Silent Killing

Chapter 942

The Lord of the Moons gritted his teeth and said, “What about the others? Are they not ready yet?”

His heart sank as he watched the Supreme Council’s fleet and the forces of various member states one by one be destroyed by Zuo Qingcang.

His men said, “Sir, they seem”

The heart of Lun Yuezhi was sinking again. From the perspective of Xuanwang, it really turned out that the thing he was most worried about was born. The major powerhouses on the Fiendgod list, when Zuo Qingcang just said the declaration of the Destruction Universe, he was still fighting. Intent’s flourishing powerhouse? At this moment, watching the live broadcast that looks like the world collapses and the battlefield of the universe’s destruction, all are silent.

With the exception of a small number of people, most Supreme Council fighters have completely lost their fighting intent.

It was a battle of a different dimension. They rushed to it, let alone increase the winning percentage, and it was impossible even to delay time.

This is not a question of courage or not, but a question that is no longer meaningful.

The Lord of the Full Moon itself has realized this, and at this time, their influence on the outcome of this battle has been minimal.

Just then, the door of a High Dimensional Battleship opened on the battlefield.

“What? Who passed?”

“Hurry up and check your connection history.”

“Um yes”

At this moment, a voice rang in the mind of the Lord of the Moon: “Moon, let your people pull away.”

“I see.” The Lord of the Moon Moon was nodded, looked at the sound in the picture, could not help but said, “If he is also on, maybe it really is OK”

At the same time, Zuo Qingcang relies on light thinking, and the pursuit is getting closer and closer to the three people who fled. At the next moment, the three sons of Yan Mo Holy Son stepped out of the gate of the High Dimensional Battleship again. Only huge palms have been moved towards them.

At this moment, Zuo Qingcang once again showed his absolute power of dominating the universe and the vanity first.

It was still a light blow, so that the three people, Yan Mo Holy Son, could not react at all.

Three palms in a row. It was printed on the heads of the three of them separately, Yan Son Holy Son was not injured, Parosas’s head cracked a huge crack, and the entire head was almost divided into two. Madiri’s upper body disappeared, and the dead could not die anymore.

At the same time, the distance of several light years into a chaos, all the Electromagnetic Force, Gravitation Force, are powerful. The weak forces are all offset, strengthened, and agitated by the explosion of Zuo Qingcang’s three palms. All kinds of basic particles are cooked into a pot of chaos, which also makes all the laws of the universe ineffective here, and even reverses chaos.

Yan Mo Holy Son looked at Madiri, who was gradually extinguishing the flames, and Parosas, who was almost unconscious with a single palm, put out a breath and asked: “Zongzong, if you don’t come out again, I There is no guarantee of how long I can stay there. “

“Persist, strong support has arrived.”

“Say something to help” Just as Yan Mo Holy Son complained, there was a scene called Gods Vestige beside him. Madilly, who should have died, his head flew up again.

Parosas, who had fallen into a blank consciousness, filled his eyes with a huge crack on his head and quickly recovered again.

“Treatment? Fast rebirth? Isn’t it all this stuff?” For a long time, Yan Mo, Holy Son, who has learned about abnormalities, suddenly saw the difference: “This stuff is in the past.”

“It does not follow the conservation of energy at all, does not conform to quantum theory, that is, there is no flow, and no new parallel world was born, and where did the monster come from?”

Just as Yan Mo Holy Son was thinking about this, a silhouette slowly came out of the light door of High Dimensional Battleship. At first glance it was a whole body purple monster with limbs like tentacles.

Fiendgod is second and Time Lord.

The Lord of Time looked at Zuo Qingcang, laughed and said, “hmph. The four strongest people in the universe, I can’t take this sentence as I haven’t heard it.”

Looking at the fully restored Madiri and Parosas, at this time Zuo Qingcang did not do it again, but just looked at the four people and said, “Yes, you who have the ability to go back in time are indeed enough to be side by side with them. Call it It ’s the top five in the universe, but if you do n’t use this ability, even if I ca n’t find you easily, are you planning to fight with me now? ”

“Zuo Qingcang, if you just want to destroy a country, a certain race, or even the Supreme Council, I can ignore it, but I can’t just ignore things like Destruction Universe.”

Zuo Qingcang faintly smiled: Just looking for you. “

As the two talked, Holy Son on the other side roared in the mysterious web: “Hey, why is Time for this great killing artifact just used now, so why not talk so much? We three together On, temporarily entangle Zuo Qingcang, and you flow him back to before he was ten years old. “

“Idiot, I have been able to do this long ago.” Time Lord scolded mercilessly in Xuanwang: “My ability can only allow an area to be up to three days ago, and has extremely high quality .

The more time goes by the larger mass, the more it consumes me.

Aggregates of such high quality as Zuo Qingcang, I couldn’t make him go back in time, or even use the ability to him, I was killed by the backlash myself. “

“Okay three, I want to remind you.” Zong Zong’s voice sounded again: “Zuo Qingcang is not using High Dimensional Battleship, but some kind of ability he has cultivated for long-distance combat.

I haven’t seen what the specific theory of this ability is, but the light gate just installed has already obtained some results.

Although it is very small, his distance over a long distance after 0.10 million light years is not instantaneous, and it will consume about one ten thousandth of a second to XNUMX% of a second. “

“Got it.”

while speaking, the battle is starting again, but this time is completely different from what it was just now. With the addition of Time Lord Time Lord, this time the battlefield is still jumping continuously in the universe, but Madiri and Parosas But it is no longer powerless.

Booming, Madrid was chased directly by the light gate, and came to the other end of the universe 127 billion light years away.

After a distance of 10,000,000,000 light years, even if Zuo Qingcang exerts the power of Immortal One Thought, it takes 10% seconds.

For ordinary people, the difference of 10% seconds is just no effort for a blink of an eye, but for Parosas, Madiri and the others, 10% seconds is enough to make them smooth and Zuo Qingcang only See the response gap.

I saw the light door constantly flashing. Each time he was attacked by the violence of Zuo Qingcang, he would send Madiri and Parosas to the Lord of Time to receive the healing of time.

Then within 10% of a second, before Zuo Qingcang arrives, the Time Lord will be sent to the other end of the universe by High Dimensional Battleship again at 10,000,000,000 light years.

If hide and seek in the same battle. Yan Mo Holy Son, Parosas, and Madilly battled into a group. Although they would always be easily defeated, with the time lord’s ability to go to the past, they stood up again and again.

From the point of view of the live broadcast, it is equal to countless of them fighting in the universe. Because the destruction and images of their battles are constantly spreading in the universe with light, they will not be seen by countless civilizations astronomically until hundreds of millions of years later.

This has turned into a battle that destroys billions of years later. Their power swept through the void, and even has terrifying effects on the spaceships and civilizations passing by hundreds of millions of years later.

In this battle, Yan Son Holy Son has not been injured from beginning to end. With the ability to be immune to almost all attacks, even if his response sometimes cannot keep up, he can be directly launched through High Dimensional Battleship again and again. Blocked in Parosas. In front of Madiri or the Lord of Time.

Bursting or devouring Madilly several times in a row, but watching him appear in front of him, Zuo Qingcang coldly smiled: “It’s not a good habit to slap in the dark.”

While speaking, he once again pointed out that the target of this time was the Holy Demon Yan Son who had just hit one in the light gate.

In the horrible explosion of crackle, the space is broken, this finger of Time Freeze, Zuo Qingcang, is equivalent to smashing all the space and time, and the force passes by. All the laws of the universe have disappeared and become the final chaos.

Yan Mo Holy Son’s body paused for a second and was about to move again, but now he fought with a finger.

Repeated attacks hit him repeatedly. Time Freeze is no time, space is broken, there is no space, and the holy son of the demon Yan Son is hit by a series of beatings. The whole body can hardly move at all, and it is completely in a state of rigidity.

Xi Zong’s heart jumped: “Has it been cracked?”

The next moment, the evil smile spread from the corner of his mouth.

“That’s for sure. How can Zuo Qingcang now not be able to crack the ability of Yan Mo Holy Son.”

The territory of Hundred Year Empire where Yan Son Holy Son is located is reflected in the occupation of time. They divided 100 years into 100 sites, taking away part of the continuity of time, leaving only the information that they want to spread in time. Flowing in the river.

The ultimate Martial Dao of Yan Mo Holy Son is called a second life, which is to divide his life according to seconds, and each second time becomes a separate Yan Mo Holy Son.

This second is dead, the next one is still alive, this second Yan Mo Holy Son, just transfers all his own memories to the next second Yan Mo Holy Son, but other information is passed by Yan Mo Holy Son With Supreme Martial, the power of Void Refining is stripped from the long river of time.

So no matter what kind of injury, it ’s just that this second Yan Yan Holy Son is injured, and the next second Yan Mo Holy Son is still intact.

Each second of the Yan Mo Holy Son is a continuous round in this second forever. They accept the memory of the previous second and then pass it on to the memory of this second of the next second.

Life in a second, grasp now, Eternal Undying, Myriad Tribulations Inextinguishable, and theoretically Undying and Inextinguishable, even if lifespan is exhausted, it can only continue this state to the later timeline, but it will always live in countless seconds. A god-like martial arts that can almost never be killed.

In order to practice this martial arts, Holy Devil Holy Son almost obliterated all his physical interference capabilities.

But at this moment, Zuo Qingcang hit directly with a series of broken time and space, blinding Yan Mo Holy Son.

When Zong Zong noticed this, he had passed the information to the three Madiri through

“Time Lord, you defend with all your strength.”

All three were incredible fighters with rich experience in combat. Almost after the information in the mysterious network was transmitted to their minds with the light of quantum signals, the time lord had immediately released his time formation.

The void within a XNUMX-meter radius is shrouded in a layer of purple light of light, like a sphere.

Just after this ten thousandth of a second, Zuo Qingcang has crossed the distance of billions of light years with the Immortal One Thought and chased them again.

Solve the Yan Mo Holy Son, and the rest of the battle will no longer have a human shield and a spoiler.

Zuo Qingcang went directly with the palm of black. As the stars sized palms came from hiding the sky and covering the earth, the three of them were fiercely grasped with the momentum of pinching Earth.

The bodies of the three were swallowed up in an instant, but at the next moment, they have recovered under the action of time formation.

“Even if you die. You have to hold me back.”

Hearing the voice of Xi Zong, the Time Lord cursed, “I don’t think I can hold it even if I die. Where did this monster come from?”

While speaking, the palm of black is like turning all around into an absolute darkness, constantly engulfing the three people’s bodies. The three’s bodies recovered under the influence of time formation.

As time goes on, the appearance of the Time Lord is aging and shrinking with a degree visible to the naked eye.

“Damn, I can’t hold it. Is there any way, I will withdraw if it doesn’t work.”

Xi Zong smiled: “Relax, there is another helper.”

While speaking, the darkness around all around shuddered, and Zuo Qingcang’s palm collapsed at the next moment.

“En?” Zuo Qingcang paused for a moment: ‘No one just attacked because I missed it? ‘

‘how is this possible? ‘

Xi Zong shouted on the other side: “Hurry up and attack him.”

“Even if you say so,” Madilly shook the head helplessly. I don’t think their attacks are effective at all. In fact, since Zuo Qingcang opened the Devils form, they can’t even break defenses.

However, at the urging of Zong Zong, he rushed left and right with Parosas.

The golden flame was thrown behind his fist, like a comet that cut through space, carrying fiercely strikes of millions of years later on Zuo Qingcang’s cheek.

It was enough to consolidate the terrifying force field lifted by more than half of the Milky Way into a single point. With the help of High Dimensional Battleship, it directly solidified the dimensionality reduction strike and bombarded Zuo Qingcang’s stomach with light.

Suddenly, Madilly’s eyes widened suddenly.


I saw Zuo Qingcang being hit by his punch, and his cheek burst suddenly a few inches. Instantly burst out countless particles of light flow comparable to Supreme Yang’s sunspot.

At the same time, Parosas’s fist was also fiercely printed on Zuo Qingcang’s belly, and his bulging back showed that the overbearing force of this fist was unreservedly released inside Zuo Qingcang, directly releasing Zuo Qingcang as a whole. Hit and spin and flew out.

They couldn’t believe their eyes. Staring blankly at this scene.

Xi Zong shouted, “Don’t be embarrassed. If you want to attack, just take advantage of it.”

The two looked at each other, and instantly Jia had caught up with Zuo Qingcang, who kept flying.

Both left and right, the violent murderous aura almost frozen the air around all around to absolute zero.

The golden spirit of Madilly’s body exploded like a mountain, and the field around Parosas was almost condensed into substance, although he could not stop for time. But each punch directly squeezed the space around all around and shattered. His body continuously exploded with white rays of light, and the whole person became a light person.

This is how he madly squeezed every molecule and every atom in his body, decaying, decaying and decaying, like burning his body’s mass and energy to disintegrate Parosas’s body again and again, continuously firing all around The densely packed photons and particles, at the same time as the light, will also reduce his mass in an extreme way, just to bomb all the released energy on Zuo Qingcang.

die, die, die, die die!

For the entire universe, to live, to all civilizations, all races, to all the people I love and the people I hate!

How can I make you Destruction Universe, you should die for me!


The rays of light of golden and white rose like two Supreme Yangs. They squeezed out almost all of their potential and battle strength, betting on all the crazy attacks that flooded every inch of Zuo Qingcang’s body.

bang! Madiri’s punch hit Zuo Qingcang’s head. Parosas’s fist was hit on Zuo Qingcang’s chin at the next moment.

Then there was a continuous vibration of crackle. Ten million light strikes had completely covered Zuo Qingcang’s body, and each punch almost knocked out some particles of his body, constantly reducing his energy and mass.

The space around all around is constantly oscillating and breaking, revealing densely packed black holes, but the black holes are steamed and annihilated under the next fist strength.

The overbearing power bombed Zuo Qingcang in a totally unreasonable way, at least it seemed that Zuo Qingcang had no fight.


“this is okay!”

“As long as you keep doing this, you can kill him!”

The fighting intent in the eyes of both of them was flourishing like a geocentric flame. Looking at Zuo Qingcang who was suddenly unable to fight back in front of them, their hearts raised unprecedented hope.

Before the live broadcast, countless shouts filled the mysterious net, and countless people in the universe were cheering for the two of them.

On the street, several thousand thousand people watched the two on the big screen and shouted wildly, “Come on!”

Someone cried and said, “Be sure to succeed!”

In the battleship, the surviving soldiers stared at each other with their palms unknowingly pinched.

“Keep on, keep on!” In the palace, the ministers and emperors shuddered excitedly.

In the government’s Conference Hall, the president and Secret shouted together.

The Supreme Council’s headquarters, the Lord of the Moon, stopped his body subconsciously, staring at the processed combat picture that can be watched, and suddenly shouted, “Is his quality changed?”

“It’s decreasing.” An observer shouted excitedly. “His quality is decreasing, and the degree is still accelerating.”

“That’s it.” The Lord of the Moon also followed with a fist of excitement: “Parosas, Madilly, keep going.


If you keep fighting like this, you might win. “

Bang bang!

The two punches of one after the other hit two neutron stars and directly hit Zuo Qingcang black’s chest and descendants with large areas of depressions and cracks.

But at the next moment, when the two of them punched again, the palm of Zuo Qingcang black held the fists of one after the other firmly in their hands. The two were about to struggle, but now their bodies were already Can’t move the slightest.

“It’s here.”

“Take a good look at what is the strongest force in the universe.”

“Dao Fusion.”

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