Silent Killing

Chapter 823

The artificial intelligence of these bodies is far beyond the intelligence of Infinite Star. It does not require too much intervention by Zuo Qingcang. It only needs to arrange tasks by himself, and his replicas can conduct research autonomously.

A Zuo Qingcang sits cross-legged, with his eyes closed, while copying the super-intelligent code in the artificial God World, while thinking about its meaning and characteristics.

A Zuo Qingcang came to Jupiter’s great erythema, his skin kissed a supersonic hurricane, and his throws a punch had changed the storm environment of Jupiter.

Then a trick such as Cold Light Sword, soul exchange script, vertical sky and so on were subtly performed by Peak’s martial arts tricks, which was constantly revising and tempering his Martial Dao will.

A Zuo Qingcang’s body exploded and turned into countless particles that moved towards the sky and shot out. Without naked eyes, countless microscopic experiments are in progress.

By copying his own code, Zuo Qingcang uses his own copy to perform martial arts and refine all aspects of Taoism.

This is equivalent to speeding up his learning speed countless times.

Under such circumstances, more and more regions and the world were occupied by the army of machines under Zuo Qingcang one after another.

But with the exception of the original 1900 world, every other world was met with fierce resistance.

According to the calculations of ultra-dimensional computers, I am afraid that eight of these worlds can only be suppressed within 100 years and cannot be occupied.

That’s obviously backed by artificial intelligence.

“where are you?”

Finally, a long time later, Zuo Qingcang’s eyes opened sharply, while the other replicas were still immersed in their own world.

“Got you.”

The next moment, the flash of Zuo Qingcang silhouette, has crossed the endless void to another world.

There are martial artists in the sky fighting metal giant dragons.

On the burning plain, countless soldiers stepped into the army and slaughtered with Gundam soldiers.

Blocks of palaces, tall buildings are burning and falling down.

And in the sky farther away, more than a dozen men or women, old or young, each throws a punch, the mountains are broken, and every step is cracked. Between the swords, there was a thunderbolt tearing the atmosphere, and the fires burned the river.

But even so, under the siege of hundreds of mercury golems. They are still firmly suppressed, and they seem to collapse anytime, anywhere.

This is a world being attacked by Zuo Qingcang, a world where everyone cultivates martial arts and condenses Martial Dao Magical Powers.

Looking at the scene of Doomsday in front of him, Zuo Qingcang did not react at all. It was a slight change in face and body shape, which had been disguised as another look.

At this time, he looked thin and weak, his clothes were ragged, and there were several abrasions, which made him feel like a refugee.

But I am afraid that most of the whole world at this moment are like this ghost.

Searching for the location of artificial intelligence has been interrupted, but in more than 8 manual God Worlds, there is still a strong resistance.

Being able to continue to resist under the metal virus of Zuo Qingcang, the artificial intelligence is obviously behind the opponent, so he just hides, and not at all gives up.

“But he doesn’t seem to want to go against me.”

“And where he finally disappeared. It was this destination for the pair.”

Zuo Qingcang turned his head and saw a team of people rushing on the road in the distance, stepping out a distance of more than 20 meters, obviously all of them are Lightweight Art successful, outstanding legs.

At the data level, neither artificial intelligence nor Zuo Qingcang can completely hide their existence, because it is real and unobstructed.

On the physical side of the artificial God World, it can be perfectly hidden by data operations for remote operations.

“Look for it.”

next moment. In the entire Martial Dao world, there are countless replicas of Zuo Qingcang coming down, turning into various figures.

Among the people and horses in the distance, the woman headed by the wind and dust was full of compassion. Looking at the scene in front of Doomsday, he sighed deeply.

Just then, she saw Zuo Qingcang on the side of the road, waved her hands suddenly, and the crowd stopped immediately.

A total of 12 people looked at Zuo Qingcang alertly, and the woman head asked, “Boy. Which Sect are you from?”

Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “Tonghe faction.”

Woman frowned: “Tonghe faction is Qing State number one Great Sect. Why are you alone?”


The woman heard this and looked at the miserable Zuo Qingcang in front of her. Somehow her nose was sour, and she sighed, “Now Demon is raging. Come with us.”

“Senior Sister!” Said a teenager on the side. “This person’s origin is unknown, how can he let him join casually.”

“Well, I have my own sense of this matter.” Flying Sword sent Big Senior Sister He Yuhua to Zuo Qingcang and said, “Boy, if you want to survive, you will restrain your hands and we can take you away.”

Then, she put a bunch of cents at the feet of Zuo Qingcang. The rope was made of the ribs and metal of several kinds of strange animals. of.

Obviously, the master of this World Martial Dao is the same as the Void Refining powerhouse of the main universe, which can influence the existence of the physical world by means of Spiritual Will.

Seeing the bundle of cents under his feet, Zuo Qingcang picked it up and tied his hands three or two times.

He Yuhua said nodded, “Aniu, go up and tighten him.”

A big man walked up, and the young man who spoke out earlier, He Yuhua’s Junior Brother Xie Wei said, “Aiu, hurry up, some of those Demons can be transformed into Shape Transformation and disguised as others.”

This Anniu was nodded, and he tied Zuo Qingcang’s arms together. The muscles were slightly deformed.

Zuo Qingcang’s face also revealed a painful expression in a timely manner.

“Well, let’s go, Aniu, you carry him.”

Aniu hugged Zuo Qingcang horizontally, and behind him, a crowd of horses flew up again.

I don’t know if it was because of the stranger relationship of Zuo Qingcang, and everyone on the road didn’t talk anymore.

After more than half an hour, Xie Wei came behind Aniu, fiercely glared at Zuo Qingcang, and said in a low voice: “Boy, I don’t care if you are a Tonghe sect, you have to be careful with me, because I am behind Keep staring at you, if you let me know that you have any bad eyes, you are dead. “

After warning Zuo Qingcang, Xie Wei left a little further.

All the way, there were no people. A crowd of people ran at a high speed. After an hour, they reached their destination. Spirit Mountain, Julongtang, the base camp of the Great Sect Alliance at this moment.

But He Yuhua and the others were stopped.

Two disciples at the foot of Wan Spiritual Mountain stopped the crowd and said: “There are too many civilians fleeing everywhere. Today, Wan Spirit Mountain is overcrowded and no longer accepts passengers. Some of them live at the foot of the mountain.”

“The foot of the mountain?” He Yuhua and the others turned their heads and looked towards the official roads and woods behind. At this time they were already full of refugees from the vast crowd. These people stayed on the plain surrounded by Spirit Mountain all around, as if forming each and everyone village and villa. (~ ^ ~)

PS: After another busy day, I can only write two chapters. The remaining three chapters can only be filled next week.

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