Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 107 Level 1 Authority

After returning home, Ye Zhou drank a cup of tea as he was accustomed to, and after lying down in his room and locking the door, he entered the simulator and began to set up a mental programming model.

This time, he only had 45 minutes to simulate. From the information he had obtained before, it would take at least one kilometer to enter the core area and find the exploding nuclear reactor core from the periphery of his base.

He doesn't yet know the physical fitness of the engineer in the simulation, but to be on the safe side, he must activate his full physical potential at the beginning and squeeze all the adrenaline to maintain the next 45 minutes of vigorous exercise.

In addition, he must keep the "planner" talent activated from beginning to end, pushing the brain to run at a high load, and not letting go of any detail along the way.

Under the interaction of the two, coupled with the improvement of his physical fitness brought by the "courage" talent, his state in the simulation can be directly adjusted to the peak, eliminating a series of possible problems caused by his own reasons.

Everything was ready, Ye Zhou entered the simulation selection interface and directly started the three-stage simulation of Dragon Heart.

When he opened his eyes, Ye Zhou was in the desert again. He felt his heartbeat increase to more than 100 times in an instant, and the violent surging blood rushed to his brain. Under the influence of the planner's talent, his consciousness was unprecedented. wide awake.

At the same time, the courage talent was triggered, and his physical strength was also improved by a step compared to the last simulation.

Ye Zhou didn't hesitate, turned around and ran towards the entrance in his memory. At the same time, he touched the cuff with his right hand and activated the internal communication tool.

"The Disaster Control Office, I'm Ye Zhou, please conduct a self-inspection on all the fission cores in the base immediately. I suspect that there is a problem with the cores, and there is a high possibility of an explosion!"

Ye Zhou ran all the way, but his voice was extremely stable.

"This is the Disaster Control Office, Chief Engineer Ye. Your request has been received and is being executed. Please explain to me the basis for your suspicion."

The disaster control office's reply was straightforward, but Ye Zhou was not satisfied with it.

"I'm not talking about system self-inspection! Send someone over! I'm asking for an on-site inspection!"

"Received. Instructions have been issued to all relevant engineers. It is expected to arrive within two minutes, and the preliminary inspection will be completed within 15 minutes. Repeat, please explain the basis of suspicion!"

Ye Zhou frowned, and while brushing the door on the first floor of the entrance with his iris, he looked at his watch and replied:

"I can't explain it! I need to invoke my first-level authority, apply emergency command authority, and now the base is in a state of emergency!"

In the past period of time, Ye Zhou has entered the plot playback several times, which has further deepened the memory inherited from the simulation, and sorted out all the resources that he can use. The most important one is his first-level authority over the entire base. .

As one of the chief engineers of the project, Ye Zhou has the right to bypass the administrative leadership system in an emergency and directly obtain temporary command authority to dispatch all emergency forces in the base.

This is his biggest reliance at present. Without this authority, it would be impossible for him to eliminate the faults in the huge base by himself.

However, the use of this kind of authority is extremely cautious. The acquirer not only has to undergo a strict review, but also needs to do a lengthy isolation review and exercise investigation after use. Once it is judged to be misused, the user’s career will basically be announced. ended.

In the ten-year history of this base, the emergency command authority has only been used once.

At that time, the user of this permission was to rule out a possible leak.

And this time, Ye Zhou needs to invoke this permission to save everyone in this base.

"The disaster control has been received, the emergency command authority has been applied, and the global command system has been connected for you. Please arrive at the command center as quickly as possible. The shuttle bus has been excluded. It is currently 400 meters away from your location."

"Show me the way!"

"Yes, please enter the elevator!"

Ye Zhou entered the elevator, and Qi Fei, who was standing in the elevator and was planning to go out for a walk, looked at him in astonishment.

"Ye Gong, what's wrong?"

Ye Zhou didn't answer, just said:

"Grab the handrail!"

As soon as his voice fell, the high-speed elevator, which was originally designed to have a speed of only 10 meters per second, suddenly sank, and the speed accelerated to 30 meters per second in a few seconds. The descent process that originally took nearly 70 seconds was compressed to a short time. 30 seconds.

After a brief sense of weightlessness, the ensuing ferocious deceleration almost made Ye Zhou stand unsteady, but the effect of the talent of courage was quickly left, and the moment the elevator door opened, he rushed out, leaving only the Qi Fei hurriedly said:

"I now order you with first-level authority to immediately go to the residential area and organize personnel to prepare for evacuation!"

He followed the directions in the intercom and got on the shuttle bus that had just arrived, and after a short period of stunned Qi Fei behind him, he immediately began to call the shuttle bus to the residential area.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou, who was sitting in the car, calmed down a little.

None of the people who can work in this base are not experienced in many battles. Not only are they far superior to engineers of the same level in terms of professional quality, but they are also much stronger in organizational and obedience.

With such a group of people there, this crisis is not without a chance to be resolved.

Ye Zhou raised his hand and glanced at the watch. The countdown time he set on it was 25 minutes.

The total time is 45 minutes. If the base cannot find the cause of the explosion within 30 minutes, then they will use the last time to organize the evacuation of on-site inspection personnel.

The base has set up a complete emergency evacuation route where it is assumed. A total of 36 underground rail transits can transport everyone in the base to an underground safe house 5 kilometers away within 3 minutes, where all personnel There are two options.

If the disaster level is not high, they can continue to take ground transportation to get out of the danger zone, but if it is a nuclear explosion level disaster, then these people can only stay in the safe house to survive the first wave of impact, and then the subsequent impact basically Leave after dissipating.

In Ye Zhou's first simulation, he obviously did not receive an emergency evacuation order, so the explosion must have occurred without any preparation.

That's why he asked people to come to the scene to check.

Because in his heart, the explosion this time is very likely to be sabotage.

Otherwise, in terms of the completeness of various testing equipment at this base, it is impossible for the Disaster Control Office to remain unresponsive to such a major accident.

But the question is, how could such a base sneak in to cause such huge damage to the enemy?

Inside ghost?

It seems less likely.

When he recovered his thoughts, the shuttle bus had arrived at the command center of the disaster control office at the fastest speed. The door of the command center was open, and people kept coming in and out. The first time he saw Ye Zhou, the temporary dispatcher in charge of unified scheduling The commander immediately gave up his seat.

"Ye Gong, we have carried out the system self-inspection according to your request, and the personnel have also arrived at the scene and are carrying out the on-site inspection. At present, we have not found any abnormality."

"Has the evacuation plan been activated?"

"It has been started, and the evacuation of unrelated personnel has begun, and the evacuation is expected to be completed within 10 minutes."

Ye Zhou nodded. The operation efficiency of this base was much faster than he expected. According to this method, even if the base could not be kept, the safe house 5 kilometers away would allow most of the people to survive.

These experienced engineers are the most valuable asset. As long as they are there, even if the base is finally destroyed, it can be rebuilt again sooner or later.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"Calling all historical monitoring data, I want to check the list of all people who have been in close contact with the core within one day!"

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