Silverhart Online

106 Evil diverted

The gang eyed at the newcomer who's an elf, wondering who the highly regarded individual is. With Penelope having a respectful attitude towards him, the band thought that he must be someone with a high position at the University.

Luthais faced Gray and the group with a smirk and bowed down with elegance and poise as fitting to his dignified racial heritage as a way of greeting them, eyeing most specifically at Gray. "Ah, where are my manners. My name is Luthais Faelar, the Dean of Academics, Music, and Speechcraft of our beloved Bardic University. It's truly a privilege to meet someone of your prodigious talents."

Luthais Faelar

Level 37

Health: 3,938 / 3,938

Stamina: 1,031 / 1,031

Mana: 7,126 / 7,126

Gray and the others nodded in acknowledgment while eyeing at Luthais' status bar above the elf's head. Indeed, they are quite impressed at how powerful the elf is, especially Gray being a fellow user of magic.

Gray smiled in response at the Dean's kind gesture. It's also a refreshing sight to witness someone of the same gender and race as him. In Chadena, Gray does not have many chances of interacting with his fellow elves, so this is actually quite a welcoming gesture for him.

"My name's Gray Allister." Gray introduced himself for formality's sake despite being sure that the Dean already knew about him based on the context of Luthais' last statement on his self-introduction. "And these are my companions, my Knight, Sir Isamu Meiyo, my sister, Selena Allister, and my friend from the Order, Liliane Springflower. It's also a pleasure to meet you as well, my lord."

"Indeed." Luthais nodded with approval. His attention then shifted to the badge that Gray is wearing, which made him intrigued by this. "It appears that you have risen into the ranks of nobility. Ah, so a Baron, I see. That's quite an accomplishment, young lord. I look forward to what more great things you can accomplish in the future."

"Your kind words do me honor." Gray bow his head down in gratitude.

"Instead of our dear receptionist Penelope here, I'll do the honor of escorting you to our respected Headmaster." Luthais offered. "I'm actually taking a break from my work, and a quaint chat with Gray here, while we take a short walk to the Headmaster's office, would certainly be a nice change of pace."

"If that's your wish, Lord Luthais." Penelope nodded with respect.

With that said, Luthais motioned for the gang to follow him as he led them to the office, which is, in fact, located conveniently on the first floor.

While on their trek, Luthais opted to have a small talk with Gray, to size him up and find out more about the young Baron. After all, Gray is an elf, a race with superior intellect, a natural affinity for magic, and known for their sophisticated demeanor and graceful poise whose culture exceeded the rest of the five races of Silverhart. So yeah, Luthais can be somewhat of a racist who always thought that elves like him and Gray are the superior mortal race. Of course, the Dean is not dumb to show his displeasure about the matter; hence he invoked the ire of the general masses. No matter how true it's to him, such issues should only be kept to himself if he wished to integrate himself fruitfully with the people, no matter how stupid he thought the notion personally is.

Although Luthais definitely possessed secret displeasure about Gray when he heard about the young elf introducing some uncivilized dance choreography that was too surreal and whimsical for his literary taste. Such matters should be left to the swine who are the non-elves.

"So, Lord Gray." Luthais initiated the conversation with his usual fake smile. "What can you say so far about Flocaster?"

"It's remarkable." Gray answered with enthusiasm. "There are Bards all around the corner performing, the streets are clean, the marketplace bustling with activity, and the sights overall is certainly a delight."

"Of course." Luthais agreed with Gray's remarks. "Flocaster indeed live up to its expectations as the City of Jewels. Anyways, your journey must certainly be quite taxing on your part. I heard that you came from Chadena, correct?"

"Yes." Gray responded, seeing that the information is not a secret. "It was the good Count Randalf who suggested that I should go meet with the Headmaster here. He was rather adamant about it, hehe."

"Right, I bear witness at the Headmaster's pestering when he sent countless letters to the Count of Chadena." Luthais assumed a passive expression, neither entertained nor opposing. "I can only say that the Headmaster has his quirks mind you, but he is good of heart, that I can assure you."

'Too good, in fact.' Luthais added in his mind with sheer rancor.

"And if you came from Chadena, then the route must have led you at the village of Einsberg, yes?" Luthais asked, filled with anticipation. Depending on Gray's answer, Luthais will deem if the younger elf will be a potential ally or a threat to his plans. If he answered yes, then Luthais will most likely suspect Gray as the culprit for foiling his plans in kidnapping the Lady of Einsberg, given that Gray is a fellow Mage as depicted by his high Mana on his status bar. Yes, it all makes sense now. This Gray Allister is a liability that must be dispatched immediately before turning into a more significant nuisance in the future.

The Baron's next statement, however, caught Luthais off-guard as Gray grinned nonchalantly and wave his hands in a dismissing manner.

"Einsberg, huh." Gray rubbed his chin. "We passed by sure, but we didn't spend the night there. I wanted to cover as much distance as we could, and another single night camping at the outdoors certainly isn't an issue for us. Although the Lady seems like a kind host before we departed immediately in the afternoon on the same day."

[+2 CHAOS]




Received 190 XP

"I see." Luthais was certainly unimpressed, but he didn't show it physically as he maintained his courteous demeanor. He thought for sure that this Allister person is the one who stood on his way, but as per Gray's answer, it's definitely not the case. As such, Luthais simply concluded that a third party other than the gang who coincidentally made his or her visit to the village was the one who performed the deed of rescuing the Lady. "Well that's unfortunate. It's your choice in the end, but you missed out on what the generous Lady of the Walcot family has to offer to her visitors."

"Yeah." Gray retained his care-free personality. "That's what my Knight said when we took camp during that night."

"Anyways, it appears that we are here." Luthais said as he gestured the gang to halt on their tracks, now finding themselves in front at the door of the Headmaster's office at a corridor. "A word of warning before you meet our revered Headmaster, he can be… eccentric and somewhat clingy. If you express your desire to run and never return here, I won't blame you."

"Uh… thanks for the heads up, I suppose." Gray could only sweatdrop at what Luthais just said to him about the Headmaster.

"Well, it's time for me to return to work then." Luthais said as he prepared to take his leave from the gang. "Should you want for us to converse once more, then I'll gladly take up the offer and be at my office upstairs on the second floor. I also heard great things from the Headmaster about you, young lord, being the apprentice of the great Rarsu as well. Perhaps it would be beneficial for both of us if we discussed things about magic, indulge ourselves at its fine wonders."

"I'll see, depending on my schedule." Gray simply said, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. "Thanks for escorting us, Lord Luthais. It's highly appreciated."

"Anytime, young lord." Luthais smiled and eventually left the gang, going back to his office.

Gray merely stared at Luthais retreating form with a passive look, gazing meticulously at the Dean.

"He seemed kind of nice." Isamu commented on Gray's side.

"Maybe." Gray said softly for only his companions to hear. "He's a Mage like me, and as such, he might be a suspect behind the incident of Steph's attempted kidnapping. Not to mention, he's also in a high and well-known position. So he most likely has access to resources that can't be obtained by just anyone, like the red parchments of Exolv."

"Yes." Lily agreed with Gray. "You are wise not to trust him, Baron Gray."

'I applaud how you were able to lie straight on his face, Big Brother.' Selena added her point of view. 'I had to admit, behind Lady Stephania's gentle personality is a cunning mind when she suggested to us about it during our final lunch with her before departing from the village.'

Indeed, it was all according to Lady Stephania's plan. Two days ago, when the gang was having the aforementioned meal with the esteemed Lady of Einsberg, they discussed further the next course of action that is to undertake. Stephania suggested not to reveal that it was Gray who saved her from the kidnapper, all for the elf's safety so he wouldn't be the next target of the mastermind's wrath.

Stephania suspected that the culprit most likely came from Flocaster and only a noble, a Mage, a noble Mage, or perhaps a Mage working under a noble or any vile element of the said town would benefit from this incident. They also considered that an average crook is simply behind all this, but given the kidnapper's expertise of infiltrating the village and the Manor, they highly doubt that.

The gang's safety is especially noted when the mastermind appeared to be capable of magic that's unknown to them. This is also to ensure that her Father and brothers can investigate the incident in secrecy without attracting too much attention from the mastermind.

Stephania also told the gang regarding the letter that was sent to her family members, stating that they should keep Gray's involvement a secret for her savior's welfare. The matter will be consulted with the Count as well, so the ruler of the town is aware what's going on in his fief and will provide the necessary assistance. After all, the Walcots are one of the most influential noble families of Flocaster, and offending them is of no joking matter. There will be a price to pay for such transgressions.

Anyways, there will be plenty of time to ponder more about the subject matter. As such, the gang focused for now on meeting first with the Headmaster and be enlightened further on what the Bardic University is all about.

Gray knocked on the door, so the Headmaster, whose inside will grant him and his companions the entry.

"Come on in~"

The gang all heard an inviting and husky voice from behind the door, causing them to have goosebumps at how strangely seductive it is. This mostly featured the cat-folk Isamu, with his white fur being comically standing up in an agitated way.

And the weird part is… the voice is clearly male... with a feminine touch. This only added to the bewilderment of the gang.

'C-crap.' Gray thought nervously at the tantalizing sound of the voice while holding the door. 'I hope this is not what I think it is.'

Reluctantly opening the door, Gray and the others were all greeted by an elegant-looking human male inside, smiling sweetly at them much to their unliking.

"Ah, it appears that a dandy group of beautiful specimens has graced me in this fine hour of a marvelous day~"

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