Silent Killing

Chapter 813

Dark shadows flashed in an alley in London, and Zuo Qingcang stepped out.

There was muddy and moist air from the tip of the nose, and the road was under the gravel.

Looking at this one of the most prosperous cities in the world today, Zuo Qingcang is slightly frowned. This place, this 19oo London, is just a big countryside to him.

Wearing a black silk robe, Zuo Qingcang walked quietly on the streets of London, his eyes flashed with thoughtful thoughts, while True Yuan waves shot back and forth across the UK, collecting all kinds of information.

Britain, as the most powerful country in the world in 19oo, Zuo Qingcang came here. He strolled the streets, regardless of all around the strange eyes of people, while subconsciously collecting information about the entire London while thinking about other Things.

During this period of time, he did not just exhibit the new Beijing City. While trying to expand his power and preparing to unify the world, he also repeatedly studied the materials given to him by Bai Chou.

The experimental world in front of him is as real as he guessed, and it is also false.

This world, called the artificial God World, was known by another man named Domtrik.

The reason for the artificial God World was originally to pursue a realm called ‘ultimate’, so that the owners of the artificial God World can know everything in this world, omnipotent, everywhere.

But when this Ming was born, he was doomed to his own flaws. Because of the external interference, Domtrik could not reach omnipotent in the artificial God World, let alone outside this World.

But the artificial God World caught the attention of others and was eventually intended to be used elsewhere.

Some of the above information was disclosed in the data, and some were inferred by Zuo Qingcang, but in the end, artificial God World, which is exactly where it is now used, and today ’s tests are not something that Zuo Qingcang can infer. It is not mentioned in the whole information.

But there is no doubt about it. Artificial God World is extremely powerful. His Theory is based on four-dimensional matter in ordinary cosmic space to form the projection of the underlying world. Projection in turn combines high-dimensional world-level computers, and then directly manipulates one world through high-dimensional influence on low-dimensional worlds.

It is to affect the high dimension with a low dimension and operate the low dimension with a high dimension.

An inappropriate analogy is like a stack of newspapers that assumes two dimensions to form a three-dimensional robot. Using this three-dimensional robot to modify two-dimensional newspaper content.

This is tantamount to substantiating the pure material that has no consciousness, no cultivation, and no evolution, to the realm of high-dimensional life. It is a miracle creation.

But even in this metaphor, the number of newspapers is likely to be unlimited, let alone the difficulty of achieving this goal in reality.

So Theory sounds nonsense, and the architecture seems impossible. This is what Zuo Qingcang thinks of the artificial God World. It may also be because there is no more detailed theoretical guidance.

So Domtrik, the man of artificial God World, was kept in mind by Zuo Qingcang.

Zuo Qingcang is also hard to imagine, capable of operating a world of computers. It is even more difficult to imagine how complex a computer can be for high-dimensional combinations.

After knowing some simple theory, Zuo Qingcang originally hoped to use his own power to penetrate the weak spot of artificial God World and find a way to intervene in the dimension computer.

However, no matter how he uses quantum bubbles, entangled mimicry, and the existing ability of the left eye, he can no longer perform data operations like the previous one. It seems that the experimental party has filled the entire loophole.

So in the end, Zuo Qingcang still had to unify the world first. Then look for clues related to the left eye.

While Zuo Qingcang was thinking, a London policeman stopped him with a large face, his nose was raised high, and he looked at Zuo Qingcang from an overhead angle. While knocking on the black and hard truncheon in his hand, the police coldly said: “Yellow-skinned monkey, where did you come from?”

Zuo Qingcang frowned, True Yuan wave swept out, basically already understand what is going on.

Seeing Zuo Qingcang not speaking, he just thought that the other party didn’t speak English. Not sneer, said to the left right hand: “Search his body.”

A foreign student in a suit walked up the road and said, “Wait, why are you searching for him?” It was a London accent.

“and who are you?”

“I am an overseas student of the Qing Dynasty,” said the young man. “You have no right to search other people’s bodies.”

“Hmph.” The policeman struck the foreign student’s shoulder with a stick, and the foreign student screamed, and the big-nosed policeman followed him and knocked the other person to the ground. The Boxer Rebellion in China has recently risen, killing many Catholics, and even many foreigners have been killed.

Then the Allied Forces of the Eight Kingdoms broke into Beijing and Qing surrendered.

This makes the Chinese’s status in the UK lower, and it also makes many British people more hate and discriminate against the Chinese, thinking that the other side is brutally backward and will only be a terrorist attack.

Seeing the Chinese student lying on the ground grinning, the police grinned disdainfully, pointed at Zuo Qingcang with a truncheon and said, “Ms. There is a person nearby has stolen her wallet. I suspect you have something to do with this. He took off his clothes. “

All around the white people whispered, but in their eyes are the eyes of drama and gloating.

But … how about this.

Either the police, the international students, or the white people watching around. In Zuo Qingcang’s eyes, their material structure is not worth mentioning. Their sea of ​​consciousness is as small as saliva. What they think and do Nothing is meaningful.

So when looking at the policemen who came, Zuo Qingcang’s face did not change, his eyes did not change, and even his attention was not much on the other person’s body. He just shook his hands like a fly and the two policemen flew directly. When I went out, I didn’t know how many walls were broken and how many houses were broken, and the whole person became a mass of flesh and blood.

“Ah … ah … ah … ah …”

The big-nosed policeman with a big mouth watching Zuo Qingcang couldn’t say a word for a long time, just like seeing the scene of hell, the white people all around screamed and stepped back, just like the ebb tide, exposed instantly Make a large expanse of open space.

The policeman with a big nose who heard the scream reacted in an instant. In a panic, he pulled out his pistol and aimed at the position of Zuo Qingcang, shouting, “No movement, no movement, I’m going to shoot!”

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