Silverhart Online

104 Flocaster

"The town boasts a long history of music, tradition, and culture, centering around the City of Jewels that Whitemoor proudly calls Flocaster. No doubt, travelers from all around Silverhart would be enamored by the majesty of the place, a ballad of tales and revelry emphasizing the artistic creativity of most of its citizens. Bards, poets, troubadours, minstrels, and many others who delved in the aesthetic arts… such are the norm here that the Bardic University takes prides upon.

- Valerius Tiberius, Author of 'Adventurer's Guide to Whitemoor, 2nd Edition', 6th day of Ending's Cry, 1443.


"So this is Flocaster." Gray took a deep breath of wonder as he marveled at the scenery inside the majestic cultured town. "It certainly is breathtaking."

"I agree." Lily nodded alongside Gray. "The people around are so lively around here. It's like the whole town is practically a theater, in my opinion."

'Yes.' Selena agreed as well. 'It's a nice change of scenery from Chadena, that I can say.'

"Hehe, yeah." Isamu grinned with enthusiasm. "We are so going to enjoy it here."

Flocaster, if the average traveler would be describing it, is simply magnificent. The streets are fairly clean with little to no signs of litter, bustling with different activities and entertainment, as evidenced by the many bards and musicians playing around the area with their respective different musical instruments, while the children in the proximity play various parlor games with smiles all over their faces. The town is flourishing, radiating with economic supremacy as townsfolk and merchants at the marketplace interact with one another harmoniously. Craftsmen and artisans of various trade are witnessed at their own stalls or shops, presenting their craftsmanship and talent while selling their products to the public.

Not to mention, the whole area exhibited an atmosphere of liveliness and pure excitement, no doubt thrilled for the upcoming festival that will be held two days from now. Many of the townsfolk are seen preparing many of the decoration, stalls, and entertainment for the said event. Overall, it is of no jest that Flocaster is a colorful town filled with exhilaration.

In Gray's point of view, he sincerely thought that he was in a renaissance fair of some sort back on his past life on earth when he attended such cultural events together with his friends back at college at one point.

"Well my esteemed clients, this is the town you have been waiting for." Ivan said while driving the carriage that is beside the quartet who are outside walking. "Flocaster, the City of Jewels."

"I've read a book regarding the town, and I must say that the description of its grandeur is of no exaggeration." Gray said to Ivan. Then the former recalled what the latter mentioned outside, something about the High Quarter. As a result, the elf decided to ask about it.

Ivan obliged by telling Gray that the High Quarter is one of the four districts of Flocaster. It's where the renowned Bardic University is located. The High Quarter also served as the residential area for the nobility and wealthy, where they lived in their luxurious Manors. Another notable establishment aside from the University is the Steed Palace, the exalted castle of the town where the Count and his family reside.

The district that Gray and the others are currently is known as the Trade Town. Evident from the name itself, it is the part of Flocaster where the merchants and other people of the various profession make their living around here from their business establishments. During the day, this is the most occupied district of the town where the citizens make their living in conducting their daily work to sustain themselves.

After Ivan explained two of the four districts, for now, Gray decided on their first course of action: to find a place to stay. Fortunately for the gang, the Headmaster offered them the specified gesture, so that's one problem that has been diverted.

"I suppose we'll head on first to the Bardic University." Gray said to the group. "A roof on top of our heads is our number one priority here."

The rest of the gang all agreed with Gray's plan.

"I still have to park my carriage and horse to the stables for safekeeping, though." Ivan told the four. "The consultation with the stable master is going to take a while. You may all proceed without me, and I'll catch up with you. If you need directions to the University, you may simply ask the locals, and they'll be happy to assist you."

"Got it." Gray nodded in agreement as he and his companions proceeded to make their way to the said location.

Ivan bid them a wave of farewell before gesturing his brown horse to move the carriage in the opposite direction going to the stables of the town.

The quarter is now seen to be trekking throughout the town while marveling at the beautiful sights that surround in their vicinity. As suggested by Ivan, the gang along the way asked a dwarf civilian for directions to the High Quarter, and they were told to just follow the road straight ahead until they reached a staircase that served as the entrance. They were also informed that they'll be passing along Low Quarter as well, the district that houses many of the common-folk.

Thanking the civilian, the gang continued their walk until they reached the district of Low Quarter. True to the civilian's words who as well explained to them about the said district, it's indeed the part of the town where numerous small houses are seen, which varied from the architectural material of wood and stone. Despite the name suggested, the common-folk are actually living a decent life. The gang took notice that the atmosphere is entirely satisfactory, visible by the contented look that the people of the district are displaying. Middle-aged women from around the corner are seen to be chatting leisurely with one another, the topic most likely about rumors that concern the town and the upcoming festival. The children are scattered around the streets running, indulging in the game of tag. The adult men are only a few in presence, most of them are probably at their work in Trade Town for sustaining both themselves and their family.

"So far, so good." Gray commented as he was impressed by the things that he has seen currently. "The people here are having a good life, so it seems."

"Just a testament of how Flocaster managed itself fruitfully throughout the passages of time." Isamu remarked in agreement with Gray. "Chadena is a fair town, but it is as clear as daylight that Flocaster right here beat my hometown by a significant margin in every aspect. All except for its garrison or military in which Chadena obviously excelled at due to the presence of the Warrior's Guild."

"Yes." Lily nodded alongside them. "Both towns certainly has its perks. Chadena emphasizes the strength of its warriors and army, while Flocaster highlights the culture and tradition of Whitemoor."

As the four continue to chat with one another while on their walking, they eventually found themselves on a staircase in an ascending manner. At the end of the stairs above is an open metal gate where two guards are stationed at both sides, clearly on the lookout for any suspicious behaviors.

"This must be the staircase that the dwarf is talking about." Gray said to his team.

The gang proceeded to ascend upstairs and reached the very top. The pair of guards, upon seeing the approaching quartet, greeted them in a welcoming manner.

"I welcome you folks to the High Quarter, my lord, and his esteemed companions." One of the guards greeted the gang respectfully upon seeing the rose badge that was adorned on the soul-siblings.

"Hail to you as well, humble guard." Gray smiled at the pair and made some small talk. "Me and my friends here have recently arrived and are new to this town. With your gate open, I can only assume that anyone, regardless of social background can enter here, correct?"

"You presumed correctly, my lord, but there are certain limitations." The guard answered. "The High Quarter welcomes everyone without exception. As long as they stay away from any trouble, then it's of no problem. Although we still need to question the common-folk of their business here to prevent them from simply littering around for no reason whatsoever. They must have a valid reason for entering the district, and we provide them with a pass as proof that they're authorized. Of course, such restriction does not apply to the nobility and any of his companions, such as yourselves. Oh, and Bards of the University too."

"I suppose that's reasonable." Gray nodded in response. "Anyways, we are here for the Bardic University. I was invited by the Headmaster himself."

"Ah, I see." The guard's eyes widen at hearing this. "We have been informed by the Headmaster as well that someone of your description will be making his arrival here sometime today. Do you have the invitation letter by any of the Bards in your possession?"

"Of course." Gray answered as he withdrew the letter that was given to him by the group of Bards during his night of dancing at the Fighter's Retreat and showed it to the guard.

The guard nodded graciously as he accepted the letter and begun reading it. After a short moment, he gave the letter back to Gray.

"I believe everything is in order." The guard said with approval. "Now, if my lords and ladies will please follow me and I'll guide you to the University."

Leaving his partner behind, the guard gestured the gang to follow him so they won't have any trouble in transversing throughout the High Quarter.

Speaking of the High Quarter, the district is indeed what Ivan described to the gang. Huge houses and manors mostly made up of the entire area, with almost all of the residents of the district wearing a luxurious set of attire while walking around in a regal fashion and minding their own affairs. The guard also told them that this is also where the garrison of Flocaster resided, where the guards would spend their time off-duty at the barracks and is situated near the palace.

After a short while, the gang finally arrived in front of a massive black gate that served as a boundary between the University and the outside. Inside, a majestic huge manor-like building with four stories, surrounded by enormous stone walls in a rectangular way. A pair of guards are also at the gates guarding the University and among the many others who served as the lookout on the outside grounds.

"Here we are, my lord." The guard presented the place to the gang. "The prestigious Bardic University of Flocaster."

Gray and the others could not help but had their mouths agape with sheer awe at the dignified splendor that is right in their very eyes, unmistakably thrilled at what's behind the walls as a brand new engagement awaits them on the inside.

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