Silent Killing

Chapter 798

And Heavenly Dao is everywhere. Whether it’s a falling apple from a book or Supreme Yang rising from the sky, it belongs to Heavenly Dao.

So one day, I don’t know how many years ago, Dipankara suddenly thought of something, Heavenly Dao, does it also have life? Or will they have their own consciousness? In the end, after all the things in the world have formed the rules, the rules gradually become conscious, and this is the only Heavenly Dao.

Or did Heavenly Dao first, and under his deliberate control did everything come into being?

Dipankara can’t answer this question, but if Zuo Qingcang is present, he can tell him that he doesn’t know if he is in other worlds, but it really is possible that you have Heavenly Dao before this world.

Dipankara didn’t know this. He born in this World was naturally limited by the world, so he started his own research, failed again and again, and tried again and again. Unconsciously, countless years have passed. I do n’t know if it is lucky or unfortunate. He finally touched a hint, so he had the plan today.

“Monkey, you are really lucky.” Dipankara said with a slight smile: “The cornerstone of creation, the beacon of time and space, and the change of the outside world. Now all three are present, and the Divine General is transformed into a true human god, the whole world. It will change because of you. “

Talking, Dipankara’s face showed a touch of excitement: “You don’t know how great it is to change this, we, no, not just us, all life will step into the final sublimation.

From then on, everyone in the world will become a god. “

“Old bald donkey, are you crazy?” Sun Wukong wasn’t interested in listening to him. He yelled, his whole body swelled violently, and the whole person suddenly began to disappear again under the power of an instant burst. Seems to want to plunge into the void, into a multidimensional space.

“It’s useless.” Dipankara shook the head, tapped on the measuring ruler, and hit Sun Wukong back again, hitting the shape from the multidimensional space.

“Everything is under my control, and these Heavenly Dao sacrifice Magical Treasure. The world is unbreakable, let alone you, even if we join forces.”

“This is Heavenly Dao, the will of the universe, the form of Great Desolate, the true power of Invincible.”

“Oh? What about this?” A question sounded.

pu chi a light sound, Dipankara unbelievably looked at the protruding palm of his chest, looking at the pure white as jade, but the small hand with destructive power. There was a shocked expression on his face.

However, after all, Dipankara is a Peak master in this world. He quickly flickered, his whole body turned into light, and then he reorganized more than ten kilometers away.

For his realm, reorganizing the body, actinizing, moving instantly, etc., are all the basic means that’s all.

It really surprised him. He was injured like this, but he didn’t feel any advance.

He barely suppressed the shock in his heart. Watching Zuo Qingcang standing in his original position, he shouted, “Zuo Qingcang … you … why did you attack me?”

“Sure enough, you know my name, so you took my life away, did you?” Zuo Qingcang gave him a slight glance, and set his eyes on Sun Wukong. Various changes and natural phenomena in it . It is a huge and valuable asset. Even the first-hand observation of black holes at close range is definitely not comparable to this.

“But …” Dipankara didn’t say anything. What he was thinking was that according to the prediction, you should be alive and killed with Rulai and Supreme Taoist. How could there be time to take care of things here.

But what he didn’t say, Zuo Qingcang has already spoken for him: “Do you want to say that I should now be playing hovered between life and death with Supreme Taoist, Tathagata Buddha?”

“You!” The ancient Buddha of Dipankara was startled, and had a bad hunch in his mind.

Zuo Qingcang went on to say, “Since you stole my stuff, you can fill it with your life.”

As this sentence came out, Zuo Qingcang took a step, and with his left hand waving, a light punch had passed, but it was such a light punch that saw the ancient face of Dipankara turned wild.

There is a moment of generosity between the void, and the infinite light envelops the entire sky. The power of the Spiritual Mountain Buddha Country directly crosses the endless void generals, blocking Zuo Qingcang in front of him.

This is the ancient Buddha of Dipankara borrowed the power of Spiritual Mountain directly, glued the two spaces together, and used the entire Spiritual Mountain Great Thunderclap Temple to resist this fist of Zuo Qingcang.

There was a loud bang, and the entire Spiritual Mountain vibrated continuously for more than ten seconds. For a while, I didn’t know how many pavilions and temples and temples fell down, forming a large area of ​​ruins.

This Spiritual Mountain is the headquarters of the Buddhist world. I do n’t know how many Formulas, prohibitions, and blessings have been laid out by many Buddha Guanyin Luohan, but now this fist in Zuo Qingcang is trembling, as if it will collapse at any time.

‘How can this guy be so powerful? He shouldn’t be so powerful. ‘The ancient Buddha of Dipankara said:’ But it’s just pure power. It can’t break Spirit Mountain. ‘

However, in order to avoid night long dreams, the ancient Buddha of Dipankara still passed on his thoughts and asked the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Heavenspan Cult Lord to settle each other first.

Zuo Qingcang, however, took a faint look at Spiritual Mountain. The Spiritual Mountain in front is not as powerful as the Peak characters like Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist, but the defense force created by countless years and manpower is equivalent to a super sandbag.

If it were such a thing in the real world, Zuo Qingcang might take a few hours to defeat him.

But in this world, he can directly increase the data of the source file.

For Rulai and the others, the power of horror is extreme, to him it is just a string of numbers, he just increased the power of his fist that’s all.

The Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning on the other side first shot, one palm shrouded over it, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into the size of the Kunlun Mountains veins.

Heavenspan Cult Lord divided a Trapping Immortal Sword and shot it towards Zuo Qingcang directly with the method of proton annihilation.

Dipankara just pushed the entire Spiritual Mountain past.

The three were all means of persuasion. Obviously the idea was to combine the strength of the three to deceive more and quickly suppress Zuo Qingcang.

‘The punch that was just set is a force of 10 ^ 15 tons. ‘

‘This fist is trying 10 ^ 25 tons. ‘

I plan to feel the power that I have never exhibited. In fact, this is also a huge benefit brought by this pseudo-virtual space. In this universe that can modify various data, but can perfectly simulate the real world, Zuo Qingcang is feeling more There are wonderful and endless benefits.

The next moment, Zuo Qingcang punched out in a boxing. The strength of this fist was just 10 zeros added to Zuo Qingcang, but in reality, it was equal to two Earth being thrown out.

10 ^ 25 tons of power was hit by a boxing, and the whole world seemed to be in a stagnation for a moment.

In the next moment, the 3rd-layer attack and Zuo Qingcang’s fist bumped lightly together.

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