Qinghui suddenly turned her head towards the side monk, and was surprised: “Senior Brother Kong, your closed mantra ?!”

The monk smiled, his face was a kind of great consciousness, great freedom, and great joyful comprehension: “There is Zen everywhere, so why not keep your mouth shut.”

However, while everyone was immersed in this unprecedented state, the outermost part of the camp, a tall man slowly stood up, the man’s physique was perfect, with a strange and inexplicable presence on his body. It is a glance that gives people a feeling of dry mouth and elevated body temperature, as if there were sandstorms assaults the senses in front of them hiding the sky and covering the earth.

This man is the powerhouse that ruled the grassland like Fiendgod, and Martial Venerable Bi Xuan in Three Great Grandmasters.

At first, some people were still angry about who released the momentum and disturbed Li Shimin Scripture Lecture, but when I looked back at Bi Xuanna’s cold and cruel eyes, I was astonished that Cicada was afraid to say anything.

Bi Xuan said indifferently: “Master, let me go.”

Li Shimin didn’t lift his eyelids. He was still reading the Buddhist scriptures intently, and Bi Xuan nodded slightly and then retreated.

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