Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 114 I'm Not Convinced, Lord Yan!

The flame-like title disappeared in a clear blue sky, and Ye Zhou found himself in the cabin once again.

This is the cabin of Jinwu No. 1, and in front of him are the two pilots he has never met.

From the information of the simulator, he saw the information of the two.

Zhang Yue, Xu Qiao.

An unremarkable name.

At this time, Jinwu No. 1 had entered the take-off site. After a short taxiing, the main pilot Zhang Yue turned on the afterburner, then yanked the rudder, and the plane rose to the ground.

This is a huge variable-wing stealth bomber, and its complex flight control system requires two pilots to be on duty at the same time, otherwise the take-off operation cannot be completed at all.

Ye Zhou heard Zhang Yue smile and say to the co-pilot next to him:

"Fuck, this thing drives really well. Such a big plane will come up as soon as you pull the lever. It's a pity, this should be the last time I drive it. I really want to play a cobra later."

"You mean, if I do make a cobra later, am I the first person to fly a bomber and make a cobra?"

The co-pilot next to him, Xu Qiao, did not change his expression. After thinking for a while, he said:

"You shouldn't. I remember I learned it when I was in school. Before Chouguo, a b-52 crashed while doing a Cobra maneuver during takeoff."

After listening to his words, Zhang Yue replied with some amusing:

"You are really bad enough. Is that a Cobra maneuver? How do I remember that he had a high elevation angle and stalled when he took off? By the way, what was their elevation angle at that time? 30? 40?"

Xu Qiao shook his head and replied:

"I don't know, who will remember this thing, anyway, I know that the big bird we drive is no problem to pull down 60 degrees under no load. Do you want to try it?"

"...I want to try it, but let's forget it. In case of an accident, those people behind will die with us. Nuclear explosions are no joke."

Xu Qiao hummed, and then asked:

"How did you know it would explode?"

"Obviously, the reactor got on board in an emergency, took off in an emergency, and even only added one-fifth of the fuel, and there are no new orders in the communicator. This is not equivalent to spreading it out and telling us that we should sacrifice our lives. Yet?"

"Then you already know, you got on the plane so fast just now? Your children are still waiting for you at home."

Zhang Yue didn't answer immediately, but gradually pushed the joystick. The plane entered a state of level flight at a height of just over 1,000 meters above the ground. Then he pushed all the afterburner to the end and said:

"Stop flying up, there are no mountains nearby, save some fuel and ask for speed, the farther we can fly, the better. You say I'm going up so fast, don't you do the same? No one of us can go up, Chen Lizhou Yuan Those two kids haven't given birth yet, so I'd be better off letting them come?"

"The two of us are here. At least we have someone to take care of our children and family after we leave. It's not a big loss. It's not easy to be a first-class meritorious person these days."


Chen Qiao next to him said in agreement.

For the comfort of long-term flight, the cockpit of Jinwu-1 is very large, and the seat is also adjustable. After entering level flight at this time, he does not need to adjust the flight attitude frequently, so he unfastens his seat belt. Leaning back, his feet rested recklessly on the front dash panel.

"Old Zhang, I remember you are from Jiangyin, how many years have you been?"

"19 years old, by the end of this year, it will be 35 years old."

"Then you're old enough. I'm only 30 this year."

"...You seem to be a lot younger than me. But you are indeed the type of genius. Flying here at the age of 30 is something that many people would not dare to think about."

"That is, Lao Tzu was born for the sky."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Yue fell silent.

After a long time, he said with some emotion:

"Now to die for the sky."

Chen Qiao looked at Zhang Yue who was full of emotion, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Laughing at me, old Zhang, there is no need to be so sad at this time, right? Human beings are inherently dead, either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai. If the reactor in the engine compartment is really about to blow up, we don't know how to save it. How many people's lives have been lost, and this is not cool enough? Even if I go down, I can have a good meal with Lord Yama."

" or him, it just doesn't have a shape. Report the ground speed, how far have we flown?"

"The ground speed is 1300, the altitude is 1400, and it has already flown out 40 kilometers."

"Look at the picture below, find an open space in front, and prepare to start circling."

"There's a basin in front of it, where we can hover -- hey, you say, if we make an emergency landing, can we survive?"

Just after he finished speaking, there was a sudden noise in the communicator, and then, the voice of the temporary tower of the Jinwu Base came out.

"Zhang Yue, Chen Qiao, please reply, this is the name of the Jinwu base."

Chen Qiao sat up in shock, pressed the communicator button and replied:

"This is Jinwu No. 1, Chen Qiao received it, please instruct."

"Long story short, you already know the situation. The radar shows that you have flown out of the core area of ​​​​the base for 40 kilometers. Please immediately look for reliable terrain according to the location indicated by the data link and report the situation in real time. There are already two jc-70s on standby. ."

"Remember! You only have 10 minutes from now! According to our estimation, those fake control rods of the reactor can't last for 25 minutes at most. You must reserve time for the jc-70 to take off. It didn't run there, and it took off vertically. It takes at least 3 minutes to drop!"

Chen Qiao and Zhang Yue looked at each other, and a burst of light suddenly radiated from the originally indifferent and free eyes.

"Chen Qiao received it and prepared to make an emergency landing immediately."

After that, Chen Qiao let go of the intercom, put his hand on the posture adjustment console again, and said while checking the data link:

"It's that basin, start the circling approach, this height can directly put the wheel."

"Let the wheel go now? Can you control it?"

"I'm going to use the landing gear to slow down! I'm running out of time. I'll give you two circles at most. Slow down as soon as possible. Try not to fall stunned later. If you fall stunned, no one will be able to save us."

"Understood, start the approach, spread the wings to slow down."

"Yes, the wings are extended. Do you want to use the speedbrake?"

"How big is the risk?"

"I don't know, but Jinwu's flight control is very strong. It's okay to blow the speedbrake off. We must slow down now. You were too fast just now."

"Fuck, can you blame me? Turn on the speedbrake, it's the second lap to circle, take a gamble."

"The speedbrake is on...Fuck, it's broken. Damn, I'm going to disconnect some of the flight control functions and turn it into manual mode. Now the speed is 600, can it be lowered?"

"The speed of 600 drops, I'm fucking dying? I have to circle again!"

"It's too late! There are only five minutes left. You have to reserve time for getting out of the cabin, and turn on the reverse thrust."

"Open the reverse thrust in the air? The flight control may not be able to control it!"

"Fuck, didn't you learn this in school? Maozi dared to play like this fifty years ago.

"Received, give me 30 seconds, and prepare to push back."

Ye Zhou watched the two of them nervously. In just a few minutes, these two daring pilots almost finished all the high-risk operations in the flight.

At high speed, the landing gear is lowered, the wings are forcibly unfolded, the speedbrake is forcibly opened, the flight control is disconnected, and finally, the air-opening reverse thrust operation that is only played by the deadly Maozi is directly reproduced!

In the past few minutes, they have almost done all the high-risk operations that the entire Huaxia pilot can't do in his entire life, just to win that chance.

Yi Gao people are bold - of course, if they weren't bold, they wouldn't have hesitated to start this flight of ten dead.

And now, they are using the top skills they have accumulated over the past ten years, as well as the spirit of dissatisfaction and resentment that they will take the book of life and death to take a look even if they step into the palace of the King of Hell, which is deeply etched in the Chinese ethnic genes. Knock open the tightly closed door of death!

If my name is written on the book of life and death, then I will tear up the book of life and death.

Naihe Bridge wants to pour me Meng Po soup, and you smash the pot.

Until the last moment, he will never admit to cowardice.

After 20 seconds, the engine stopped and then restarted with a bang.

The huge thrust shook the cabin suddenly, all the structures of the plane were creaking, and the expressions on the faces of the two pilots were unprecedentedly calm.

"Speed ​​400, prepare to touch down, report attitude."

"Stance to the left, leveling, give me 10 seconds."

"The ground is too rough, I have to close the wheel."

"Retract the wheel. The posture is normal, the speed is 350, let's go down."

"Prepare to be grounded----Fuck! You and he, bring the safety to Lao Tzu and buckle up!"

After 30 seconds, the plane touched down at a super high elevation angle, and then smashed to the ground. The speed of the forward thrust was suddenly reduced in this violent impact, but the fuselage was almost broken in two.

Rolling yellow sand poured in from the broken window, and the two pilots were tensed up, ready for the next impact.

But fortunately, the huge size of Jinwu played a role after the wings were unfolded in advance. After landing, the plane did not roll. After sliding out for thousands of meters, the whole plane stopped with billowing smoke.

"Get out of the cabin out of the cabin out of the cabin! Quick!"

Zhang Yue grabbed Chen Qiao, who was still in a hurry to untie his seat belt, and took out the emergency downhill rope from the scattered toolbox behind him, but when he walked to the window, he realized that the cockpit, which was several stories high, was now far away from the The ground is less than two meters.

"Damn, good luck, jump!"

At the same time, two two-seat vertical take-off and landing jc-70s landed slowly from the air and stopped on the ground less than 100 meters away from them.

"Come on! We have 10 minutes left!"

Zhang Yue and Chen Qiao stumbled towards the fighter plane. Zhang Yue first let the injured Chen Qiao step on his shoulders to climb onto the fighter plane, then rushed to the other fighter plane and climbed up in a quick vertical leap.

The cockpit cover was closed, and the flight controller Ji's voice that had remained unchanged for decades sounded.

"Program started."

The twin engines roared violently, and the two jc-70s rose to the ground. After rising to a fixed height, the afterburner suddenly started, and the bright blue flame even stirred up a dazzling Mach ring.

Under the clear sky, the two fighter jets broke the sound barrier in an instant.

Ye Zhou's angle of view remained in place. A few minutes later, the nuclear reactor exploded on time. In the blazing light of the sky, the wreckage of Jinwu-1 was completely disintegrated, and then vaguely formed the image of a giant bird.


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