Silent Killing

Chapter 943

“Dao Fusion. ~,”

With the will of Zuo Qingcang, the power of terror dropping from the sky, under the support of Immortal One Thought, instantly covered the entire galaxy.

Substitute heavenly heart with your own heart, and change everything into me.

The ultimate form of the Divine Gate Four Revolutions, even the ultimate power that Zuo Qingcang can’t crack, ‘Dao Fusion’ has finally arrived.

The darkness dissipated, and the new form of Zuo Qingcang reappeared in front of everyone.

Black’s long hair drifted in the void, and at this time, the skin on and around Zuo Qingcang was exuding a faint white light, that is, his body was constantly releasing a large number of electromagnetic signals and photon streams outside the body every second.

Even more conspicuous is a white halo from the right shoulder to the left shoulder, condensed behind his head.

At this time, Zuo Qingcang entered the Dao Fusion state, and the whole person was in a form of quantum sympathy. Everything in the entire galaxy had become a part of him.

The existence of various incredible attacks that invalidated his attacks, or made Parosas and the others attack effective, also lost their effect.

Xi Zong looked at this scene, slowly turning over the information of Antilogic Family in his mind. In recent years, they have made several historical mysteries in the universe.

“All things are in one place, everything is under the control of the same consciousness, can’t even the Antilogic Family enter this field?”


In front of the screen, the master of the moon asked: “What happened? Has the data changed?”

“No, nothing has been detected,” the staff member said strangely. “He seems to have done nothing.”

“How can it be?”

Just then, another amazing scene appeared on the screen.

In the face of Zuo Qingcang who entered Dao Fusion, the three Madiris had no resistance at all. No, it should be said that they were not only without resistance, but the possibility of resistance was only zero.

I saw the three men who were still fighting stopped together.

The golden flames on Madilly’s body slowly disappeared. He looked at himself and Zuo Qingcang and said, “That’s the case, I am you, are you me?”

“The power of Dao Fusion is really weird.” Reincarnation pulled back its time Formation and said in the same tone as Zuo Qingcang: “Then I am here.”

With that said, he stepped out. The entire person has already moved towards Zuo Qingcang and smashed into it, just like the same drop of water merged into the sea, the entire person instantly merged into it.

Then Madiri bumped her head.

“What’s going on? Damn, what’s going on?” The Lord of the Full Moon watching this scene furiously said, “Parosas, what’s going on? What happened? What are you doing?”

“Is the Lord of the Moon?” Parosas’s voice came from the mysterious web: “They are dead, now I am them, they are me.”

Yes, after Zuo Qingcang successfully launched Dao Fusion, the entire galaxy has become him. Whether it is stones, smoke, clouds, thunder, or stars, satellites, comets, black holes on the stars. Or all kinds of intelligent life, animals. Plants, everything has become Zuo Qingcang. They are equal to Zuo Qingcang under the quantum sympathy.

At the next moment, Parosas also put himself directly into Zuo Qingcang’s body and merged with the other.

‘ended. ‘

Zuo Qingcang’s eyes turned to all around. At this moment, all the creatures in the entire galaxy are looking at his position.

Zuo Qingcang can smell the freshness of the air, can feel the rain drops falling on himself, can taste the deliciousness of the tongue, and can see countless scenes in the universe.

He is everyone, everyone is him. He can control everything if he wants to.


Watching Parosas, Madilly, and Samsara in the picture one after another by Zuo Qingcang alive ‘eaten’, the headquarters of the Supreme Council is shrouded in despair.

The Lord of the Full Moon sat down on the seat, all eyes were sad and hopeless.

“How could this be?”

“Is this universe really over?”

At the same time, throughout the countless galaxies ruled by the Supreme Council, the world’s Doomsday-like atmosphere asserts the senses.

There is suicide, carnival, madness everywhere, and the crime rate of each planet and civilization is rising rapidly almost every second.

Some people commit suicide, some have fun, some wantonly kill, and some people take a spaceship to escape into the vast void.

In this desperate situation, the Lord of the Moon Moon remembered the voice of Dai Zong.

“Will the moon be here?”

The Lord of the Moons didn’t answer. At this moment, his heart was almost dead, and his mind was almost blank.

Xi Zong can only say again: “Hey, I have a way to defeat Zuo Qingcang.”

The Lord of the Moons stared, and stood up and asked, “What did you say?”

“You don’t need to worry about it. Connect me to Xuanwang. I want everyone in the universe to hear my voice.

“It … takes time.”

Xi Zong stepped on and said, “You only have ten minutes at most. Now Zuo Qingcang is only curious about the environment in front of him. Once he adapts, it is impossible for my attack to hit him.”

“Also, send all your remaining troops and attack him.”

At the next moment, the Lord of the Moon has once again used his own power to send out inspirational auras, enough to control the power of the soul of most creatures in the universe to spread out and envelope the entire fort.

The people who had fallen into madness, despair, and fear returned to sobered up again. Under the command of the Lord of the Moon, they began to control the Xuannet, launched various hidden network backdoors, and completely invaded various devices in the universe. Zong’s message is passed to every corner of the universe.

On a modern planet, there are thousands of meters of skyscrapers and metal fortresses.

Various aliens crowded the corridors, boulevards, and roads of buildings or fortresses like densely packed ants. They either beat the ground frantically, or sat on the ground in abundance. In a hurry, anxious people were walking around.

At this time, all the screens, projections, and broadcasts on the road all sounded the sounds and images of Dai Zong.

“Everyone. The universe has reached the end of its life and death.”

“You don’t need to say that you also know that the entire Supreme Council has no one to stop the madman who wants the Destruction Universe.”

“So we need your strength now, and the council needs your help to help us stop that lunatic Destruction Universe.”

People on the road stood up when they heard this. looked towards the big screen, looked towards the projection, looked towards the personal terminal.

“Say what we can help …”

“The monster is not even Parosas, and what use do we have …”

“What is this guy about?”

Space station, interstellar battleship, universe fortress, earth, sky, seabed. Countless people are looking at Xun Zong in Xuanwang at this moment, with doubts in their eyes, numbness, disdain, and disdain.

Xi Zong then said, “Are you still hesitating? See what Zuo Qingcang is doing now!”

In the picture, it is Zuo Qingcang in the Dao Fusion state that swallows, breaks down, and even controls the fleet of the Supreme Council to kill each other.

The continually dispatched army by the parliament had no effect at all. Because as soon as they enter the galaxy where Zuo Qingcang is located, these troops are not creatures. Whether it is machinery or anything else, it becomes a part of Zuo Qingcang’s body, and the scope of Dao Fusion is constantly expanding with the increase of quantum sympathy.

If this continues, Zuo Qingcang’s will will cover the entire universe and bring all things back to one.

“Do you just want to wait for death?” Xi Zong said, “If you don’t want to wait for death. Raise your hands and support me. As long as the strength of all the creatures in the entire universe is brought together, you can defeat Zuo. Qingcang, stop the destruction of the universe. “

For the words that Zong Zong kept telling. The reaction of most people in the universe is, above all, unbelief.

“Just kidding, just raise your hand, when I am a fool?”

“It’s like this, what exactly is the Supreme Council doing?”

“Crazy. Let’s hurry up in the void battleship. If we go to the dark area that has not been explored by the council, we may have escaped Zuo Qingcang’s attack.”

In the fortress of the Supreme Council, everyone looked towards the Lord of the Moon.

“Sir, is he true?”

“I don’t know.” While speaking, the Lord of the Moon Moon slowly raised his right hand: “But we can only trust him.”

At the same time, the same scene takes place in every corner of the universe.

The first is among the facilities of the Supreme Council.

“Hey, do you really raise your hands?”

“Isn’t it helpless? And the parliament has already ordered everyone to raise their hands, right?”

“Che, doomsday is all over the world, why listen to the council … what’s up, i just raise my hand.”

Gradually someone raised his palm on the street.

“Fool just raised his hand.”

“I won’t raise my hand, this person is obviously talking nonsense.”

“No, I feel like something is contacting me.”

Someone raised and lowered their hands.

“Really, it feels like an antenna.”

“I rely, I have no hands, I only have tentacles, what should I do?”

With the spread of this real feeling, and the order of each and everyone by the Supreme Council, more and more people in the universe raised their palms.

On the green planet, the galactic fairy slowly raised his palm.

“You!” Sword Prison’s Forest was surprised. “Aren’t you afraid of his revenge?”

“It’s all this time, if the universe is destroyed, then it doesn’t make much sense for us to live?”

“That’s a good thing,” Banshee said, raising her arms. “Don’t play me, asshole.”

Zuo Qingcang also raised his head, and a trace of white light wandered in his eyes.

“Zong Zong, what do you want to do?”

In the sky, Zong Zong sat with his legs crossed on his knees. On his head, a huge ball of light is rising with more and more people in the universe, or as long as there is such an idea, the light ball will continue to expand. The bigger it gets, the rays of light in it become brighter and hotter.

All living things have fluctuations in consciousness. When the fluctuations are strong enough, they can affect matter, just like Martial Dao Void Refining.

And when most of the creatures in the universe are thinking the same thing and holding the same hope, the unprecedented power is gathered.

It is hope, it is nostalgia, it is light, it is the desire of countless people to survive.

‘This is my ability …’

‘Replace the future I want …’

‘Based on seeing now. Looking for a possible future, I will replace the winning future with the present. ‘

‘But this trick can really defeat Zuo Qingcang? ‘

‘Relax, don’t you believe in yourself yet? ‘

‘Then start. ‘

The next moment, the huge High Dimensional Battleship light gate stands in the void, accompanied by the actions of Daizong. The pure white power that gathered the hopes and wills of countless people poured into the light ball at an unimaginable speed, and came to Zuo Qingcang in the next second.


Seeing the white ball of light in front of him, and seeing that it is comparable to the moon, but dazzling 1,000,000 times the power of pure white, Zuo Qingcang first thought was to stop ‘I’, that is, the ball of light.

But at the next moment, he realized that the light ball not at all became me, gathered the will of the universe creatures, and made the will of billions of lives converge like a stream. Their source is beyond the scope of quantum sympathy, and their weight exceeds the weight of all things in Dao Fusion.

“Hmph, even if it hits you.”

Now Zuo Qingcang is confident that even if the universe explodes and the world restarts, he can’t hurt him at all, and everything in the entire world that can be replicated in this universe can’t hurt his body.

So he coldly smiled. A single palm will take this power empty handed.

But when the white light ball pressed against his palm, his face suddenly changed.

“How can it be?”

Almost all life in the universe. That is a number that is even more crazy than the stars in the sky. It is a massive astronomical number that can reproduce in every corner of the universe as long as time is sufficient.

The next moment, the picture in the live broadcast suddenly disappeared, only the omnipresent white rays of light filled every inch of space.

“Did it explode?”

“Is it successful?”

“Does it really work?”

Countless people stared at the screen in front of them, anxiously waiting for the result.

The Lord of the Moons asked: “How? What is the result?”

“No response. Zuo Qingcang’s response disappeared.”

“What about physical images?”

“Empty, nothing.”

“Is it dead?”

In the picture, the white rays of light are still spreading, and it does not begin to dissipate until 30 minutes later. In this process, the Supreme Council uses all its power to find. However, no trace of Zuo Qingcang was found.


“He disappeared.”

“Haha haha, saved.”

The Lord of the Full Moon sat down and exhales one breath saying deeply.

Carnival, spreading throughout the universe like the sun, everyone jumped up in excitement, shouted, and cheered for the immediate results.

“Win! Win! We win!”

“Haha, we saved the universe!”

But just at the next moment, a pure white silhouette appeared again in the picture, and slowly formed the look of Zuo Qingcang.

Countless white lights shot out of Zuo Qingcang’s eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, as if there were thousands of lights in his within the body.

“What!” The master of the moon stood up and shouted, “What’s going on?”

“It’s the Immortal One Thought.” Xi Zong, or the future Xi Zong said, “Zuo Qingcang, who owns the Immortal One Thought, cannot be killed.”

“How can this be?” The Lord of the Moon, who thought that all nightmares had ended, sat back in his position, completely despairing in his eyes.

“Send me over.”

He subconsciously opened the light gate of High Dimensional Battleship from the front of Emperor Zong.

At the same time, the resurrected Zuo Qingcang has almost been devoured by the rays of light of white. Sixty percent of the gods of Six Desires Demon have exploded because of a death of Zuo Qingcang, and the originally suppressed potential has grown wildly.

The 60th percentile of Zuo Qingcang is the end of all human imagination.

The root, the primitive, the cause of everything, the fruit of all things, the source of all the universe in all the world, this is the setting of the 60th percentile of God, and it is also the poverty that most creatures in the universe can imagine.

And after all practicing Six Desires Demon, as long as they can practice to the 60% God ’s powerhouse, they will contact the ultimate life form they imagine, the propagator of Six Desires Demon …

“The most powerhouse of the 13 Demon Gods, white.” Stepping out of the gate of the High Dimensional Battleship, Xi Zong looked at Zuo Qingcang, who was gradually swallowed by white light, and laughed, “You who are expensive for the Colorless and Phaseless Source “Why are you so frustrated by this poor and meaningless universe? It even appears in the minds of others in a distracted way, affecting the thinking of others?”

In the first five distractions, Zuo Qingcang can suppress or even control, but after the 60th percentile, he not only cannot control. It was even affected by countermeasures without knowing it.

Facing questions, the ‘Zuo Qingcang’ in front of Xi Zong, or Bai not at all, said that as an absolutely rational creature, he would never do anything extra.

There is no threat in front of Xun Zong, and it is like stones and dust to him, so he will treat stones like insects and worms. Ignore it directly.

“Hmph … the proud Demon God.”

A flash of silhouette of Zong Zong, has been moved towards ‘Zuo Qingcang’.

The eyes of ‘Zuo Qingcang’ flashed, and his body was about to break down.

But just before the breakup, the rays of light of azure lit up on Zong Zong’s body, which was the power of another Demon God brought by Dark Magic.

There is no decomposition, but the endless white light moved towards Jiuzong shrouded the past, but it was dismantled by the cyan ray mang one after another on him. Although difficult, Qiuzong still sprinted in front of ‘Zuo Qingcang’. He grabbed his head.

For the first time after coming to this universe, he spoke in vain. Asked purely curiously.

“Does it make sense?”

“of course.”

At the next moment, Emperor Zong’s ability was launched. At the same time, his feet were smashed first, and the power of Demon God of Azure began to retreat under the pressure of the power of White Demon God.

Numerous futures flashed in front of Zong Zong, azure’s power became weaker and weaker, and his calves, thighs, and even arms and shoulders gradually began to disintegrate.


Ability to continue. The violent will moved towards all around.

Suddenly, as if something was broken, a sleepy boy with closed eyes appeared in front of Yan Zong’s eyes.

“Zuo Qingcang!”

“En?” The boy moved slightly, and the next moment was caught by Zong.

“Wake me up!” Xi Zong growled wildly, his lower body almost disappeared. The face is also decomposed at a speed that is visible with naked eyes, and the cyan ray on the body is getting weaker and weaker, and it is almost going out.

“Zong Zong?” The boy opened his eyes and looked at the man in front of him: “If it makes no sense, even if you win, there will be no results.”

“Then you have to win at least once!” Xi Zong grabbed his neck and stared at him with a smile: “Come back with me and drive him out of our universe.”

“It’s impossible for me. It’s the only winning opportunity you find from countless futures, but even if I go back, the process may change, but the result won’t change. Everything is too late.”

“If you can see this, then you should understand that even if I die, I will definitely take you back?”

“Then you should understand that you are not going to repeat history, but you are going to defeat him for the second time in history that would have defeated him. That will be the key to everything.”

With a sigh, Zuo Qingcang’s body began to grow slowly.

In the live video, the white rays of light gradually faded, and another Zuo Qingcang grew a little bit from the original Zuo Qingcang’s back.


On the street, the red-haired and red-eyed shouted and laughed. On his back, a green parrot howled: “ga ga, quack, it started, and finally it started.”

The red-haired man stood up, ignored the crowd around, and walked towards the direction of the big screen step by step: “Wait my bones are itchy, can I finally start? Can’t think it was triggered by two mortals in the end . “

The parrot yelled, “You have no bones for a long time. What is itching?”


In the golden universe, on the other side of the door, a smile appeared on the corner of the mouth of the child-like gloomy calamity: “Anti-logic is ultimately based on logic. There is no logical world, and anti-logic is meaningless. Master Dao Fusion. Zuo Qingcang, indeed, can already ignore anti-logical life. “

Golden rays of light flickered, and a female voice said, “The will of all things, the beliefs of all sentient beings, everything is done. White universe, the end of the world is here, and have you decided to participate?”

“The ultimate must exist in the very truth. The white universe contains secrets close to the ultimate. How can I not go? It’s you, don’t you?”

“The Self Manifestation letter has long since existed. What we are doing now is ultimately created by the ultimate unknown idea. What I have to do is only to find and prove his existence.”


Countless bubbles are tumbling back and forth, and each bubble is a different universe for each and everyone.

Just on such a sea of ​​innumerable bubbles flying, a wild laugh broke through the innumerable voids.

“Hahahahaha, actor is already ready, and now the stage is ready, don’t you feel impatient?”

Looking at the young man with blue hair like a lunatic, frowned, a man with dark skin next to him, said: “Are you finally here? Silver will not sit idly by such a violent fall.”

“So what, there is only a little bit left from the final plan, even if he is helpless.” Qingfa Youth enthusiastically said: “The divinity is polluted by human nature, Angel is falling, Spiritual God is crying, the most violent in the world We are lowered by poison, everything is as White Land records, the White Universe is no longer out of reach.

The storm that is sweeping the entire multiverse is coming, the eternal chaos is coming, and the ultimate is in it! “


A world like heaven, on the high clouds, on the throne sprinkled by countless rays of light.

It was a vast expanse that seemed to prop up the shoulders of the whole world.

It is like a silhouette that has mastered the entire world, the strongest force, and all the truth in the world.

With a faint silver light, he slowly stood up.

The silver rays of light pierced the void in an instant and scattered to countless universes.

In front of the throne and the man, Bai Chou said excitedly: “The extraordinary world beyond all universes is born!”

“Game, it’s started!”


When the white light in the universe was gone, Zuo Qingcang slowly stepped out of the void step by step. In his arms, Xi Zong closed his eyes as if he had lost his breath.

“As you wish, I will fulfill your last wish.”

At the next moment, Zong Zong ’s body turned into countless photons dissipating in the void, Zuo Qingcang raised his right hand, and a planet was born in his palm. It was Earth 2000 years ago, belonging to the past.

At the same time, another Earth was born in his left hand, which represents the future and belongs to Earth after 2000.

Before 2000, those who should have died were resurrected.

After 2000, those who are about to die will no longer die.

History is reorganized and changed. That is what Zuo Qingcang has done based on the power of reincarnation. What he has done is really going back to the past and changing the future.

As a result, countless timelines are broken, and the parallel world to which countless new histories belong is born.

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