Simulation: Great Power Technology

One Hundred And Thirteenth Chapter Bathing Fire

According to the contact information provided by Chen Hao, Ye Zhou got in touch with the nuclear physicist he recommended, but the information obtained from the other party can be said to be lackluster.

There is no common solution that can be used to stop the chain reaction, which means that Ye Zhou is likely to have nothing to do with the about-to-explode reactor.

He could organize an evacuation, but it was impossible to move the nuclear reactor away from the base in 45 minutes.

There are indeed a large number of heavy machinery in the base, but these heavy machinery are not fast. Even if the reactor can be loaded in the shortest time, there is no way to take the reactor out of the safe range before it explodes.

Due to confidentiality considerations, there is no airport near this base, and it is unrealistic to use a large transport aircraft to quickly take off and take away the reactor.

If only there was a Batmobile, just hoist the reactor up and fly all the way to the sea.

----and many more.

Ye Zhou suddenly had a flash of inspiration. There seemed to be a ready-made large aircraft in this base.

Golden Crow One.

This strategic bomber uses the same twin-engine design as the Tu-95lal. It uses conventional engines during takeoff and nuclear-powered engines after entering high-altitude cruising.

And now, Jinwu has completed all the assembly work except the engine, including the conventional power engine!

This also means that it can take the reactor away from the base.

There is no need to complete the assembly, but simply put the reactor into the nuclear power engine compartment of Jinwu-1!

According to the design standard, the range of Jinwu-1 can reach 1,200 kilometers under conventional power. If it accelerates regardless of the cost, it only takes 5 minutes, and it can fly at least 40 kilometers including take-off and taxiing.

That's enough to keep a nuclear explosion outside the safe confines of the base.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou's spirit revived.

He finished breakfast in two mouthfuls, drank a few sips of strong tea as usual, and then entered the simulator again. This time, he did not do any thinking programming, because he was not sure what accidents would happen during the process of getting the reactor on, so he had to do more. Make a few attempts.

After entering the plot simulation, Ye Zhou turned around and ran to the base as planned. At the same time, he activated his first-level authority and ordered the base disaster control office to load the reactor immediately.

The disaster control office carried out his order with the highest efficiency. When he arrived at the apron in the shuttle bus, he happened to see the opening of the engine compartment on the belly of Jinwu-1.

In the huge underground apron, the Jinwu No. 1 is bathed in strong lights from all directions like an ancient bird, casting a ferocious shadow under it, and the giant lift car on the side is sending the reactor into its engine. cabin.

"Ye Gong, according to your request, the ground temporary site has been cleared, but from the current situation, it is not yet ready for take-off. If you want to force take-off, an accident is likely to occur..."

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Send all the vehicles immediately, and roll all the ground of the temporary site with wheels to eliminate the hidden dangers on the road!"

With 28 minutes left, Ye Zhou nervously looked at the watch, watching every assembly process, looking for possible optimization points.

For him, it doesn't matter whether the takeoff is successful this time, because under such an urgent order, all actions have the risk of deformation and accidents, and every accident will take a lot of time.

What he has to do is to record the whole process of the assembly, and then use his own command to avoid all accidents in the follow-up simulation, and complete the assembly and take-off with the highest efficiency!

Countdown to 18 minutes, the reactor is fixed.

With a 12-minute countdown, the engine compartment is closed, the fuel filling is complete, and the driver is in place.

After 10 minutes of countdown, the apron began to rise, and the Jinwu No. 1 conventional engine started to warm up for takeoff.

After 3 minutes of countdown, Jinwu-1 rose to the ground and began to slide towards the take-off site.

too slow.

Ye Zhou looked at his watch, he knew that this takeoff attempt had failed.

3 minutes, in any case, is not enough for the plane to fly out of the danger zone.

The countdown of the last ten seconds ended, and the engine compartment of Jinwu No. 1, which was still in the take-off and taxiing stage, exploded. The hot air wave swept the entire Gobi Desert. Ye Zhou witnessed the collapse of the base during the explosion.

[The end of the three-stage simulation of Dragon Heart]

【Completion degree 50%】

Ye Zhou entered the replay and began to sort out all the time-wasting operations in the assembly process step by step.

After half an hour, he re-entered the simulation.


"Align the lift truck with the engine compartment! The platform retracts 30 cm, leaving room for the operator to operate!"

"Operator attention, don't think about stability, just stuff the reactor in!"

"Quick! Quick! Operator withdraw! Lift truck withdraws!"

"Fill up the fuel! Don't fill up! Just add one-fifth of the fuel!"

"Okay, okay! The tarmac starts to rise! Jinwu-1, the engine starts immediately! Go straight to takeoff speed!"

"Evacuate the ground personnel immediately and leave room for the Jinwu to slide!"

Ye Zhou had followed the tarmac to the ground. He looked at the majestic smoke and dust rising in the distance, which was caused by the vehicles in the base rolling over the ground.

The purpose of the heavy vehicle rolling is not to flatten the uneven ground, but to maximize the first and clean up the huge gravel in the temporary site that will seriously affect the take-off.

Now, after more than 20 minutes of emergency operation, although the ground is not flat, it has basically met the conditions for take-off.

Such a road has a great impact on the life of the aircraft's landing gear, but this is completely outside the scope of Ye Zhou's consideration.

Because, this plane is destined to never return.

Countdown to 12 minutes, Jinwu No. 1 began to slide.

30 seconds later, under the huge thrust of 120 tons of single engine, Jinwu No. 1 rose from the ground.

The elevation angle even reached an astonishing 45 degrees.

Obviously, the pilots on the plane already knew the urgency of the situation. They had completely given up following the regular flight manuals, and instead, relying on their rich experience, frantically squeezed the performance of this plane that had not been flown a few times. .

The flight altitude continued to rise, and the originally huge fuselage gradually turned into a small black spot in the clear sky. Ye Zhou watched the plane gradually shrink, and a sadness slowly rose in his heart.

The simulation is probably complete this time, but again, the two best pilots on the plane are destined to never come back.

The engine compartment is not a weapon storage compartment, and the Jinwu flying in the air has no way to abandon the reactor in it.

Did they know the result at the moment of takeoff?

Maybe, know.

When Ye Zhou activated the state of emergency, they should have guessed the key point of the problem.

One is to be sent out of the nuclear reactor outside the base, and the other is flying towards the death of the Golden Crow.

However, they remained undeterred.

Counting down ten seconds, the figure of Jinwu No. 1 has completely disappeared in the distant sky.

After a few breaths, a fiery light suddenly burst into the air.

Without any luck, the reactor exploded just as the countdown ended.

After dozens of seconds, there was a loud explosion like thunder, and everyone else had followed Ye Zhou's request to covertly meet the impact, only he stood motionless, annotating the small mushroom cloud above the skyline.

[The end of the three-stage simulation of Dragon Heart]

【Completion degree 60%】

[Achieving the ending: Bathing Fire]

[Reward: A-level ending technology-no working fluid plasma engine design]

[Reward (engineering male talent): Nuclear bomb miniaturization scheme based on thorium-based molten salt technology]

Ye Zhou scanned and read the details of the reward carefully, and found that these two technologies are still near-future technologies, and they have not changed across the times as he thought, and he also put aside his previous concerns.

I am afraid that if the technology is obtained, it will not be realized in the short term, then it is a bit outrageous.

After calming down the wildly fluctuating emotions in the simulation, Ye Zhou looked at the ending summary interface, and then clicked on the ending replay.

[The third stage ending of Dragon Heart: Bathing Fire]

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