Silverhart Online

105 Bardic University

The moment when the two guards of the Bardic University gate saw the gang who is accompanied by another guard, their demeanor immediately became more attentive than before as they eyed the strangers who have displayed intent on entering the university grounds.

But upon seeing the rose badge that the elf and the young girl are bearing, the pair of guards conducted themselves appropriately to not offend the nobles of the group.

The guard escort gestured courteously for the gang to wait at their spot as he approached his fellow guards to talk to them about the gang's circumstances here at the University.

"Hey, Floyd." The guard escort initiated the conversation with one of the university guards. "I bring the esteemed noble elf, Lord Gray Allister, and his regarded companions who the Headmaster are expecting today."

"Ah, so that's him." The university guard said in acknowledgment. "If that's the case, then they may all be granted entry to the university and report to the gracious Headmaster without delay."

With their entry secured, the guard escort smiled at the gang and motioned for them to enter.

One of the university guards then opened the gate, an invitation for Gray and his companions to finally proceed inside. Indeed, the gang's excitement skyrocketed as they can't wait to delve behind the stone walls and view the whole Bardic University with their own two eyes.

Taking their first step, the gang could not help but widen their eyes with utter amazement at the marvelous sight that greeted them, the sight of three buildings in its remarkable glory that faced towards one another in a plaza-like setting.

Speaking of plaza-like, indeed the university grounds is truly comparable to one. Green, luscious grass makes up the entirety of the outdoors with few trees adding to the ambiance of the beautiful nature. The most notable sight however is a huge golden statue of a musical figure in the very center. The figure depicted a handsome human male playing the lute. He is shown to be wearing a fashionable doublet that is close fitting with baggy sleeves. The said clothing also has an elaborate design with a pattern of flower embroidery that is certainly eye-catching. The man's lower garment is a braies pants with a pair of pointed boots that reached his knees.

No doubt, the statue itself is sculpted by a carver who mastered his trade, evident by the perfect attention to details that was made into the golden sculpture showing no signs of physical degradation. It's absolutely a sight that many won't definitely miss.

Numerous bards are also noticed all over the university grounds with their extravagant attires that are only worn by a performer of the oratory and musical arts. Some who are in groups appeared to be practicing for some sort of play, attested by the way that they dramatically act as they interact with one another while a person oversees the entire practice. The other ones who preferred to be alone simply minded their own business as they play their musical instrument in a perfect solace, basking at the fresh outdoor winds with a state of absolute tranquility, exhibited by the soothing expression on their faces.

The group's attention aimed next to the buildings, most conspicuously at the one that's directly in front of them and the biggest of the three, akin to an extravagant three-story mansion owned by the richest of the nobility. From the outside where the group stood, the university looks very aesthetic and pleasing to the eyes. Its architectural design consisted mostly of refined wheat silver-colored bricks that only add to the exquisite display with spruce wooden decorations. Small, rectangular windows made up most of the building, and the roof is of the A-frame type.

The guard escort who's still accompanying them told that the building that they are seeing is the Academic Building of the University. This is where the lectures about history, rhetoric, and music are all discussed and the office of the faculty, Dean, and Headmaster is also located inside.

The second building at the left is the Grand Auditorium, the building where the most talented of Bards would perform on the monumental stage. The auditorium is capable of accommodating thousands of audiences who wished to witness the performances and plays.

The third building at the right is simply the dormitory for both faculty and students alike. It's a fairly huge four-story manor to accommodate many of the occupants who are currently involved with the university. The guard told the gang that this is where they'll be staying as instructed by the Headmaster.

Now that Gray and the others had a general idea of the whole area while on their brief tour, the guard escort guided the quarter to the Academic building where they'll be meeting the Headmaster.

The Bards in their vicinity wonder who the new visitors are. Many thought along the lines that they must be new students while others thought that they are simply tourists or visitors who wished to explore the place.

Most of the men however are could not help but eye at Lily, who they thought is a stunning young lady with the perfect figure and an angelic face. Some of the women also set their gaze at Gray and Isamu, where they thought that that the pair is simply dashing as fit to their status. Gray being a Baron with his dignified elven features that is almost similar to the handsome Dean of the University that they all revere, Luthais Faelar, and Isamu as a gallant Knight displaying his set of imposing full plate armor. Regarding Selena Allister, all of the Bards surely thought of her as a cute adorable little girl that deserved praise and attention.

Indeed, the Bards' curiosity could not help but be piqued at the members of the gang who all look unique and diversified.

The gang tried their best to pay no mind on the stares that they received and opted to focus on the direction at where the guard escort is currently leading them. In a few moments after dealing with the scrutinizing eyes of the Bards, the quartet finally arrived inside the Academic building, much to their relief. The unnecessary attention was just too much, especially when they just arrived here.

Similar to the Warrior's Guild, the first thing that greeted the four inside is the reception hall of the building.

If the outside was grand, then the gang is sure as hell that the very inside at where they are standing currently is unmistakably grander. A majestic hallway welcomed them in their line of sight, adorning an orange carpet on the floor that lead to the lobby where a certain beautiful young woman is seen behind the counter. The said woman seemed to be occupied with her own work, writing something on a notebook of hers.

Gray deemed that it was the right time for the guard to depart from the group. The guard was finished with fulfilling his task of escorting the gang to the building and his services are no longer needed. Of course, the gang unquestionably appreciated the guard's gesture of assistance to them.

"Thank you for accompanying us, fair guard, but we will be fine on our own from here on out and we don't want to take more of your precious time." Gray smiled with gratitude as he proved it by conjuring a pouch of 60 gold from his Inventory and gave it to him. "Here, something for your troubles. I suppose that's enough for about two to three drinks or so at the local tavern."

"I thank you, my lord." The guard positively isn't going to say no to gold as he graciously accepted the elf's reward. After all, gold is gold and every single bit of it counts. He would be a hypocrite if he would answer otherwise. Additionally, this also led to the completion of his own quest that was given to him by the System when he was tasked to escort the gang. "Should you require any further assistance, all you have to do is to ask the lovely young lass at the counter, Miss Penelope Germaine."

"Got it." Gray gave the man a thumbs up.

After receiving his gold, the guard politely begged his leave to the gang and went outside in the opposite way, going back to the gate between High Quarter and Low Quarter to resume his original lookout duty.

Heeding the guard's advice, Gray and his companions wasted no time and approached the receptionist at her work station. The gang saw that the receptionist is still occupied in her notebook and seemed to have not yet noticed them.

Gray led the conversation as always and went nearer to the receptionist. He had to admit, he was a bit annoyed at how she seemed to be not minding him despite their slightly close proximity towards one another. Gray also took notice of how the receptionist would giggle every now and then, probably finding what she's currently writing somewhat amusing.

'Wow, she sure is focused on whatever she's writing at.' Gray thought as he tilted his head in interest. 'Alright, snapping her out then. I'm not going to waste my time staring her writing and snickering like a crazy chick all day at whatever she's writing.'

Without hesitation, Gray leaned against the counter and attempted to catch the receptionist's attention by clearing his throat loudly. "Excuse me, miss."

The elf's act thankfully did its part as Penelope halted her writing and lifted her head up to see an elf. She quickly reacted by securing her notebook below her desk and stood up from her seat, no doubt embarrassed by how late she realized that someone is actually in front to consult with her, evident by the small blush on her pretty face.

"O-oh my." Penelope stuttered on her tone. Upon seeing the badge on the elf's robes, she came to a realization at how ill-bred she is and spontaneously bow her head down apologetically. "I'm truly sorry my lord. Forgive me for the rudeness that I displayed to you."

"Haha, it's quite alright." Gray grinned in assurance while waving his right hand dismissively. His tone then shifted to being playful as he said his next words. "Although seeing you chuckling like a madwoman, I can only imagine the entertaining words that you must be writing."

"Oh uh… it's nothing that you have to be concern about, my lord." Penelope sheepishly responded. "It's just a little hobby of mine. Anyways, my name is Penelope Germaine, the receptionist of the distinguished Bardic University. What can I do for you?"

Gray saw how flustered the young lady is in her attempt to change the subject promptly. Deciding to spare Penelope of any humiliation, he went along with her and introduced himself and his companions who are right behind him. "My name is Gray Allister and these are my friends, my Knight, Isamu Meiyo, my sister, Selena Allister, and a friend of mine from the Order, Liliane Springflower."

"Wait, you're Gray Allister?!" Penelope this time was in for a pleasant surprise as her tone turned lively, her embarrassment now totally forgotten. "The Headmaster is expecting you and your party's arrival. It's finally an honor to meet you!!"

"An honor?" Gray was perplexed at why Penelope is presently feeling all jolly at this very moment. "Kindly enlighten me."

"It was you who introduce the 'Gangnam Style' in Chadena, correct?" Penelope's eyes lit up with eagerness to which Gray nodded in response. "When Lord Hubard told us of your exploits when he and the other Bards came back, we were not able to contain our excitement at the prospect of meeting you in person. At first, I never believe that a regal and cultured elf such as yourself is capable of such eccentric yet catchy dance moves, but here you are, right in the flesh!! As a result, the Headmaster decided to spread the dance and patented it under your glorious name. Don't be astonished when you'll see some Bards randomly performing your dance in the streets."

"Hehe, right." Gray simply sweat-dropped at her explanation. It's official, his drunken shenanigans at the Fighter's Retreat would forever haunt him until his grave. Psy, if given the opportunity to cross here in this world, would no doubt berate the elf for shamelessly using his signature dance move of 2012 as a way to rise to fame, intentionally or not.

"The Headmaster is currently inside his office," Penelope said. "If you and your companions would please follow me, I'll take you there. He's very ecstatic in meeting you this instant."

"That won't be necessary, dear."

Penelope's eyes widen as she heard a familiar sophisticated voice coming from her and the gang's side.

"Lord Luthais."

The elven Dean himself smiled in a display of a welcoming manner, manifesting the same look of thrill while studying the gang with a calculating gaze, most particularly at his fellow elf, Gray Allister.

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