Silverhart Online

103 Inspection before entry

Two days have passed since they departed from Einsberg, and the gang is finally seen nearing at the outskirts of Florcaster as signs of civilization and society can be witnessed at their proximity.

Like most other towns, the farmlands located outside can now be seen as the gang saw farmers tending to the fields. Numerous small houses make up a mini-village for them to live on with a huge Manor overlooking the area, no doubt housing the noble that administers the entire place.

"Finally, this is it, my lords and ladies!!" Ivan said with excitement at the prospect of their arrival while driving the carriage. "Flocaster, the City of Jewels. In a few minutes, we'll be arriving at the town gates. As such, I highly advise that you prepare for a thorough inspection. The festival is going to start in about two days. Thus the authorities are definitely going to be in high alert."

"The festival." Lily's eyes shone with excitement at hearing the event. "It's been a long time since I've attended my last festival at Everfall, where the Order's main headquarters is also located. I wonder how Flocaster is going to fare compared to the capital?"

"By a large margin, I can assure you," Ivan told her with glee. "With the Bardic University nearby, there is no doubt the festival is the grandest event of all in Whitemoor, filled with music and a lot of entertainment and games that folks both common and nobility get the privilege to enjoy to the fullest."

'That sounds wonderful.' Selena mentally communicated with them all, her tone brimming with enthusiasm as fitting like a child who simply wants to have fun. 'I can't wait to see what's inside.'

"Same here, sis." Gray grinned with the same vigorous energy. "There will be a lot of beer and mead for Isamu and I to drink until we passed out, isn't that right, buddy?"

"You've got that right, oh splendid lord of mine." Isamu's fangs bared excitedly for his companions to see. "The festival is the time to let go of yourself, temporarily forget one's duty for the sake of carousing and enjoyment."

Ivan simply shook his head with a smile at the group's anticipation as he continued to set forth into their desired location.

In a few minutes, the carriage has finally arrived near the town gates, and apparently, the group is not alone in their attempts to enter the town.

Numerous travelers from different backgrounds and races are witnessed to be lining up, no doubt here, for the highly anticipated festivities as well.

"The line sure is damn long," Gray commented with a frown as he took a peek outside. "It's going to take us at least an hour before it's going to be our turn at this rate."

"Not necessarily," Ivan smirked at him in assurance. "The nobility is given priority in being granted entrance. Allow me to talk with the guards so we can secure our entry faster."

"Well, that's a bit unfair to the ones who are waiting in line." Gray rubbed his chin, pondering if he should be using his privilege as a noble. "Nah, it's no big deal. We have made our journey for five days already. An hour or two won't fucking kill us. If that's okay with you guys?"

[+3 GOOD]





"Your patience and character are truly admirable, my lord." Ivan was slightly surprised by Gray's decision. Most nobles won't hesitate to use their privilege for self-interest and gain, but it appears that the elf is different.

Gray's companions agreed with the elf as it does not really matter either way since, in the end, they'll still be entering the town, and there's no need to make a commotion about any of that.


An hour has passed, and it's finally time for the gang's turn to be inspected by the guards. Speaking of the guards, they are clad in a yellow tabard that displays the insignia of Flocaster, a striking red horse. The tabard covered the mail shirt and leggings that they are wearing. Their headgear is a kettle helm, with a leather neck guard for support.

The two guards assigned as the inspectors eyed the next carriage meticulously, gesturing for the occupants to first get out so they can properly inspect the inside. In the case of their Inventory, it needs to be checked as well to find items of suspicions that may potentially jeopardize the safety of the festival itself.

Gray indeed was a bit wary at the guards seeing his items, most notably his Godly items. The unnecessary attention that he will garner will unquestionably be troublesome and reveal his Paragon status most likely. Luckily, he has a solution to this predicament.

'And yet again, I owe dear Master for this.' Gray thought with relief, something that was given to him by Rarsu during his and Selena's apprenticeship in case they're going to encounter situations such as this. 'The Seal of Item Secrecy sure does come in handy at times like this.'

The Seal of Item Secrecy is a high-level magic circle used to impersonate an item's status. With this seal, anyone perceiving the item that was subjected to it will be presented with false information instead that's displayed by the System, more specifically its tier, stats, level requirement, item description, and other factors by means of manually modifying it through the System while the magic circle ritual took place. The seal can only be utilized by high-ranking mages typically, but Rarsu allowed Gray to use it since the latter possessed items that can't be exactly considered normal to the eyes of the general public, given his status as the Paragon.

In short, the method is similar to the standard \u003cImpersonation\u003e skill, but it's implemented on items instead and with the additional requirements of the mentioned seal.

Naturally, Gray prepared the seal in advance, using it on his two Godly items, the \u003c Peacekeeper's Tunic\u003e and the \u003cCodex\u003e, and his two Epic items, the \u003cRobes of the Lunar Mage\u003e and the recently acquired \u003cRing of Chaotic Fortune\u003e. The ritual was done months ago during his apprenticeship as per advice by Rarsu, with the ring having been done just two nights ago during camp.

At first, Gray was having second thoughts if he should apply the seal to the \u003cRobes of the Lunar Mage\u003e, but if someone were to read the item description that involves the Demon Wolf God Fenrir, then he's bound to be the center of unnecessary attraction, most notably the Paladins who'll inevitably question him if he's affiliated with one of the Demonic Gods. The same reasoning falls right to the \u003cRing of Chaotic Fortune\u003e as well.

The rest of his unusual items are deemed okay and won't be questioned too much since he's a Mage, so it's fine for him to allow the guards to inspect his Inventory.

As the gang went out of the carriage to present themselves, the guards' eyes widen with surprise, most strikingly at Gray and Selena as they gazed the rose badge that both siblings have been wearing at their robes.

"Welcome to Flocaster, my lord, and his esteemed companions." One of the guards quickly recovered from his shock to not look stupid in front of the group. "If we had known that you were actually waiting in line like the rest of the good folk, then we could have immediately allowed you to be inspected first, so his lordship did not have to go with the trouble."

"It's quite alright," Gray assured to ease the atmosphere and begin telling them the same reasoning that he provided to his companions. "It's not that big of a deal. In the end, all of us are going to get in, right? I don't see the reason why anyone would be making a fuss out of this. Besides, we have already transverse from Chadena to here in a total of five days. An hour of more waiting is not the end of the world, hahaha."





The elf's light-hearted response was heard by the commoners who were behind him and his group, and indeed, they were rather delightfully surprised by a noble who's actually willing to wait in line like the rest of them, unlike the other nobles who they grew accustomed to.

Word spread rather fast among the common-folk in the proximity, and they surely all saw the elven Baron in an excellent light. They certainly had a favorable first impression about Gray and reacted well to how he admirably presented himself to the public. All eyes focus entirely on him, intrigued, and wanting to know more who this kind and esteemed Baron is.

Gray simply sighed as he thought that this was nothing new, having experienced the feeling of fame in the past when he was in Chadena. The elf is a respected individual known by many of the townsfolk, known as Rarsu's apprentice, and also introduced a foreign and catchy dance move known as the 'Gangnam Style' in the Fighter's Retreat. Not to mention, the information of his Baron rank spread swiftly among the citizens like wildfire right before his very departure.

Oh, the memories...

"If that is his lord's wish." The guard did not question Gray any further. Although, he also thought about the elf positively and could not help but be impressed by the virtue and humility that the elf is exhibiting to all of them despite his significantly higher position.

Anyways, the guards requested politely for the gang to introduce themselves and show their respective Inventory so the guards can verify each of the contents and to write it down on the manifest that one of them is holding for future reference. This is to ensure that if someone from outside committed a crime, especially here in the bustling distractions of the festival, then the information that was written can be used as a clue for investigation.

The guard blinked his eyes with surprise upon hearing the elf's name.

"You're Lord Gray Allister?" The guard asked. "The honorable headmaster is expecting you then as his distinguished guest. You are requested that you head on to the University without delay so that he can welcome and provide you and your companions respective rooms to stay."

"That's certainly kind of him." Gray nodded in agreement, relieved that the issue of lodging seemed to have been resolved. "Very well."

The guard smiled in return and begun his inspection of the elf's Inventory.

"I see, so his lordship also owned some items that are magical of nature." The guard commented as he saw various parchments of Exolvs and potions in the elf's Inventory UI. He also checked Gray's equipment, and indeed, the seal performed its intended effect, masking the sensitive items so the guard won't be having some suspicions about who he really is. "Hmm, I believe you are good to go, my lord. I'll next inspect the rest of your companions and the inside of your carriage. After everything is clear, all of you can be on your way inside."

True to his words, the guard and his partner did so. The rest of the inspetion went along smoothly, with some questions from Isamu's legendary scarf and an assortment of magical items from Selena and Lily. After a few minutes, the pair deemed that the gang is all cleared up and good to enter.

"Welcome to Flocaster." The guard officially welcomed the gang. "I hope you find the town to your liking. The festival will begin in around two days. The Bardic University is located at the High Quarter of the town."

"The High Quarter?" Gray asked.

"It's one of Flocaster's districts, similar to how Chadena divides its territory, my lord." Ivan intervened. "I'll tell you more about the subject matter while we make our stroll throughout the town."

"Will do." Gray nodded happily. "Thanks for the information, good guard."

And with that, the gang entered the gates of the illustrious town of Flocaster, excited on what the City of Jewels has in store for all of them.

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