Silent Killing

Chapter 814

But in the face of his loud shout, Zuo Qingcang didn’t even look at it, just raised his hands slightly, and the whole person was moved towards the sky.

Subconsciously, the big-nose policeman fired a shot. The bullet just shot out of the barrel of the gun, and then stood still in the air. Then, in the thrilling eyes of the big-nose policeman, the bullet turned slowly and aimed at his head.



On the other side, while British senior leaders were talking wildly about the incredible scene that they just saw, suddenly they felt the sky was dark at the same time, and there seemed to be something obscuring Supreme Yang.

“what happened?”

“Look at the window.”

His Excellency the British Prime Minister walked to the window sill and was immediately stunned by the sight in front of him. He opened his mouth and muttered: “This is … Marshal Sirte?”

A more than a hundred meters long shallow water gunboat lay horizontally in the sky, and it looked as if the ship really could fly, making people open their mouths and wondering what to say.

But the British Prime Minister knew that it was absolutely impossible for this shallow water gunship to fly. He muttered: “God, what is going on?”

At the same time, countless dark shadows suddenly appeared over the whole of London, and all British fleets, warships, and navies in the entire world were taken care of by Zuo Qingcang one after another.

He just went around Earth a few laps, put all the battleships into the imaginary space, and now appears to be swinging over London, watching these fleets float in the airspace of the British Empire, watching the street crowd crowd, facing Brits pointing out of the sky.

In 1900, the tonnage of the British navy was about 1,000,000 tons. Now, the 1,000,000 tons of navy was put directly above London by Zuo Qingcang and placed in front of everyone.

At this moment, the sound of unbroken stones and bricks came from Salisbury’s head. Everyone raised their heads and saw that the roof of the entire room cracked directly. Countless bricks and stones broke down and shattered. Then moved towards the sky.

Zuo Qingcang opened the roof of the other party easily, just like opening a box of cans. Come to the top of the British people.

“The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Salisbury?” Zuo Qingcang said in fluent English. Although it was a question, he looked at Salisbury in a positive tone.

“It’s me.” Salisbury is indeed the British Prime Minister. Facing such incredible things before him, he still kept his calmness: “Who are you? What do you want to do?”

“My name is Zuo Qingcang, the builder of the new Beijing.” Zuo Qingcang said: “Next, the entire world, the entire Earth. All people, all countries, all regions, every penny, every stone, every one Every second of a person belongs to me. “

“It’s ridiculous,” Salisbury said sarcastically, “the British Empire will not yield and it will not yield to violence.”

“If this is the case, then there is no reason for the British Empire to exist.” Zuo Qingcang indifferently said, and then saw that he hit a ring finger, and a naval ship had fallen from the sky.

bang! Every ship falls down. They will trample on a large group of buildings, and tens of thousands of people will be killed or injured in an instant. Even in Salisbury, countless buildings will collapse.

There was a moment of grief in London. But more importantly, at this moment, there was no longer a warship in Britain as a whole. Their naval strength jumped from one in the world to the weakest in the world.

Looking at Salisbury, who was pale in an instant, Zuo Qingcang directly ordered: “Next all governments around the world will receive my unified dispatch. Resisters, my army will set foot on their land.” Said him A satellite phone was taken from the imaginary space, and the satellite phone floated in front of Salisbury.

“This is a satellite phone. I will use this to contact you.”

Within a day, the horror of Zuo Qingcang had shrouded the entire world. It was not only London that had been hit by unprecedented air strikes, and the entire British Navy was destroyed.

Tokyo, Japan. Paris, France, Rome, Italy, every inch of land is filled with fear.

Zuo Qingcang announced his existence to the entire world without reservation, and then in the new Beijing, countless mechanical armies came out and moved towards the remaining forces of the entire Qing dynasty.

Originally each and everyone proclaimed Independence Noble. Under the attack of Gundam, Apocalypse Tank, Mecha Pikemen, Yamato Battleship, it is simply impossible to withstand a single blow.

The whole of China is unified at the fastest speed, and then more materials, more population, more resources represent more nano-robots, more factories, more weapons.

Next came Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, and Europe. The power of Zuo Qingcang continued to spread like a virus. Most countries did not even go to war. They immediately surrendered when they saw Zuo Qingcang’s army.

Even in a country like the UK threatened face-to-face by Zuo Qingcang, the high-level can’t raise any resistance at all, and only a few civilians at the bottom and Noble will want to resist.

But the weapons and military made by Zuo Qingcang in the new Beijing are simply not resistant to any country in this era.

It takes more time than defeating the army of all nations, accepting the local government, maintaining rule, and suppressing the mob. After all, even the best fighters have to eat and drink Lazarus, and they have the opportunity to be attacked by the ubiquitous people.

Tens of millions and hundreds of millions of people are not afraid of death. Perhaps with the passage of time, after these resistances have been suppressed again and again, the world will truly unify.

However, Zuo Qingcang himself did not have much interest in the war of aggression. After destroying the main military forces of the world’s major powers and terrorizing all governments at one time, he allowed the army to siege the city. He is collecting and directing the Intelligence Section to collect all the information related to the left eye.

Myths, extraordinary life, legends related to the left eye, supernatural phenomena, unknown ancient ruins.

All these related messages were conveyed to Zuo Qingcang in layers.

The power of the state machine is indeed extremely powerful. In just half a month, countless intelligences were sent to Zuo Qingcang. After the staff confirmed the authenticity of the information, a precious piece of information finally appeared. In front of Zuo Qingcang.

A few days ago, a group of soldiers were assembled, heading to a hidden village in the southwest.

The residents in the township closest to the hidden village do not know much about the village in the deep mountain, but they occasionally meet some people in the mountain, and they are sometimes divine, and these people say that they come from the village in the mountain, which is called trouble village .

After receiving this information, a team of soldiers armed with outer skeletons and armed with Gauss rifles who had undergone neurotransformation surgery went into the mountains after receiving the news and was responsible for exploring the village.

But only a few days later, they only returned to one person, and now the man who was full of injuries and had some consciousness appeared in front of Zuo Qingcang.

Holding his chin and looking at the man who has fallen into a coma, Zuo Qingcang put one hand on the other’s head and read the other’s brain directly by reading various electrical signals, chemical reactions, and physical changes in the other’s brain. Memory in the brain.

This is the first time he has done so.

But after the combat experience of the last world, the material manufacturing experience during this time, his power has not changed much, but the manipulation, analysis, and calculation capabilities have obviously increased.

So a moment later, Zuo Qingcang opened his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

‘It’s here. ‘

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