Silent Killing

Chapter 805

Bai Chou also wanted to go a little deeper, that is, the other party may still be testing another thing, that is, whether their current conversation is under surveillance.

Thinking a lot of questions, but it was just a moment, Bai Chou shrugged said: “That guy is called Dipankara, hasn’t you been killed? Don’t think about the past, prepare yourself, but it will be a bitter battle. “

Don’t think about the past. Bai Chou said so, and the result is very clear.

Zuo Qingcang nodded, seeing here, Bai Chou also rubbed his left eye, regardless of whether the other party understood what he meant, and then said, “I’m going to talk about the specific conditions of these experimental worlds. By the time it was overcast by the other party.

You can rest assured that as long as you can overcome that ai, there are great benefits waiting for you.

However, if you want to win, you must learn to use the background of the experimental world. Some things are important. Maybe it can directly affect the outcome of the battle. “

Zuo Qingcang coldly snorted. The other side rubbed his left eye three times from the beginning to the present. He was not a fool. Naturally he knew what the other side was talking about. The left eyeball slightly turned and said, “I know.”

Bai Chou apparently received this hint from him. Slightly smiled, he directly emitted a lot of electromagnetic waves, and copied hundreds of g of information into Zuo Qingcang’s consciousness. Of course, this is just some of the most basic information. For more in-depth things, he will not, and it is impossible to give it to Zuo Qingcang now.

“The rules for the next battle are simple. There are 13 battlefields in the world. No matter what method you use, as long as you can kill each other or occupy more than 7 worlds, you will win.

However, at your current level, you still need to improve yourself in these worlds and be prepared to do more.

hehe, if you win, all the experimental world you occupy can be given to you. “

Zuo Qingcang nodded. Of course you know what it means to be well prepared. What can I do to improve the strength of the experimental world? I want to win. The key is the ability to operate at the data level.

As for the other party’s reward, give him the experimental world, and he will certainly be determined. Needless to say, the performance of this thing is absolutely unparalleled for Zuo Qingcang’s research and improvement. Even now he is extremely enthusiastic.

However, the other party can send such a powerful experimental world casually, which also shows how powerful the other party or the other party’s power is.

Next, Bai Chou told Zuo Qingcang the basic structure of the experimental world in front of him, and both of them were extraordinary creatures that were beyond mortals. Freaks that can directly communicate with electromagnetic waves and photons. The speed of communication is extremely fast, and it is not long to complete.

This time, Zuo Qingcang was more certain of what he said before.

Bai Chou waved and said, “Well, if you can survive, we will see you later. I’ll ask you to have a drink, and let’s have a good talk together.”

The words didn’t fall, I just saw it. Zuo Qingcang has disappeared.

Although the others were gone, the entire experimental world also moved and re-entered the time when the universe opened up. Perhaps countless years later, life will be reborn here.

‘This boy. ‘Bai Chou shook the head. The other person ’s temper is completely extreme, but he rarely feels comfortable talking to the other person. There is a kind of what I want to say. Your kid can understand me, but it ’s not like I ’m thinking. It’s been a long time.

After all, although his status is not high, it is very important. The power of the representative is even more there, so no one dares to do right with him. Dare to be his enemy.

Rare to meet someone who dares to talk to him, but he feels rare. There was even a slight hint of fun.

“Those guys, but less and less human.”

However, although Zuo Qingcang was gone, Bai Chou stayed here, but after a while, a dark silhouette came out.

“Thank you.” The silhouette’s voice was very indifferent, but full of sincerity. Bai Chou waved and said, “I really don’t understand, is it necessary to do this, and let me do this kind of thing, I will become a full-time Run a leg. “

“It is necessary, I am already half a foot into the coffin, and the rest must be fully prepared.” Silhouette paused, “But this time, is it a coincidence? Or the big boss mean?”

“How could the big boss care about this fart?” Bai Chou shook the head.

Black Shadow hesitantly said: “That’s a coincidence? But it’s too coincidental? Six Desires Demon, the War God module, it’s almost a handshake with the words engraved on the head.”

“Coincidence?” Bai Chou repeated these two words, but finally said with a bitter smile: “The boss won’t care about such things too soon.”

According to the position of the boss mentioned by Bai Chou, let alone care, even if I know a little bit about the intentions here, then it will not be Bai Chou to take responsibility, let alone the current monitoring level and management level. Already.

Even the entire project and experiment will be completely out of control, devoured by countless real big shots, overhead, and stopped.

King Chu has a thin waist, and starves to death in the palace.

This is the superior. When they reach their position, it is impossible to appear, express themselves, or even speak. Especially like the forces where Bai Chou is located, those Peak characters are too involved. Their every move, sentence, and even one look will be analyzed and interpreted by countless people. If they express a certain tendency, they will even lead to countless The birth and destruction of the world.

So when Bai Chou said, the silhouette of black was nodded. He also knows about these big shots. Their energy and status are really too horrible. It is exactly the same. There are fewer things that he can do in person.

He remembered the collapse of tens of thousands of civilizations and the destruction of countless races for a birthday gift.

However, seeing the silhouette’s face getting colder and colder, Bai Chou laughed and said, “Okay, don’t be so nervous, even if the boss doesn’t care, but you think that for the big boss and the little boss, this world is really Will there be such a coincidence? “

Yeah, is there really a coincidence for them?

Ignoring the meditating silhouette, Bai Chou moved towards the swollen and cooling universe in front of his eyes and sighed sighing, “This game involves too many people.”

He sighed again: “It’s nothing wrong.”

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