Silent Killing

Chapter 824

Now let He Yuhua live in this kind of refugee area. They are definitely unwilling to do so, and if those demons from outside the world kill it, this refugee area will bear the brunt of it, it is just natural cannon fodder.

But no matter what Yu Yuhua said to them, the two guards did not agree to let the team enter. The Xie Wei was angry and said a few more obnoxious words, so the two guards quit, their attitude was even worse, and He Yuhua and the others immediately got out.

As the Flying Sword sent Big Senior Sister, when did He Yuhua suffer from this kind of anger, but now Demon is in authority, the form is stronger than people, and she can’t help her.

She could only whisper and said in a low voice: “Two big brothers, you help, Wan Spiritual Mountain is so big, it won’t be worse than ours, we will squeeze together and it won’t cause any trouble. Tribute. “Then she took a gold ingot from her arms and quietly handed it up.

Xie Wei over there was so angry that he wanted to curse, but He Yuhua stared back.

“Forget it, now you want to buy us with money?” These guards shouted loudly, apparently made up their minds to get stuck He Yuhuaentire group, and immediately ushered in the attention of all around people, dozens of waiters around Under the watchful eyes of the refugees, the refugees, and the guards, He Yuhua’s hand holding the gold ingot stopped embarrassingly in midair, neither stretched nor closed.

Just then, a white clothed Young Master came over: “What’s going on? I don’t know if the foot of the mountain welcomes the monument should be noisy? Are you all doing and so on?”

He stared fiercely at He Yuhua’s entire group, and the guard shouted, “Master Jin, they are the ones who want to storm. I said there is no space on the mountain, and I want to spend money on me.”

“The scum, the host said long ago that Spiritual Mountain stopped picking people up the mountain. Who is so ignorant of life and death?” He shouted loudly, and was about to be ordered to beat people out, but saw He Yuhua, head, his eyes bright “He Young Lady? How are you?”

“Eh …” He Yuhua froze for a moment before responding, and said, “Jin Young Master?”

There was a hint of unpleasant expression on Kim Young Master’s face, but he was well hidden. Just watching all around more and more people, he whispered to He Yuhua and said, “He Young Lady, let’s go and talk.”

He Yuhua looked at the crowd around all around, nodded without expression.

The guard over there looked pale, knowing that the card was wrong, and the other party even knew Master Jin.

In the grove aside, King Young Master slightly smiled, and he thought he was quite graceful at this time. What I want is the Big Senior Sister He Yuhua from Flying Sword, and I can’t help but feel slightly proud.

Before you were aloof and remote in front of me. But now the Flying Sword sends Peak masters to be killed by Demon. Only three or two of your big cats and kittens are left, but I am the director of Spiritual Mountain, and some are when you ask for me.

Thinking of this, the smile on his face grew brighter.

He Yuhua over there said politely to the Jin Young Master: “Jin Young Master, I wonder if you can help us to take the Spirit Mountain? Will be very grateful.”

The Jin Young Master groaned for a while, and several people from the Flying Sword around asked for it, and even Xie Wei resolved her and the others’ embarrassment before seeing each other. A few compliments followed.

Kim Young Master hasn’t changed much on the surface, but his heart is secretly relaxed. Suddenly she opened her mouth, but she looked towards Zuo Qingcang on the back of Aniu.

“This little brother has been seriously injured?” Why is Kim Young Master also a manager of Spiritual Mountain? Naturally, he can see that there is no injury on the other side, and that both arms are tied up with ropes, obviously there is something wrong.

Aniu said directly, “He picked it up on our way.”

“Pick it up?” An Niu’s heart went straight, but He Yuhua over there was too late to stop it. I can only smile bitterly and say what happened on the road.

After knowing this, King Young Master shook his head like a rattle and said, “I can arrange for you to go up, but once such a person who cannot prove his identity is found, then I will be passive. . “

Xie Wei said first: “That’s no problem, you don’t have to take him up, Senior Sister, we saved him to Spiritual Mountain.

He Yuhua sighed in a low voice. She was pure in nature. Although she wanted to take Zuo Qingcang to go up the mountain together, she couldn’t say the words when she looked at the eyes that looked at her.

“It’s okay, I’ll leave on my own.” Just then, Zuo Qingcang said vocally.

This time He Yuhua had no excuses to say anything, but he could only let Aniu loose him. Looking at the other person’s sad appearance, Xie Wei dismissed: “Pretend.”

Zuo Qingcang was only looking for a superficial channel to come to Spiritual Mountain. His real purpose was to secretly find the existence of artificial intelligence.

Watching Zuo Qingcang go away, everyone was a little embarrassed at first, but was immediately attracted by the information in the mouth of Jin Young Master.

“At present, the three mountains and the five veterans have already shot, and the army of the Demon of the Other World is blocked by the other side of the Shuangchuan River.

“Really?” He Yuhua excitedly said: “So to speak, is counter-offense expected?”

No one likes to leave their hometown, especially the enemy who was forced to leave by the extinct extinguish sect. Hearing the news, other people in the Flying Sword group were also excited.

Kim Young Master saw what they longed for, flirted with thoughts, and then told what he knew.

“The counterattack is not that simple. The number of these demon demons is endless, and the Three Mountains and Five Elders have only temporarily blocked them. Therefore, Spiritual Mountain has to convene martial arts colleagues, but now they have identified some of their weaknesses, and senior alliance leaders A counterattack is being planned. “

Kim Young Master talked bluntly, watching all around the worship and excited eyes, even if he knew that these feelings were not for himself, there is a sense of satisfaction.

At the moment, they talked for more than an hour, and King Young Master quit, and agreed with He Yuhua to pick them up when no one noticed at 12pm.

What he had in mind was waiting until the mountain, Flying Sword sent these guys not to let him rub.

Time passed and it was midnight. The entire group followed Jin Young Master to a remote mountainside mountain road. Jin Young Master pointed to the front and said, “You do n’t want to make a sound later. Now martial law on the mountain is very difficult to deal with, I Taking you up is also under great pressure. “

Xie Wei said with a grateful face: “Jin big brother, this time it is many thanks to you, if not for you …”

“Well, it’s okay. I know a little bit about the old hero. This is what I should do.”

At this moment, there were sudden noises in the sky. Kim Young Master and the others looked up and saw that a huge quantum transmission gate appeared over Wan Spiritual Mountain somehow.

The army of machinery hiding the sky and covering the earth rushed out, and as soon as the road surface, thousands of plasma cannons washed the ground.

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