Silent Killing

Chapter 8686-869

The lizardman ’s giant claw was directly moved towards Zuo Qingcang, so he grasped the past. The evil winds assaults the senses. The air blown by the giant claw issued a bang, showing the powerful physical strength and explosive power of the lizardman.

His physical quality is indeed far beyond the limits of human beings, and he can almost meet the original Hades snake on the original terms, which is also the dependence of many other warriors he despised.

However, just when giant claw was about to touch Zuo Qingcang, another white palm was blocking him, and it turned out that Wade, who had walked in front of Zuo Qingcang, moved faster than 2.5 meters tall. The wind passed directly in front of Zuo Qingcang’s body, and a white palm blocked the attack of the lizard man.

“Boy, you are courting death.” The lizard man saw this scene, coldly snorted, five fingers flicking, a sharp claw with countless phantoms.

But that Wadeli was so strong that he just broke open the claws of the lizard man, the two of them touched each other, and each receded a few meters. I saw the claws of the lizard man in the dark, apparently being injured internally.

But Wade’s injury was even more serious. Five scratches appeared on his right arm, tearing several of his arms. He would be able to recover from such injuries for a maximum of 12 hours, but it would be tested immediately, which would become a troublesome injury.

The lizard man sneered: “boy, I remember you, but the person you save may not be worth your save.”

Wade looked back. First, the grandfather father rushed over, and Zuo Qingcang didn’t change his movements in the whole process, and had already walked in front of the Transmission Gate.

Wade’s father pats angrily on Wade’s shoulder: “I told you not to worry about it. You see, you have suffered such a serious injury to your hand, how to take the next test.”

Grandfather stopped father from continuing to speak, and took out a healing spray to spray Wade’s wound continuously: “Don’t say more, Wade, heal you first.”

Father’s face flashed with unevenness, and he glanced at Zuo Qingcang who walked into the Transmission Gate with a resentful grumble: “Look, people don’t appreciate it at all. Not everyone is as good as you Some people, forget favors and violate justice, are timid and not worth your help. “

grandfather said nothing though. But looking at Zuo Qingcang’s back, his eyes also showed contempt.

But Zuo Qingcang had these creatures in his eyes. He didn’t even listen to the other person’s words. The whole person had entered the Transmission Gate, after a while of light and shadow changes. He had come to a ruin like a Roman arena.

In the sky of Huang Shaman, Zuo Qingcang frowned, a light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

The above is simple.

Get 10 consecutive winners and enter the next round of testing.

‘It’s simple and rude. ‘Zuo Qingcang thought so, and at the same time, there was a flash of light in front of him, and another player had appeared.

Such a ten-game winning streak, including those guys who were defeated after a few victories, the applicants were directly eliminated by more than 90%.

But this is of course, among so many applicants. There are too many good and bad ants, and there are so many worthless ants. How could the Supreme Council waste resources to collect their data.

Thinking about it, the player opposite Zuo Qingcang had already shown his body, even the lizard man who had just scratched his paw with his paw, he was rubbing his paw. After all, Wade’s punch was still very strong. Seeing Zuo Qingcang appearing in front of himself at this moment, immediately laughed heartily.

“Hahaha, stupid? Don’t you know? The first battle after the teleportation. It wasn’t random, it was arranged nearby …”

‘Is that so? Supreme Council, really lazy … ‘Zuo Qingcang glanced at each other, that lizard man can know this. Maybe it’s not the first time to take the test, maybe it has been registered many times, but it hasn’t passed.

But these didn’t matter to him, and I saw that the lizard man over there was still saying with a smile: “I want to treat you …”

Unprepared to let him finish talking, next moment, the entire body of the lizard man has been twisted three hundred sixty degrees. In a scream of screams, it turned into a mess and fell to the ground.

The lizard man’s arrogant life strength did not let him die, but looking at Zuo Qingcang’s eyes was already a fear. He roared in his heart: ‘Good terrifying! It’s too dangerous, I will never come to take the test again! ‘

“Zuo Qingcang wins, please proceed to the next game.”

The light flashed and the two had disappeared into the arena.

This time Zuo Qingcang came to a floating platform in the sky and appeared in front of him with a strange alien like a snot. The alien laughed when he saw him: “Hehehehe, but I have already 9 games in a row, even if you meet me … “

boom! Zuo Qingcang gently popped a finger, and under the blow of the air, the snot person was directly blown into the fly ash by the shock wave, and turned into a piece of fly ash and dissipated in the sky.

“Zuo Qingcang wins, please proceed to the next game.”

It disappeared again, but this time it was on a beach on the coast. Zuo Qingcang’s eyes were like a fluffy dog-like guy who was about to speak, and was patted into a meat pie directly in the palm of the air and fell to the ground.

In this way, Zuo Qingcang has won a total of nine games in a row in less than half a minute.

In the monitoring room, someone looked at the light curtain and said, “Oh, this is awesome. I won 27 games in 9 seconds.”

“Oh? Where? Let me see?”

“Leader, come and see, this guy is so fierce!”

In the picture, the scene of Zuo Qingcang passing through the army is played. It is called the leader of the group. It is an alien with a pig’s head. He looked at the picture of Zuo Qingcang and hummed a few times: “This kid is very difficult to deal with, ah, the previous one was so fast, I remember His Excellency Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie? “

“Yes, Lord Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie’s record is 32 seconds. If this guy is also very fast in the next game, it will break His Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie’s record.”

While speaking, Zuo Qingcang has appeared on a grassland. In front of him, a woman covered with layers of armor covering her body, said to be a woman, except that her face is a bit like an Earth woman. It’s blue.

Seeing the woman’s appearance, several people in the monitoring room were sighing.

“This kid’s really unlucky.”

“It turned out to be Ms. Mirage.”

“That’s the level 12 War Master. How could it have been possible to take the test if it hadn’t left the country of loyalty.”

“It looks like records can’t be broken, hey, after all, things like record breaking. Still very lucky.”

“Ms. Phantom should come this time to accumulate points, then redeem High Dimensional Battleship, and form her own country at the same time … 嗬 嗬 嗬 嗬 ……”

But at the moment when the team leader and several men mourned for Zuo Qingcang’s luck, all of them suddenly doubled their eyes. The alien who spoke last made a strange noise from his throat, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.


On the grassland, a woman called Ms. Phantom aloof and remote looked at Zuo Qingcang as if the god of heaven had come to earth, in fact as a level 12 War Master. She does have this qualification for most living things in the universe.

When I saw her shook the head, she said directly, “I surrender, I don’t want to waste …”

There was a loud bang, as if hundreds of cannons had been sounded at the same time. The terrible air shock wave swept directly on Ms. Phantom’s head, flying her entire body hundreds of meters away, and then rolling over a dozen. Circle and then stop.

“You …” Ms. Phantom lifted her head up hard. At this moment, she looks like she still has aloof and remote and Yongronghuagui just now. His eyes were full of suspicion.

“What the hell did you do?”

The armor of Ms. Phantom did not know how much it was broken. A dark blue blood stain on her head looked like her head was bleeding and her clothes were broken, as if she had just experienced a car accident.

Zuo Qingcang unexpectedly glanced at each other. To the unexpected, the nine people’s blow before the second shot didn’t kill him. But it’s okay, once again, it’s ok, before hitting it, the air strike has been launched again.

But this time Ms. Mirage was on guard. Because just before the power struck against her head, that is, while she was just talking, she had already launched her ability to rotate her defense.

Then she saw the air shock wave hitting her. The position of the five meters beside her suddenly burst out, as if Zuo Qingcang’s blow in the air just missed.

“En? Missed?” Zuo Qingcang responded instantly: “No bias, was it transferred?”


On Zuo Qingcang’s face, a smile of interest appeared rare. He stretched out a finger and bounced against Ms. Phantom. After a loud bang, a large pit exploded on the lawn 500 metres away.

‘A very good ability, can you randomly reflect to attack all around the position? ‘

‘War, especially when a person rushes into the army, this ability is very useful. ‘

The phantom lady over there saw that Zuo Qingcang’s two attacks were invalid, and finally took a sigh of relief. She took a deep breath, and then said to Zuo Qingcang, “Do you understand? Your attack has no effect on me. Under my rotation defense, no attack can hurt me, but I can … “

While speaking, Ms. Phantom slammed hard on her feet, accompanied by the violent expansion and contraction of the calf muscles, and the strong airflow erupting under the two pieces of armor behind her. Her whole person crossed three times the speed of sound in an instant and burst a sound in the air Bursting clouds.

The ground underneath exploded. Ms. Phantom had withdrawn the concussion sword from her elbow, and a sword moved towards Zuo Qingcang chopped it.

“… I will attack you at will.”

The voice did not fall, and the sonic cutting was fiercely chopped on Zuo Qingcang’s neck. Before the sword arrived, the Sword Qi sword wind formed by the air shock had torn the black cloak on Zuo Qingcang’s body into pieces, exposing the pale and tall body under the Zuo Qingcang cloak.

This move was cut at a speed of sound, which could directly cut a Steel Fortress in half, but after this time was cut on Zuo Qingcang’s body, it was a loud noise. The shock sword broke on the spot, which was enough to shake the phantom lady out of the internal injury. At the same time, his power was transferred out, making the sound of air explosion in the sky.

“How is that possible?” Ms. Mirage looked at Zuo Qingcang’s unscathed neck in disbelief, and then saw Zuo Qingcang move her index finger again, moved towards her and attacked.

There was a loud bang. The attack was ten times more fierce than before. The attack was transferred directly to the ground more than two hundred meters away at random. However, it was a surging muffled sound. The entire earth began to bulge, and the ground surface was as if Only a giant hand was lifted alive, and millions of tons of silt stormed directly into the sky, resulting in a huge sandstorm.

“It’s useless, you can’t crack my ability, you can’t hurt me at all.” Although Ms. Mirage was secretly surprised by the strength of the opponent’s blow, she still sneered, and moved towards the opponent again, sprinting in the palms, shocked , There were two thorns in the palm of his hand.

But this time Zuo Qingcang did not give him a chance to attack, and it also popped up with one finger, but this time the formidable power was again ten times greater than the last time.

The attack was directly transferred to the positions of Zuo Qingcang and Ms. Phantom. The high winds swept through. The high temperature and heat transformed by the kinetic energy directly caused a huge plasma Fireball, atomic molecules collided with each other, and then exploded.

The earth is melted, the atmosphere is penetrated, and the high temperature of more than 3000 degrees has melted more than two hundred meters deep rock layers into lava. Ms. Phantom’s sight is a pure white, and the hurricane with a speed of XNUMX metres carries plasma The flame stream hit her constantly, and then was transferred out.

Seeing the endless light and flame in front of him, Zuo Qingcang took a breath, and then the cold general land, looking from outer space, was that the flame was blown out in an instant, leaving only a dark red rays of light. Continent is full of lava and black volcanic clouds that burst into the sky to block the sun.

Four consecutive strikes. If the first and second strikes are electromagnetic cannons, the third strike is a cloud detonation bomb, and the current fourth strike is an antimatter bomb.

When Ms. Phantom regained her vision, she was immediately stunned by the hellish scene in front of her, and her body was now burned with a large area of ​​high temperature, and many blood vessels burst and her internal organs were broken.

When she saw Zuo Qingcang raising her finger again, she immediately raised her hands.

“Wait … wait a minute.”

“I surrender.” She prostrate oneself in admiration, lying on the ground, holding her head in her hands and shouting, “I surrender! Don’t fight!”

“Zuo Qingcang has won. Ten consecutive victories have been completed and the first round of testing is over.”


There was silence in the surveillance room.

After more than ten seconds, the leader of the pig’s head was sighed, said with a bitter smile: “Can it be used?”

Yeah, is it necessary? For a test, it directly destroyed a continuous piece of another planet, and even caused the entire ecosystem of the planet to be destroyed. It was simply an interstellar cannon hitting a mosquito.

What a … natural disaster **.

He turned around and looked at the pig’s head and said, “Leader, do you want him to take the test next?”

“It ’s okay to participate in Mao, just give him the first place. Damn, all of them come here to participate in the entrance test. This is not a pit person. Wouldn’t I find someone to recommend it directly?”

“Wait a moment.” At this moment, someone outside the surveillance room said, “It’s a lizard-like guy. There was a gleam of coldness in his eyes, and he looked at the pig’s head and said,” Directly to the first , Substandard, right? “(~ ^ ~)

ps: Welcome to follow WeChat public account ‘Bear Wolf Dog’

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