Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 108 Explosion For No Reason

With the support of a powerful computing system, the list of personnel needed by Ye Zhou quickly appeared on the system screen. There were a total of 136 people, most of them were engineers for routine maintenance and overhaul, and there were also a small number of peripheral related researchers. Routinely go to the vicinity of the power reactor to obtain data.

This nuclear power core has completed the first charging, but has not been formally assembled. It is now in a deep subcritical state. All control rods are inserted into the core. The concentration of boric acid in the primary circuit is extremely high, and all neutrons are almost completely Absorbed, under normal circumstances, there is little chance of an uncontrolled explosion.

If you want the core to explode under unforeseen circumstances, there is only one operation Ye Zhou can think of, which is to arrange an explosive device around the core to destroy all the structures of the core and force The core enters a supercritical state.

Such an operation must be carried out by extremely professional personnel, because if a bomb is just thrown at the nuclear reactor at random, the nuclear fuel will be scattered in all directions together with the control rods, and then the chain reaction will be quickly chained under the disposal of emergency safety devices. Abort, there is no possibility of a large-scale explosion, at best it is just a dirty bomb.

In order to make the core enter the supercritical reaction, it is necessary to accurately calculate the blast yield and direction, and compress the nuclear fuel to the same point as much as possible - this is almost the manufacture of a small nuclear bomb. In the whole base, No more than ten people can do this.

Ye Zhou quickly entered the personnel information. He first excluded all those who had no background in nuclear physics, and then excluded those who stayed too short or had more than three people present. After this round of exclusion, the final suspects were only Two groups remain.

4 nuclear physics engineers, all of whom are close to the core in pairs.

Next, they need to determine whether the two groups of people are suspicious based on surveillance footage.

This is an almost impossible task to eliminate all suspicious behaviors in a very short period of time, even with the assistance of artificial intelligence, it is still impossible.

But Ye Zhou didn't care, he just asked the operators present to play the all-round surveillance footage at 90x speed.

These monitored images can be seen in slow playback after the playback after the simulation ends.

There are 18 minutes left in Ye Zhou's countdown time, and the results of the on-site inspection ahead have also come back.

"Ye Gong, the preliminary test results were normal, no explosives were found at the site, the core state was stable, and the safety injection system and emergency stop rod group were operating normally."

"Everything is normal? What about around the core? Is there anything abnormal?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

"Explosives detection is still going on, but 90% of them have confirmed that there are no explosives. Ye Gong, do you want to continue the evacuation plan?"

Ye Zhou nodded without hesitation, and then said:

"The evacuation plan remains unchanged, the search scope is expanded, the internal security control system is comprehensively scanned, and the system backdoors and vulnerabilities are checked. How long does the scanning process take?"

"10 minutes. Ye Gong, are you sure there will be a problem with the reactor?"

"I confirm. Is it possible that at some point the control rods of the reactor will all be pulled out and the boric acid solution will be emptied?"

"There is no such possibility, Ye Gong, according to the design principle, this power reactor uses a redundant strong control system, of which 6 control rods cannot be removed. It also takes at least 10 minutes to enter the supercritical state, and within 10 minutes, even if all control systems fail, the mechanical safety lock will automatically lock and reinsert the control rod."

If this is the case, then the possibility of a core explosion due to operational errors is basically ruled out.

Only under the influence of extreme external conditions will the consequences of the explosion be caused.

Others were still analyzing the monitoring content. The time came to count down 10 minutes, and the expanded search yielded nothing, but no one in the entire disaster control office expressed any doubts about Ye Zhou.

In the emergency command scenario of first-level authority, everything he said must be implemented 100%-unless it violates the underlying principles.

At this time, all the unrelated personnel in the base had already started to board the train, and the rail trains drove into the darkness one after another. These people did not know the disaster that was about to happen in this base, and many people even thought it was an emergency safety drill. .

Ye Zhou's brain was running at full speed, and the planner talent that was stimulated for more than 20 minutes made his brain load almost to its limit, but from the monitoring screen, he couldn't see any problems.

"Arrange a shuttle bus to take me to the scene!"

Ye Zhou said without hesitation.

"Understood, the shuttle is already in place."

The temporary commander beckoned to call the staff and walked towards the door with Ye Zhou. After boarding the car, Ye Zhou said to him:

"Organize all personnel to evacuate immediately and go to the safe house as soon as possible. When I say immediately, I mean now!"

"Now? Ye Gong, what are you going to do?"

"Leave one of the redundant trains for me, and I will board the train myself to evacuate."

"Understood, I will arrange three coordinators for you."

No one has to worry about whether the people who stay will be in danger, which is neither meaningful nor necessary.

When Ye Zhou arrived at the core, his countdown had reached zero, and all the inspectors had evacuated before he arrived, leaving only him and three coordinators in the empty workshop.

He took a deep breath and squeezed out the remaining adrenaline in his body, his heartbeat soared to 140 beats, his face began to congest, but his mind was extremely active.

There is no problem with the safety injection system, no problem with the stop rod group, and no problem with the core itself.

How did a core in a subcritical state explode?

Ye Zhou walked around the core in confusion. This was the first time he had seen a live core, but he was no stranger to the structure of the reactor because it had been prepared for several weeks in advance.

"Open the lid and show me? I want to see what's going on inside the stop bar."

The engineer who was waiting on the side quickly entered the command on the console, and then accompanied by the screeching sound of the airtight device, the upper cover of the reactor was opened.

Ye Zhou climbed up the ladder, and then the lights inspected the structure of the stop rod group one by one.

No problem with the spider stand, no problem with the tube base, no problem with the control rods...  

Where is the problem?

Ye Zhou didn't continue to struggle, all he had to do now was to ensure that all the parts that might be faulty were taken into account, and he could check them slowly in the later replays.

He climbed down the ladder again, and the time entered the final countdown of 5 minutes.

"You go to the evacuation channel now, and I will catch up with you in two minutes."


The three cooperating personnel turned over and got on the shuttle bus, and after finally paying attention to Ye Zhou, they quickly drove towards the evacuation point.

Ye Zhou sighed, and he silently circled the workshop.

He won't be leaving again.

He wanted to know, after eliminating almost all possibilities, whether the reactor would explode.

Countdown to 1 minute.

Ye Zhou had already inspected all the nearby equipment and indoor structures, and then stood quietly in the same place, staring at this small power stack for a moment.

Countdown to 30 seconds.

A piercing blue light flashed.

This reactor, which had almost no anomalies and had not been disturbed by any external factors before, exploded under Ye Zhou's eyes for no reason.

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