Silverhart Online

107 The Headmaster

The Headmaster of the Bardic University, if an average individual would accurately describe, is an incredibly open-minded person with a mindset that's as colorful as the enchanted rainbow that appears after a raging storm.

And that's also the gang's initial impression about the Headmaster, a man filled with supreme vigor and energy that's resonating with pure radiance and bloom that no one can ever put down.

Beauty is a notion that can be possessed by anyone regardless of sex, and the said esteemed man is known to be the epitome of elegance and appeal, his words so brilliant that he even changed the outcome of a rebellion and war with just rhetoric coming from his silver-tongue, a part of his body that may fetch a hefty price at the black market if someone is brave and daft enough to cut it.

Anyways, Gray and his companions took a closer inspection at the man's rather luxurious set of attire that he beautifully donned. The Headmaster is clad in a long-sleeved sophisticated violet long tunic in a v-neck fashion, exposing the marvel of the significant upper portion of his chiseled chest that many women and remarkably, some men could not help but stare. His tunic also adorns an embroidery of yellow roses and leaves, styled elegantly, and is undoubtedly custom-crafted by a tailor who mastered the art of sewing, stitching, and needlework who made this godly-looking attire possible in the first place. The Headmaster's lower garments consisted of a pair of brown short pointed boots and light-blue trousers with violet breeches that's embroidered with a series of yellow vertical line designs.

The Headmaster is a very handsome young-looking man, with a brown pushed back long hair that's styled neatly without fault. His face sported a light make-up and red lips that further accentuated his attractiveness, befitting for someone who's the master of the Bardic arts, a testament to the highest position that he attained in the University, and is known throughout the land for his dazzling magnificence and eloquence.

Indeed, the Headmaster is said to be the persona of charm and glamour, and many couldn't resist being fallen by his allurement and charisma… either male or female. No sex, gender, or race is truly safe from his mystical allure, garnering multiple lovers of various sexual orientations throughout his life until the current.


Level 10

Health: 1,000 / 1,000

Stamina: 1,000 / 1,000

Mana: 400, 400

As the gang eyed at the man's status bar, they solely concluded that it's most likely an \u003cImpersonation\u003e. It's impossible for a man of his beauty, mystique, and caliber to that weak.

The Headmaster continued to stare at the gang with a bewitching look, eyeing hungrily at them, most notably at the two men, Gray and Isamu, from his office desk at where he is leisurely sitting with his legs crossed.

Gray took the initiate as he stepped forward and asked the man in front of him and his companions for clarification. "You're the headmaster, correct?"

"That's the title of importance that was bestowed to me the last time I remember." The man merely smirked in response, intrigued at the gang.

"I believe you have summoned me," Gray said as he began to introduce himself and his party. "My name is Gray Allister, and this is my Knight, Isamu Meiyo. The little girl over here is my sister, Selena Allister, and the lady beside her is my friend from the Order, Liliane Springflower."

"I see." The Headmaster nodded in acknowledgment. In a short while, he gracefully stood up from his desk and begun approaching the gang slowly as if savoring for the prize's final moments before eventually claiming it. He then rubbed his chin as he focused his sights at Gray, resulting in the elf to gulp apprehensively and readied himself for whatever bizarre idea that the Headmaster has in store for them. "Hmm… yes, you and your cat-folk partner will do. Ashnatar delicacy, coupled with the blazing passion of Sakarata, is truly a work of wonders, bodies intermingling in a frenzied state of fornication that holds no limiting concept of the gender criteria. Tell me, Gray Allister, do you believe in passion under no restrictions of the gender norm? If so, I can make the magic happen tonight if you so desire. Don't worry… you will absolutely enjoy my love-making set of skills that has brought an intense amount of pleasure to the heart, body, and soul."

Yep, the elf and cat-folk pair paled horribly at the sight of the Headmaster's beguiling stare upon them, especially with the suggestive remark.

At this very moment, the gang realized what Luthais truly meant when he said that they should run and never return. And here they thought that the Dean merely is exaggerating in his statement.

Gray and Isamu instantly back off away, shivering with comical fear at the prospect of being involved with the not so subtle Headmaster who's currently expressing his desire in love-making affairs with the two.

"Hell no!!" Gray said as he assumed an X-like appearance with both arms while Isamu cowered from the elf's back, showing their disgusted expression to the Headmaster while vigorously shaking their heads in pure disagreement. "We are not swinging for the other team!! my buddy and I here are perfectly straight, and we want it that way, thank you very much!!"

"If you want something perfectly straight, I can show it to you in my bedroom. Not to mention, it's also quite long and hard~" The Headmaster was clearly not known for holding back his sexual innuendos.

And just when everyone thought that Gray and Isamu's face won't turn even paler, readying themselves to retreat and kiss their asses goodbye to this University.

Screw the Bards and Flocaster, Gray and Isamu sure as fucking hell won't be sullied by someone with the same unmentionables as them. This mostly emphasized Gray since he's still a virgin, and he doesn't want his chastity to be defiled by the same gender for the first time of something that'll be engraved in his mind forever.

The Headmaster undoubtedly was enjoying the gang's respective reactions that he intentionally has caused just because he was bored in being secluded in his office and work. Lily, at the corner, was blushing furiously as she definitely got the suggestive hints behind the Headmaster's words. The Druid may be inexperienced in the affairs of anything romantic, but she's not uneducated and naive to not know the sexual comments, proving herself to be quite perceptive at her own right.

Although the same can't be said about Selena however. Being technically a child, she has little to no knowledge regarding this kind of sensitive matters since she was not exactly educated about it. As a result, behind her stoic and usual emotionless face lies a deep curiosity, most notably at the words that were uttered by the Headmaster.

'Big Brother, what is this straight, long, and hard that he's referring to?' Selena innocently asked telepathically to Gray while tilting her head in confusion.

'You're too young to know that!!!' Gray instantly closed that topic down in panic. He then faced the Headmaster with a venomous look and told him. "We are in the presence of a child you sick bastard!! Don't you have any shame!?"

"I am anything, but shame, my dear~" The Headmaster winked playfully at Gray, garnering a look of disgust from the latter. The former had to admit, perhaps he might have gone a bit too far in this fun gag of his. As such, he'll be putting a stop on that now. "Although you do have a point. Alright, I suppose I had my fun now and will stop my teasing, hehe. I apologize for my actions."

"Sheesh, no wonder Count Randalf was pissed when he talked about you." Gray massaged his temples at how troublesome this Headmaster is actually. With the Headmaster's apology, Gray and the gang eventually calmed themselves down. However, they're still going to remain alert in the Headmaster's presence, knowing that he's actually a perverted man who swings on both teams, heavily favoring the other.

Headmaster or not, an \u003cArcane Bolt\u003e in the face is what the pervert is going to receive the second he's going to make his advances physically.

"Oh, that was my plan all along. Randalf is even more handsome when he's angry, don't you think?" The Headmaster chuckled heartily in response. His eyes then widened in realization while saying the next words. "I almost forgot, I haven't yet to introduce myself formally to you. Such is rather unbecoming of me, given that I hold the highest honor among every Bard throughout the land."

The Headmaster bowed his whole body with poise and class, displaying exceptional dignity as fit to his respected status as he started his own introductions to the gang.

"Titles, I have possessed many as per my glorious exploits throughout Silverhart, but I'm mostly known as the Headmaster of the Bardic University, Ezkiel Kallistus." The Headmaster presented his own name with pride on his every tone. "I came from a long lineage of Bards, and as such, music and rhetoric is my birthright. Growing up into my family household has taught me many things about the performing arts, enamored by its sound that I can't help but fall in love with. Every tone, every resonance, every pitch, each of its different combinations may form into a unique blend of sound. The world of music is truly a never-ending piece of wonder that the Divine Jester has granted to us all, full of countless possibilities to discover."

Gray nodded in return as he and his companions felt the sincerity this time coming from Ezkiel, who's wholly earnest and proud about his speech, unlike the creepy perverted demeanor that he initially displayed to them.

"I suppose you are wondering why I summoned you here." Ezkiel conversed as he faced the elf with a smile, causing Gray to nod in response. "As per recommendation from Hubart, I invite you to join our ranks here at the Bardic University. Your prodigious talents is certainly an asset that we would love to have."

"Wait, you want me to be a student here?" Gray inquired with an unsure demeanor. "I don't know, staying in one place for a long period is not exactly my cup of tea, and I still have plans in going to Everfall to enroll at the Arkanos University for higher education about magic, most likely after the festival."

"Oh, you won't be a student. You'll just be an honorary member of a sort who gets the privilege to attend the lectures and classes here anytime you want." Ezkiel retained his grin. "Given your… unique status, I don't want to be the reason why this world is going to end simply because its savior is here learning how to blow a flute, hahaha!!"

"Unique status?" Gray crossed his arms with a passive look. "So, you know, huh."

"Of course," Ezkiel said in a playful voice. "I'm also one of the higher-ups who received the ancient words of your arrival. Being the Headmaster of Bardic University also plays an important role, for I represent a significant portion of the culture and tradition of this land. The previous Headmasters always provide the needed assistance to your predecessors as per tradition. Being one as well, it's indeed a great honor to assist someone of your caliber.

"I see." Gray nodded in understanding. "If you know about my status, you would have sought me even when I didn't introduce the Gangnam Style?"

"Yes." Ezkiel agreed with the elf's statement, impressed at how quick the elf was able to deduce about that particular matter. "Your dance is simply an alibi, a convenient reason so you won't be suspected as to why you're truly here. Make no mistake, I was truly impressed by its choreography and still wished that you get involved with our University in a more direct manner. Even if you're not the Paragon, I would still have granted you the chance to be one of us."

"Thank you," Gray replied with appreciation. "Maybe someday I'll study here full-time. But as I said earlier, I still have plans on going to Everfall to improve my magic and not invest myself in the musical arts."

"If that's your choice, then I won't get in your way." Ezkiel assured the elf. "For now, you and your friends are to enjoy what Flocaster has to offer, marvel the sights, explore the area, indulge yourself with the entertainment. I'll tell the details of my assistance to you after the festival is over when there are no distractions. As the Headmaster, I'm no doubt going to be busy for the upcoming event."

"Very well." Gray responded, finding the Headmaster's statement to be reasonable.

"To be honest, it's not exactly an assistance for it's a task that you need to fulfill that only someone of your legendary status is capable of." Ezkiel answered. "My aid comes from only providing the resources necessary in its completion. The rest is all up to you."

"Alright then." Gray nodded in agreement

And with that, the gang's conversation with the Headmaster has come to an end as a particular quest from Gray's system reached its inevitable conclusion.

\u003cQUEST COMPLETED!!\u003e

\u003cFrom the fabrications on Evening's Dusk\u003e

\u003cQuest Summary\u003e

\u003cQuest Completion\u003e - Investigate the Bardic University at Flocaster [✓]

Quest Rewards granted:

4,000 XP

"And, by the way." Ezkiel said with a friendly smile.

"Welcome to Flocaster."

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