Silent Killing

Chapter 849

Miao flashed on his face: “Aunt ants, do you really understand the situation in front of you?” He patted it with a palm of his hand, and directly blasted the ground in the far away into a large bottomless hole with the most hands and feet Ground, tearing the ground directly into a canyon of hundreds of kilometers.

The airflow generated by these two blows directly swept the entire new continent. Countless mountain peaks were shredded by the shock waves formed by the hurricane. City-wide mountain ranges were swept directly into the sky and moved towards outer space.

This destructive power of terrifying matchless with two hits, just the aftermath, will probably have a huge impact on Earth in the next tens of thousands of years.

After punching and kicking, Miao looked at Zuo Qingcang, and he roared: “Are you a fool? I can crush you to death, and you can only stand there stupidly, you are … uh … . “

A thump sounded like a thunderbolt. When the sound moved towards all around and spread out, Zuo Qingcang had chopped off the huge head of Miao in front of him with a knife.

With the help of Lichang, he gently lifted Miao’s huge head with one hand, and it looked like a rat holding a watermelon as a twist.

Then he pointed with his finger moved towards the ground, and Miao’s huge body had already banged directly. As a rocket, he burrowed into the ground. Under the power of Zuo Qingcang, this remains would be squeezed all the way. Go to the deepest part of the earth’s center, and then re-erupt all your own energy, just like a pacemaker, reignite the entire earth’s center and return all the energy of Earth.

“What am I at all?” Zuo Qingcang finished all of this, and looked at the stagnant Miao in front of him, and asked.

“You … are too strong,” Miao said dullly.

Zuo Qingcang indifferently said: “Now, before you die, tell me a little bit about everything you know and why you came here.”

Miao’s brain started to run wild. Everything has only one goal, and that is to do everything possible to live, we must live. But how can we survive this monster’s hands?

“That question before him.”

“This guy should have something to do with Earth, and whoever of Titan Star is.”

“The most critical part of the problem. Here it is. I killed so many people. It is absolutely impossible for him to forgive me casually.”

With the crazy operation of the brain, a flash of light suddenly appeared in Miao’s consciousness, and he blurted out: “Do you want to resurrect the people on these two planets?”

“En?” Zuo Qingcang’s eyes narrowed slightly and said, “Resurrection? What kind of resurrection are you talking about? If it’s cloning, regenerating, reshaping. Reorganization, then there is no need to say.”

Zuo Qingcang can certainly resurrect the dead human beings. As long as he turns on the Devil state and starts to use Taoism to interfere with the micro world, he can reorganize many *, and can also create a large number of humans.

But this so-called “resurrection” is not a real resurrection at all. Even if they have the same body and the same memory, they are all different people.

However, after hearing what Zuo Qingcang said, Miao said anxiously: “No. This is not the method, but to turn the time back and return these humans to their original state of resurrection.”

Hear what Miao said. Zuo Qingcang froze a little and said, “parallel world? Parallel universe? Back to the past?”

If you go back to the past, the current Zuo Qingcang may not be able to do it, as long as you find the nodes of the past time in countless parallel worlds, of course, there are many technical problems that need to be solved.

But don’t forget that Zuo Qingcang now has an artificial God World. He can completely give instructions in the artificial God World and let the hyperdimensional computer help him design a time shuttle.

After all, with the data and computing power of a hyperdimensional computer, his scientific research ability is really too strong.

But even if the time line is really shuttled, that’s just going back in time. Forking a new timeline at the past time point, creating another parallel world.

So-called resurrected people. It is just the Earth people of other parallel worlds, and the world where Zuo Qingcang is now will not change. Such a so-called resurrection. It is also something that Zuo Qingcang does not look at. This is not a real resurrection.

And hearing this question from Zuo Qingcang, Miao was excited: “No, not by modifying the parallel world, it is a real retrograde.”

“Real time?” Zuo Qingcang’s brows frowned: “Did the entropy decrease?”

“We don’t know the specific theory, but there is such a rumor.” Miao said: “Among the top five lords in the Star River God and Demon Ranking, there is a person who holds the Divine Item that can reverse regional time. The real countercurrent of time will reverse the photons, shrink the universe, and reduce entropy. “

When Zuo Qingcang heard such a large amount of information, he slightly startedled, and he directly contacted the artificial God World: “Time goes backwards, three months.”

As expected from Zuo Qingcang, it failed. But it’s not that artificial God World can’t, it’s not enough energy.

Even if it is just the area of ​​a planet in the 1900 world, the energy required to reverse time is an astronomical figure. Zuo Qingcang didn’t know whether a complete hyperdimensional computer was enough, but at least the permissions he had, he couldn’t do it at all.

He is even countless times more energy than Universe Great Explosion creates a universe.

Zuo Qingcang looked towards Miao said, “Do you know how much energy is needed to reverse time?”

“I know, I certainly know.” Miao said, “But that’s just a known, theoretical method. No one knows exactly how that Divine Item was done, which itself violates the laws of physics.”

“Does it violate the laws of physics?” Zuo Qingcang squinted his eyes, and then said, “Tell me what the Star River God and Demon Ranking is all about.”

The name of the so-called Star River God and Demon Ranking is naturally a translation of Chinese. His specific name can be summarized as the ‘battle strength rankings represented by the powerful individual races in the universe’.

To know the vastness of the universe is almost endless. Even if an ordinary person spends all his energy to explore, he cannot go to every place. And in this vast universe, there are more than just two races, human and green.

In the Milky Way galaxy alone, its diameter exceeds 12000 light-years, and its center thickness is 12000 light-years. The entire galaxy has more than 1000 billion stars, of which there are more than XNUMX civilizations, and this number changes almost every day. .

However, it was originally restricted by the development of science and technology and aerospace, and the universe was too vast. It would take more than hundreds of years to fly from the Milky Way to the other end even the most advanced subspace spaceship, which limited the territory of civilization. , The way of domination and the form of war.

But I don’t know when, the technology of High Dimensional Battleship appeared and gradually popularized in all major advanced civilizations. The distance in space was shortened infinitely. Even outside the Milky Way, communication between different river systems became extremely fast.

It is also because the deployment of point-to-point space is extremely simple. The existence of High Dimensional Battleship makes any planet fortress, Mecha armed, and the space fleet become meaningless, because no matter how many troops are in front of you, High Dimensional Battleship can directly pass the army and directly The army is placed in the core area of ​​the opponent, such as in front of all the highest leadership, such as the mother star of the entire civilization, such as the storage place of core technology.

The significance of the number and scope of troops has been continuously reduced.

As a result, the form of war changed, with thousands of galaxies and countless civilizations undergoing drastic changes.

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