Silent Killing

Chapter 807

Along with Zuo Qingcang’s breath, the flying sand running stone suddenly changed, and the sky became cloudy and cloudless.

As if a Super Typhoon of Level 2 was approaching, the woods on the entire mountain range trembled and struggled frantically. For a while, I did n’t know how much grass, dirt, and dust, and the big trees that could be held by several people were blown directly into the sky.

And the billowing dust directly swept through, blowing hundreds of people rushing towards Zuo Qingcang.

With exclamation and roar, these people were blown directly into the sky of several thousand meters, and then flew all the way out of the sky.

Some people just fell into the mountains and smashed into a pool of flesh.

Some people were blown farther and flew directly to the streets of Taiyuan City. I don’t know how many people were scared to death.

What’s more, Zuo Qingcang flew directly to Beijing and smashed into a ruin.

However, at this moment, the army that protects Cixi naturally does not know how many people have been blown by Zuo Qingcang in this tone, but it does not prevent them from being shocked and afraid.

“Fire … fire!”

“Kill this demon.”

But Zuo Qingcang obviously underestimated the opponent’s resistance. At this moment, it was September 1900. The boxer, known as impervious to sword or spear, was pierced, proving to be a scam.

Although they are exquisite in martial arts and swear by resistance, they can’t even reach a small musketeer of foreigners.

At this time, the Chinese land and the Qing Dynasty had reduced their confidence in martial arts Magical Powers to an unprecedented low, and the awe of guns and ammunition was unprecedented.

So even if Zuo Qingcang showed the terrible Divine Immortal method, they still chose to shoot.

The bullets came out of the barrel with sparks. Thousands of Qing troops surrounding Zuo Qingcang raised their guns at the same time. The intense gunshots of the cracks even squeezed the strong wind that had just scattered the last clouds. The smoke of gunpowder filled the nose of everyone.

But at the next moment, everyone’s eyes widened sharply, and they couldn’t believe it.

Thousands of bullets slowly decelerated until they could be seen by a naked eye, and finally floated quietly in front of Zuo Qingcang.

Zuo Qingcang’s palm slowly squeezed, all the bullets have been squeezed into a big head. With the finger of Zuo Qingcang moving, this big cricket, like a cannonball, directly hit it at dozens of times the speed of sound, and planted it on a mountain a few kilometers away.

The loud sound of hong long long came. With the mad shaking at the foot, the distant mountain peaks collapsed into a rolling stream moved towards all around roaring.

“God … Divine Immortal!”

“Da Xian lives, Da Xian lives!”

I don’t know who was the first to shout out, and a large number of Qing troops dropped the soil gun in their hands and fell to the ground. Like a large piece of wheat waiting to be harvested, lying on the ground trembled with the howling wind.

However, more people were shocked by the explosion and out of phase, yelled directly, fled their heads. Their IQ and city government simply cannot allow them to react correctly when they encounter such accidents. They can only run away like animals and flee anywhere they feel safe.


In the center of the rear army, a teenager came in directly, kneeling to the ground and shouting, “The queen queen … the emperor … the big … major event is not good.”

“What’s going on?” Said an old woman who looked senile, wearing a pink shirt and a splendid robe. She is the actual leader of the Qing Dynasty. Empress Dowager Cixi.

A young man wearing a yellow robe aside was panicked, and when they heard the gunshot and explosion just now, they thought that the Eight-Power Allied Forces had caught up.

I heard that it wasn’t the Eight-Power Allied Forces chasing after him, but an immortal who blocked the way, and flew hundreds of people in one breath, blocked thousands of people’s gunfire, and destroyed a few miles away. Hilltop.

Hearing this, Cixi’s heart is already unbearable, if not she had believed the wave of main battle factions in Imperial Court. Believing in the evil of the Boxer, I really thought that any impervious to sword or spear’s martial arts Magical Powers would have caused the Eight Kingdoms Allied Forces to enter Le Beijing.

When she heard that someone was trying to lie to herself with these shit, she had nowhere to go.

The Allied Powers of the Eight Kingdoms broke into Beijing. The Boxer Corps has been smashed. I have fled to Xi’an, Lafayette. Are you still lying to me?

Bullies are not so bullied.

After a while, Ci Xi’s face was sinking like water, and the gloomy was like dripping water.

Looking at the teenager who was reporting in front of her, she said coldly with a sneer: “Hundreds of people flew in one breath?”

“Can’t kill thousands of guns?”

Ci Xi said every word. His complexion was even more gloomy. The teenager complexion changed seemed to realize that he was wrong. He was about to explain, and saw his hand waving, “Left and right, take me down.”

“Just dare to bully the prince? I don’t know if I live or die.”

Seeing that the teenager was mourned and dragged down, Ci Xi closed her eyes with a sigh of anger.

“Divine Immortal? If there were Divine Immortal, how could my Qing dynasty …” Thinking of this, she was deeply sighed: “Oh …”

In any case, it doesn’t matter how much money is lost. This time, the anger of foreigners must be extinguished.

Just as Ci Xi was thinking about it like this, a sudden tremor came from the earth, as if there was something huge running up and down.



Cixi looked up, and a huge shadow shrouded the entire army near him. It was a giant giant composed entirely of granite, marble, earth, and mountain range.

The height of this giant is more than two hundred meters, the length of the feet is more than 20 meters, and one foot is mountains bursting and ground splitting, a house-sized giant pit.

Suddenly seeing this monster, the army protecting Cixi is not so elite, it collapsed in an instant.

“The mountain god grandfather is spared!”

“Fire and fire!”

Some people ran out crying, some knelt down and begged for mercy, and some people desperately shot with a soil gun.

The giant stepped out again and stepped directly on the ten meters position in front of Cixi. A loud bang and smoke assaults the senses directly overturned the soldiers all around.

Cixi and Emperor Guangxu were knocked to the ground, looking at the monster in front of them shivering.

Zuo Qingcang stood on the stone giant’s shoulder at this moment, looking coldly at the collapsed army.

With the slight wave of his palm, he was still in a mess, and the vocal army suddenly quieted down. Everyone found that their bodies had lost control. The ubiquitous force field wrapped them, suppressed them, and held them up. The position was motionless.

I can only watch the giant’s shoulders, a silhouette slowly falling down. (~ ^ ~)

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