Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 109 B-Level Ending, But It Could Be Better

Ye Zhou looked at the settlement results in relief, at least he made the right choice at the beginning, no matter what the circumstances, scientific researchers will always be the most important resource, even if the entire base is destroyed, even if it is about to be destroyed. The first flight of the Golden Crow has to start all over again, as long as the people are still there, it's no big deal.

He returned to the subconscious space, first released the conditioned reflex to activate the body function, and then clicked on the ending interface.

[Dragon Heart Phase 2 simulation ends]

【Completion degree 50%】

【Achieving the ending: start over】

[Reward: B-level ending technology: vvr-c small reactor design]

[Reward (engineering male talent): Figure-95lal body structure diagram]

Ye Zhou looked at the settlement interface and called out to him in his heart.

This is the Tu-95lal of the hairy bear directly sent to the hand.

Although this is an old aircraft decades ago, based on the background of the Cold War at that time, the design of this aircraft still embodies the top industrial wisdom. Even now, many technologies are not outdated, and it can even be said that it is still is forward.

Because this is the world's first and only full-fledged nuclear-powered bomber.

Before it, the nb-36 bomber designed by Chouguo actually had an accident after flying a few times, which directly led to the suspension of the plan of Chouguo's nuclear-powered aircraft.

Ye Zhou clicked on the ending display page, this time the ending was not presented in the form of a plot, but just a series of simple ending summaries.

[The Golden Crow Never Falls Project was forced to abort due to an unexpected explosion accident that no one expected, and the engineers in the base were lucky to escape due to an emergency evacuation drill]

[After that, the investigation into the cause of the explosion continued for a long time, but no credible results were obtained from beginning to end]

[The Jinwu base was completely incapacitated, and the Jinwu No. 1, which was about to be tested, was destroyed by the explosion]

[But this did not cause any blow to the determination of the engineers]

[Three years later, a base in the mountains in the southwest was completed again]

[Five years later, the Golden Crow No. 2 was born, and ended the turbulent world situation as wished.]

[It is like a sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads. In the following days, it has kept peace for fifteen years]

【However, this sharp sword appeared a little later】

[Many interests that should belong to us have been lost in the fierce game, and Huaxia has gone through a long ten years]

[Obviously, this is not the best result]

Ye Zhou sighed after reading the summary. Of course he knew that this was not the best result, but now he really had no clue.

A reactor that had no problems with on-site inspection or system monitoring actually exploded like this. At that moment, Ye Zhou even thought that it was some kind of supernatural event, or sanctions from higher dimensions and unknown technology.

Imagine a firecracker completely soaked in water, it is sealed in a plastic bottle full of water, and this plastic bottle has dozens of people staring at it all the time, not letting it get close to any source of goods. , once the water in the bottle leaks, someone will immediately throw the bottle into the water tank.

In this case, can the firecracker still explode?

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

However, it was fried.

And it blew up under Ye Zhou's sight.

The water in the bottle did not decrease, and there was no fire source around. The soaked gunpowder seemed to be going crazy, suddenly violating the laws of physics and chemistry and burning directly.

Ye Zhou couldn't understand this phenomenon.

He sat in the void and pondered for a long time, and finally decided to quit the simulator to rest first.

Although it was only 45 minutes, his energy consumption was far greater than any previous simulation, and the long-term high-load operation of his body and brain had almost pushed him to the limit.

He wanted to watch the replay of the plot now to find clues, but if he did that, he would probably die at home the first time he exited the simulator.

Still life is important.

Ye Zhou exited the simulator, sat on the bed for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, there was already a scene of bright lights outside the window.

He walked out of the room. Ye Lan was sitting at the table while eating and reading books on finance. Ye Zhou walked over to take a look, and then asked with some doubts:

"Monetary and Finance? Why are you reading this? I remember you took this course in your freshman year?"

Ye Lan looked up and saw Ye Zhou, and said while pointing to the meal reserved for him:

"I've been there, but I started with Uncle Chen Hao and their project team during this period of time. I always feel that my foundation is too weak, so I want to take a look again."

"It's good, I'm enlightened, now I know that there are people outside the world and there are heaven outside the world?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Ye Lan sighed with emotion, and then replied:

"Yeah, I thought I was pretty smart before, but now I realize that my smartness is just a little cleverness, and it's not worth mentioning in front of a real boss."

"You don't know how powerful they are. Economics, finance, mathematics, psychology... there is nothing they don't understand."

"The things I was researching before were actually done long ago, but the results have not been made public -- that's fine, I just happened to rub off on their research and let them show me."

Ye Zhou nodded. He didn't know much about economics and finance, but he always felt that Ye Lan's ideas were too idealistic. Now that she has seen the real vast world, of course he will not attack her again. enthusiasm.

"It's good. Realizing your own shortcomings is the beginning of progress. Follow them to learn and practice hard. You are very smart, and you may not be worse than them in the future."

Ye Lan rolled her eyes and replied:

"It's not necessarily worse than them, you can really comfort people, my brother, can't you say that you must be better than them?"

"...I want to be realistic, and I have to leave some room for myself."

"Just be honest with you! Hurry up and eat! I noticed that your sleep has been very irregular recently. You often run into your room and fall asleep suddenly. Today I went to ask you to eat and didn't wake up."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment. He actually didn't know what his body would be like in the simulator, but according to his speculation, it was probably like falling into a deep coma.

"Well, I'm really tired recently, and I fell asleep before I knew it. You don't need to worry about me in the future, I'll get up by myself when I get enough sleep."

"I know, I know..."

Ye Lan answered while pushing the dishes on the table in front of Ye Zhou, and then suddenly asked thoughtfully:

"Brother, you said that I stay with you every day, does it affect your finding a girlfriend?"

"...Stop bullshitting me, you didn't arrange for me to live with me, nor did you choose it yourself, so he arranged it by the organization. If you move out and live by yourself, Chen Hao has to find out again. New people to protect you, pure waste of resources."

"Instead of worrying about me finding a girlfriend, you should worry about how to save the country some money."

Ye Lan pursed her lips and said nothing.

The two ate in silence, one was reading a book, and the other was constantly deducing the solution of the simulated plot in his mind.

After several weeks of study, I thought I had mastered the basics of nuclear reactors, but now it seems that it is really far from it.

In this case, he had to use some simple means.

There will always be someone who understands what you don't understand. It's time to ask the authorities for help.

But this way of asking for help, he still has to think about it...

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