Silent Killing

Chapter 799

Four fierce forces collided together, but regardless of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Heavenspan Cult Lord, or the ancient Buddha of Dipankara, in front of Zuo Qingcang this fist, they were almost as helpless as kindergarten children, no, even The distance between the ant and the elephant is too much.

There is no sound, because all the air has been expelled by violent forces. Various molecules, atoms, and ions in the air are squeezed into a ball and then exploded. The kinetic energy of terrifying is converted into high temperature, which becomes a ball of millions of degrees of plasma in the sky, and various rays in the sky. Wanton shot.

It looks like the thousand thousand Supreme Yangs are lit up in the sky.

A total weight of 10 ^ 25 tons, what terrifying power is this?

The hands of the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning Shape Transformation directly collapsed, and a large-scale meteor shower began to rain around the world. I received the Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, which was shocked by power. The whole person exploded like a firework. It was a long time before the reorganization was completed.

Heavenspan Cult Lord ’s Trapping Immortal Sword wailed, and all the protons around them did n’t have an annihilation reaction at all, as if they were blown out like a candle, and the whole blade of the sword was bombed and broken into two pieces. Under the influence of the blood, Heavenspan Cult Lord spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The worst thing is probably the ancient Buddha of Dipankara, because he resisted this fist of Zuo Qingcang with the entire Spiritual Mountain Great Thunderclap Temple. In front of a weight of 10 ^ 25 tons, it is tantamount to crushing the ants with a tank. No, it is not an exaggeration to say that the tank crushed an atom.

The entire Spiritual Mountain was penetrated by the force at the first time, and it was first split into two halves within a second, and then continuously smashed. Various birds and beasts, Luo Han Sami was shaken to death by life, and then along with the Great Thunderclap Temple together Into dust.

The aftermath of fist strength is more than that. Because the space was connected, the power of this fist swept over the West Niuhezhou.

With one punch, the entire West Niu Hezhou continental trembled like a magnitude 100 earthquake. The violent force lifted the entire continental, and dust, rocks, and mountain range were directly thrown into the sky. It even broke through the height of the atmosphere.

The shock wave and fire light burst out of outer space like a large firecracker on the entire planet.

And the entire light and dust cloud continued to expand and spread, and soon covered the entire West Niuhezhou and the sea around all around, and gradually stopped until it approached the Nan Chanbei and Beiju Reed Continent.

This blow almost destroyed most of the crustal structure. I don’t know how many years in the future, the entire planet will probably face countless earthquakes and volcanic movements, two continent outside and outside. Even if the Nanchanbei and Beiju Reed Continent are not facing the explosion, they will face endless geological disasters, radiation clouds, atmospheric circulation pollution, tsunamis, and sky explosion dust. I am afraid that there will not be many Bio-Energy live Go on.

The hurricane caused by Zuo Qingcang this fist swept the entire planet again. That is not how many terrible natural disasters.

As for Xiniu Hezhou itself, most of it has been sunk into the seabed. Only some marginal locations may turn into scattered islands in the coming years.

What’s more terrifying is that because of this fist, the entire orbit of the planet has deviated, and moved toward Supreme Yang.

Having said that, I have to talk about the structure of this World.

The whole world is still a huge planet, but Supreme Yang and the moon rotate around Earth. As for Celestial Court and Hell, they are in different subspaces.

However, the starry sky on which humans live is limited, probably about the size of several Supreme Yang systems, and their boundaries are connected to the opposite space. That is, if you fly north in the starry sky, you will eventually return to the original place.

This fist by Zuo Qingcang directly messed up the Gravitation Force field of the entire world, the original balance was broken, and the entire planet moved towards Supreme Yang slowly and firmly.

As for witnessing the gods of this fist, especially the Heavenspan Cult Lord, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning and Dipankara ancient Buddha, looking towards Zuo Qingcang looks like looking at a monster.

‘how is this possible! How could anyone possibly do this? ‘

But this is not the time to say these things. At this moment, it is right to find a way to stop the catastrophe in front of you and stop the Demon King, Zuo Qingcang.

Dipankara transmitted his thoughts: “Heavenly Dao is coming, Sun Wukong is no longer able to resist, we will suppress Zuo Qingcang first.”

The Spiritual Mountain was destroyed, and the whole land of Xiniu Hezhou was sinking. He was angered in his heart. You know that he still has many friends, subordinates, and disciplines on Spiritual Mountain. How could he be swallowed by Zuo Qingcang’s life.

As for the mercy, my Buddha, it’s all about cultivation. Dipankara doesn’t intend to be a person. As for what Zuo Qingcang stole first, he also used Spiritual Mountain to stop the blow from Zuo Qingcang, which was naturally ignored by him subconsciously.

‘Boy, you have great power, let me show you under Heavenly Dao’s rules, power has a fart. ‘

‘Before Sun Wukong combined multiple forces, it may not be weaker than you, and it is not dead under the rules. ‘

That’s what he thought, and he did.

Measuring ruler, Sambo Jade Ruyi, Pangu 幡, the remaining 诛仙 三剑 left Sun Wukong directly, and moved towards Zuo Qingcang covered the past.

And Sun Wukong, like Dipankara said, seems to have no resistance at all, and then he sees that he is curled up like a baby, with green rays of light appearing in his eyes. Flashing in it, as if completely lost consciousness, floating in the void in a dull way.

This is the conscious part of Heavenly Dao that has gradually taken over Sun Wukong’s body and is filling in a lot of data.

On the other side, facing the attack of the ancient Buddha of Dipankara, Zuo Qingcang flashed and did not flash. Just let the ruler go, Jade Ruyi, Pangu P and other Super Magical Treasure covered themselves.

Dipankara watched this scene for a moment. He originally thought that the other party had to flash a little bit. The three people have already prepared different pursuits. How can they know that the other party will not hide? That’s forcibly next.

‘Okay, silly boy, since you don’t hide, don’t blame me for being ruthless. ‘

In Dipankara’s mind, the other party has become an arrogant and conceited guy to the extreme. These four sets of Super Magical Treasure cover Zuo Qingcang around him, just like the previous scene where Sun Wukong was besieged.

All physical phenomena surrounding all around of Zuo Qingcang are controlled by the three Dipankaras. A total of four Magical Treasures involving world authority are exerted at the same time, so that he can no longer maintain any supernatural phenomena around him.

Even his own body composition began to disintegrate a little.

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