Silent Killing

Chapter 800

‘Interesting, no wonder Sun Wukong couldn’t get out of it. J, ‘Zuo Qingcang carefully felt the condition of all around, all the spaces were locked, and each Planck-length space was repelling his body. The positive and negative Gravitation Force was in an irregular state. Constant changes made him unable to change the Electromagnetic Force, Gravitation Force and strong interaction.

Seeing this scene in front of him, watching Zuo Qingcang’s body collapsed a little, Dipankara sneered, and everything was as expected, no one could resist this attack at all.

Heavenspan Cult Lord and Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning expressionless, looked coldly at Zuo Qingcang, whose body was slowly falling apart under the siege of Super Magical Treasure, and said nothing, in their opinion, this is really normal, so look again After a few glances, it was determined that Zuo Qingcang would never get out of trouble, and they locked their eyes on Sun Wukong’s direction, and that was where they were most concerned.

In the sky, the originally densely packed celestial troops and generals, Divine Immortal, because of the aftermath of the Zuo Qingcang attack, at this moment, there are only kittens and puppies in small groups, but the jade emperor who has been heavily protected is still there. Looking at the scenes in the sky, his face became harder and harder to look.

‘So what happened. ‘Looking at Sun Wukong curled up in the sky, a very bad hunch came to his mind.

Unfortunately, Sun Wukong and Zuo Qingcang were defeated one after another. Even if he had the intention, he could not interfere with the situation at hand.

There aren’t even 100 mortals on the ground who are still alive at this moment.

Li Shimin and Kou Ziling stood on a floating island and looked at the natural phenomenon in the complexion ashen.

“Damn.” Kou Ziling’s face was extremely ugly, because those aloof and remote gods and Buddhas in the sky didn’t take them seriously, as if they were sacrificed like ants.

Li Shimin’s face was also very heavy. He originally thought that the demon monkey was already as powerful as the world’s Invincible. How could he know that the other party could break through again. Then it was defeated by a more powerhouse.

In particular, the series of means performed by the ancient Buddha of Heavenspan Cult Lord, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, and Dipankara, although he could not see it clearly, he could see a little bit of the depth.

“Heavenly Dao’s rules are distorted, space is changed, and even the material composition is negated.” Li Shimin’s face showed a sense of compassion.

The development of the matter has been completely out of control, which step will the whole world take? He had no way of knowing.

Everyone’s eyes focused on Sun Wukong. At this time, Sun Wukong’s eyes flashed rays of light faster and faster, his limbs opened slightly, like a giant about to wake up.

Just as Dipankara and the others looked nervously at this scene, the Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist in the imaginary space finally couldn’t wait.

They originally waited here because they knew that Zuo Qingcang had the ability to change the past, and in their opinion it was impossible to fail with this kind of Invincible.

So they just looked there, watching how Zuo Qingcang packed up Dipankara and the others.

But how did you know it was fine in the beginning. Zuo Qingcang had the upper hand, but where did you know the situation suddenly changed? Zuo Qingcang was besieged by a ruler, Pangu, Jade Ruyi, and Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. It seemed that there was no resistance.

“Not good, Zuo Zuo seems to be unable to break this formation.” Tathagata Buddha’s brows frowned, but it seemed that Zuo Qingcang couldn’t break the ancient array of Dipankara Buddha. After all, he used his own strength, and even he himself had no countermeasures against this. Zuo Qingcang got trapped and he was totally understandable.

“Well, Zuo Xiaoyou is still too aggressive. Now, only relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers.” Supreme Taoist said contemplatively: “Dipankara, Tongtian, Yuanshi. The situation of the three. Very What’s wrong, I’m afraid it has been eroded and controlled by Heavenly Dao. “

The meaning of Supreme Taoist is more obvious, but Heavenly Dao is coming, if it really incarnation human nature god. Maybe a disaster for all life at Between Heaven and Earth.

After all, no one wants to be controlled by one’s every move, all his life and his thoughts.

Therefore, Supreme Taoist and Tathagata Buddha are after Heavenly Dao, but they have never thought of worshiping Heavenly Dao and serving them.

As for whether the ancient Dipankara Buddha and the others are controlled by erosion, it is actually not important, it is really not important. The important thing is how to stop Heavenly Dao from coming, of course, it is better to be able to kill Zuo Qingcang, the same terrifying opponent, by the way.

The two had finished thinking and communicating in an instant, and then appeared in front of Sun Wukong at the same time.

Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist each stretched a palm from left to right and moved towards Sun Wukong.

In that moment, the entire space surrounded by all around violently oscillated. Countless particles and photons directly appeared like mosaic light, and then flattened.

This is a dimensionality reduction attack jointly carried out by Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist. They will bring Sun Wukong and the humane Heavenly Dao into it to seal it in a two-dimensional state.

Because they talked a little, they found that it was a wonderful opportunity to overcome their Zuo Qingcang. They were trapped and killed, and the measuring ruler, Pangu 幡, and so on represented the Super Magical Treasure of World Rule. All Used to clamp Zuo Qingcang.

Sun Wukong is in an unguarded state, and Heavenly Dao consciously entered into it. Wouldn’t it give them the best chance to study Heavenly Dao and analyze Heavenly Dao.

Just thinking about what this opportunity represents, both of them felt silent for tens of thousands of years. The heart seemed to beating, and it was impossible to shoot directly. This shot was a full-strength shot, allowing Sun Wukong moved towards XNUMXD. Go on.

This down-dimensional attack was the strongest attack that the two realized during their exchanges with Zuo Qingcang and the gamble.

This directly creates a two-dimensional plane, and a two-dimensional plane whose relative angular velocity to the entire world is not zero.

As soon as the two-dimensional plane was born, it quickly moved towards all around, spreading the space, and brought everything into contact into the two-dimensional plane.

However, neither Tathagata Buddha nor Supreme Taoist can have infinite energy, so this two-dimensional plane has only changed the space of ten kilometers, and the material structure has disappeared.

Sun Wukong, which was slowly waking up, was sealed to a rune paper, divided in half, and appeared in the hands of Tathagata Buddha and Supreme Taoist.

“No!” Dipankara realized that it was too late to stop the scene, and he could only look at them angrily and said, “Did you two know? Because of the selfishness of the two of you, you have lost the whole world to the end Opportunity.

From then on, everyone will not be able to escape, you are the sinners of history! “

“Hmph.” Like Lafred, he certainly wouldn’t think so, but just looked at Dipankara with a dead eye.

Supreme Taoist is also lightly snorted, ignoring the three Dipankaras like stray dogs, and moved his eyes to the rune paper, showing a little excitement in his eyes. Even with his city and cultivation base, thinking of the seal in the rune paper, Can’t help but get excited.

His lifelong pursuit is in sight, how could he not be excited.

‘It’s a pity to share it with Rulai this guy. ‘He couldn’t help sighing at the thought of this, but there was nothing he could do.

In the next step, they planned to leave and hide, and then casually killed both Zuo Qingcang and Dipankara. They were going to retreat to study Heavenly Dao in the rune paper.

But at this moment, the rune paper in their hands trembled violently.

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