Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 106 The Institute Is Listed

After the turmoil basically subsided, Ye Zhou also completed all his preparations.

The basic knowledge about nuclear reactors has been basically completed, and the research institute has finally completed the preliminary establishment, and today is the day when his research institute was officially listed.

The laboratories equipped by this institute mainly focus on inorganic solid materials, including a series of laboratories such as materials synthesis laboratory, processing, test analysis, metallography, xrd test and structural calculation.

As for those fields directly related to engines, such as gas thermodynamics, combustion, etc., both the experimental facilities and the professionalism of personnel have extremely high requirements, and he never planned to put them in his own research institute from the beginning. Here, he just asked Chen Hao to coordinate the cooperation of the most famous 606 Research Institute in China and provide him with conditions for trial production and experiments.

However, he also set up a special theoretical research and development department. In addition to scholars in the fields of basic mathematics, physics, and chemistry as peripheral consultants, he also recruited a large number of theoretical engineers in the field of aviation to enter the institute. The work is both simple and complex, that is, to reverse engineer the ge-9x, thoroughly understand the basic principles of this engine, and then combine the engine technology with the fluorescent iron material to trial-produce a domestic engine with super high thrust in one step.

At the listing ceremony, Ye Zhou did not give any exciting speeches, but simply announced the future goals of the laboratory, and then directly issued the first research and development task.

Trial production of star rock materials.

This is just a hands-on project, the purpose is to make this institute operate stably as soon as possible, and to bring up the synergy of various departments.

Before that, he also completed the dismantling of the ge-9x drawings based on the knowledge instilled by the simulator. Once the Xingyan project is completed, the theoretical research on aviation and the synthesis of fluorescent iron can be put on the agenda. .

The ge-9x design drawings extracted from the simulator are not as simple as a simple "structural drawing", but include hot and cold dual-state dual drawings, structural optimization mdo remarks, tolerances, surface roughness, and material analysis of each component. A complete design drawing including a series of reports and so on.

It can be said that with this drawing, domestic factories can completely reproduce this engine 100% after spending a certain amount of time.

However, this means nothing to Ye Zhou.

Because this is a commercial engine with a large bypass ratio, even if it is manufactured, it can only be used in the commercial field.

What he needs to do is, on the one hand, organize engineers to reverse engineer this design drawing to understand the principle of each design, so as to feed back key technologies to domestic engine design and manufacturing research, and truly create our own "dragon" On the other hand, find a suitable manufacturer and directly copy the engine, thereby eliminating the urgent need for domestic commercial large aircraft.

So, it's a two-step strategy.

Engineers need to theoretically solidify every detail of engine design, deduce theoretical basis, and then put forward application suggestions.

The most conservative estimate of this process, without encountering any theoretical blind spots, will take at least half a year, because the input of manpower and resources cannot effectively accelerate it.

But after entering the ground test, Ye Zhou has a way to improve efficiency.

It is also very simple, that is, the saturation test.

All domestic enterprises capable of manufacturing aero-engines should be mobilized to carry out production and testing at any cost.

Of course, although that is the case, the objective laws of physics cannot be changed. The process of this experiment still needs to be calculated in months or even years. Even with the support of such a national system in China, the trial production of a military aircraft is conservative. It will take more than 6 months - this is an optimistic situation, and must be based on the improvement and optimization of the existing engine, rather than developing a new engine from scratch.

The shortest development cycle for a reliable military aviation engine is more than 120 months, while the development cycle of the Taihang engine is as long as 27 years, which is enough to explain the difficulty of engine development.

As for copying the engine, Ye Zhou is going to choose one of Cheng Fei and Shu Fei. They should be the only domestic company capable of copying this ge-9x.

According to his estimation, the time for the first copy will not be too short, but because of the almost impeccable drawings, it will not be too long.

If you are optimistic, it will take about two months, which is already an extremely fast speed.

After all, only about 2,200 aviation engines can be delivered by ge company a year, which is only achieved when the manufacturing process is extremely mature.

Ye Zhou's goal is not to realize the assembly line production of the engine. He only needs to focus on the first engine to complete the ground test and reach the standard for commercial use. issues to consider.

Let the official toss it, he has more important things to do, that is to complete the plot simulation of all stages of Dragon Heart and get the final reward.

According to the completion level of the simulator at that time, the dragon's heart should be divided into 5 stages of simulation. Now he has completed two, and the third one has also been started. As long as he works harder, he can quickly pass three, four and five. stage, you can see the final reward.

He was curious what the final reward would be.

Judging from the current situation, the simulator brings him technological rewards in the near future, and the simulated scenes are all from the past or the present, but the plot of the third stage has already opened up the time span, according to this speed Extrapolating, the fifth phase of the simulation is likely to take place further into the future.

Correspondingly, the gap between the rewarded technology and the current technology should continue to increase.

Could it be something like a curvature engine?

If it is, then the fun will be huge.

An ordinary fuel engine, even if it is more advanced, can be built with the strength of the whole country, but if it involves the leap of theoretical physics, it is not a matter of gnashing of teeth.

You can’t make it even if you bite your teeth, you must start from the underlying theory and climb the technology tree step by step.

Ye Zhou shook his head. According to the current situation, the person or organization who gave him the simulator should not have done such a nonsense thing.

After the listing ceremony, he greeted all the staff and left the institute alone.

The final location of the institute was some distance away from the place Chen Hao found him, but he didn't want to take a car, he just wanted to walk alone.

There were a lot of thoughts lingering in his mind, and the one that puzzled him the most was why he put applied technology in a higher position than theoretical science.

This question was raised by the female political commissar when she first arrived at Chen Hao's chip project headquarters. At today's listing ceremony, someone asked this question again.

He didn't answer at the time because he didn't think clearly.

But now, after a long journey, he figured it out.

Because we can't wait, Huaxia can't wait.

No matter how awesome the theoretical breakthrough is, it will take a long time to achieve the application, even if the simulator sends him a unified theory?

Every man is innocent, and he is guilty of guilt. Once such a strategic theoretical breakthrough occurs, it will inevitably lead to the reckless mass attack of the enemy.

Unless you don't use it, because as long as you use it, you can't hide it.

Is it to be hoped that your enemy, after seeing the bright future of mankind in your hands, will extend a friendly hand to you and say, "We are all human beings anyway, let's work together to realize a community of shared destiny"?


Even if it's just your neighbor, if you tell him that the land will be demolished soon and we will achieve common prosperity soon, he will not stop competing with you for the three-inch land under the roof.

This is the dark forest law between great powers - even if 100% full communication can be achieved between complex animals like humans, mutual suspicion and hostility will always exist.

Therefore, the only correct way should be to squeeze the current theoretical science as much as possible, apply it all to reality, and then take advantage of the limited generation difference to achieve global hegemony.

After that, it's time to think about how to go to the sea of ​​stars!

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly had a thought.

What if we already have those theoretical breakthroughs, but we can't come up with them because of our current strength?

Thinking of this, his pace involuntarily sped up a bit.

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