Silent Killing

Chapter 850

What is High Dimensional Battleship.

According to Miao’s complaint, their so-called High Dimensional Battleship is not a so-called narrow battleship in the traditional sense, but a different dimension in a high dimension.

Life travels through this dimension. The whole process is from any point in the universe to the High Dimensional Battleship, and then from the High Dimensional Battleship to any point in the universe.

Of course, the premise is to have sufficient energy and specific cosmic coordinates. Being in high dimensions, he can hardly be destroyed or destroyed. The existence of this battleship can be described as a war mode that completely subverts most civilizations.

In the usual battles, every planetary system and even every planet needs a large fleet, and the army guards it. Because no matter how powerful creatures or even powerful weapons can’t cross the Star River at will, they can come to fight on any planet at will.

Even subspace flight must comply with the Gravitation Force constraints in many planetary systems, and even if subspace flight exceeds the speed of light, it is still too slow and too slow for cosmic scale distances.

And High Dimensional Battleship takes only one second from one end of the galaxy to the other. He pulled into the distance between the universe and shortened the space on the battlefield.

At the beginning, major civilizations regarded the High Dimensional Battleship as the best bomber, and they used a variety of kinetic energy bombs, high temperature bombs, electromagnetic bombs, biochemical weapons and other weapons to directly use the High Dimensional Battleship on their opponent’s planet. Within the fleet.

In the beginning, this worked, High Dimensional Battleship created a state where opponents can only be beaten and not fight back.

But if two civilizations also have a High Dimensional Battleship, they bombard each other. Intelligence warfare has become the most important thing, where is the other party ’s command, where is the other ’s senior leadership, and where is the other ’s arsenal.

At this time, various agent units. Spying weapons are getting more and more attention.

Some civilizations began to value the power of individuals in order to make progress in espionage work and local conflicts.

This situation did not change qualitatively until a Blitzkrieg. A powerful combat team, under the leadership of an Invincible powerhouse, invaded dozens of planets in a few hours by the High Dimensional Battleship, and directly defeated a civilization. .

For the first time, Extraordinary Life has completely changed the course of a war. Not just a battle.

The results of this battle shocked countless people and gave them greater inspiration.

It is not the quantity that determines the ultimate victory, but the quality.

No matter how many, in the face of High Dimensional Battleship’s high-powered machines, as long as they can’t stop the opponent’s ace, they can only watch their planets burned into glass.

For a sufficiently powerful individual, even knowing the coordinates will not help, ordinary attacks are invalid, not to mention that the opponent can use High Dimensional Battleship to leave at any time. To make matters worse, the opponent can hide in any corner at any time waiting for an attack.

This is undoubtedly a very scary thing.

So in Early-Stage chaos, the High Dimensional Battleship began to be more and more abused. The horror powerhouses of countless civilizations run rampant above the stars, putting their will above the lives of countless lives.

In the past, although their power was strong, because of the distance of the starry sky, their influence was too limited, far less than being able to cover the sky. Cosmic battleships for subspace navigation and light speed strikes are useful.

But now, one civilization confronts another. If both have a High Dimensional Battleship, if a civilization does not have the ability to fight each other’s most powerhouse, then losing this war has become inevitable.

Gradually, the worship of individual power has reached an extreme, which has also caused many civilizations to consume most of their resources to enhance their individual battle strength.

Of course, the universe is big. There are many civilizations, and the situation is different in each place.

Some are the most powerhouses that rule the entire civilization, take control of the High Dimensional Battleship, and consume all resources to serve themselves.

Some civilizations have the same average individual strength, and they are still the political structure of the past. But it took a lot of resources to build a strongest super weapon, such as a super robot as the final weapon.

Some civilizations have strong personal battle strength, but they do not have High Dimensional Battleship. They may be gathered by other civilizations with High Dimensional Battleship, which is called a loose alliance.

There are also some super civilizations that are extremely jealous of individual powerhouses, either by means of control, or by dividing High Dimensional Battleship and super individuals, so that those individuals absolutely do not have any authority to control hyperdimensional battleships.

Whether it is a super-dimensional battleship or a super-strong individual, it is a Great Killing Artifact that changes history. It is also two things that can restrain each other and balance each other. Therefore, different civilizations also have different coping methods.

Over time, it is difficult to say how many years have passed. After countless civilizations have been destroyed and countless galaxies are dying, most civilizations have gradually changed their fighting methods.

Since the outcome of a battle depends mainly on the confrontation between the strongest trumps, why not stop the war and switch to a duel? After all, if the war continues, the existence of High Dimensional Battleship is too destructive.

It doesn’t take decades or even hundreds of years for you to kill each other, but directly arrange the strongest ace of the two sides for a duel, and the winner is the side that won the war.

Of course, from the birth to the present, this rule has been tested again and again and has undergone numerous modifications.

Until now, the Supreme Council, a huge organization with more than one million members across hundreds of galaxies, has become the defender and enforcer of this duel treaty.

The victory or defeat of the war is determined by the victory and defeat of the powerhouse, and the Star Strength and Demon Ranking, a ranking of the battle strength of the individual civilizations, is born.

Being able to stand out among millions of people, the powerhouse on this list is naturally unparalleled.

The top XNUMX of Star River God and Demon Ranking are eligible for the Supreme Council.

The top 100 in the Star River God and Demon Ranking became permanent members of the Supreme Council.

Undoubtedly, the 100 people standing in the Peak of the entire universe even surpass the concept of the so-called Fiendgod. Each single thought head and each will will cross countless starry sky, affecting hundreds, thousands and even counts. The life of millions of civilizations.

“What about the Star River God and Demon Ranking …” Zuo Qingcang’s brain slowly flashed through the concept. Just listening to the background of the Supreme Council is enough to understand how heavy this list is.

And the top five characters on this list will be how powerful, it is unimaginable.

“How do you rank this list? Play it once a year?” Zuo Qingcang asked.

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