Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 115 Found You When You Were 4 Years Old

Bathing the fire, that's what it meant.

Ye Zhou originally thought that it was just an image, but unexpectedly, it turned out to refer to the real rebirth from ashes.

After exiting the ending replay, Ye Zhou turned to the ending summary.

[The abnormality of the nuclear reactor was discovered by a vigilant engineer. On the premise that the chain reaction could not be stopped in time, the Jinwu No. 1, which had not yet officially entered service, completed its first mission]

[The two pilots who flew Jinwu were awarded first-class merit and later became the commanders of the Jinwu Flying Brigade]

[The abnormality of the nuclear reactor was confirmed to be the destruction of foreign forces. The national security department organized the largest clean-up activity in history, and countless spies who had been lurking for a long time were brought to the bottom.]

[The enemy paid a heavy price for this, but their price is far more than that]

[Two months after the explosion, Jinwu-2 completed its first flight and was put into service immediately. The flight duration of the second mission reached 67 days]

[The original frequent armed conflicts in various places have suddenly cooled down, and the world has ushered in a long-lost peace]

[Two years later, the Jinwu series of strategic bombers began to perform escort missions]

[Their flight routes are highly coincident with the Silk Road in the sky, and almost all passengers who have passed this "Eternal Day Road" in flight have seen the huge and wild figure in the air]

[Trade routes continue to be stable, and no one will challenge the dominance of the Silk Road in the sky]

[By this time, the discussion in the world about whether the name "Eternal Day Road" is worthy of the name has settled down]

[Because our Golden Crow is the sun that never sets! 】

After reading the summary of the ending, Ye Zhou gently stroked his still beating heart, trying to calm down his excited emotions.

He didn't look at the ion engine in the bonus content again, because it was a technology that he didn't need to use yet.

Now, in his heart, there is one more important thing to confirm.

That is, Zhang Yue was born in 19 years, and now he is just 4 years old. Can he find him in this world?

He desperately wanted to meet the legendary pilot.

Ye Zhou exited the simulator, took out his mobile phone to find Chen Hao's number, and dialed it without hesitation.

"...Engineer Ye, is there something else?"

Chen Hao's tone on the other end of the phone was a little confused, as if he was just woken up by Ye Zhou from his nap.

"It's something, this time it's really something. It's not a nonsense question. I just want to ask you, if I want to find someone, but only know his name and age, can you help me find it?"

"...No, at least one's hometown is required."

"I know the place of origin! Jiangyin!"

"The scope is too big...but let me check it out for you, what's the name?"

Hearing Chen Hao's tone, Ye Zhou was overjoyed.

Since it didn't say no, it's possible to find it.

"Zhang Yue, 4 years old this year."

After Ye Zhou finished speaking, Chen Hao on the opposite side suddenly fell silent. After a while, he asked tentatively:

"The Zhang Yue you're talking about... does he have a birthmark on his face?"

"Birthmark? Wait, I recall memories!"

After all, Ye Zhou entered the simulator to quickly find the ending interface, and looked closely at Zhang Yue's face.

Only after looking at it did he realize that Zhang Yue really had a faint birthmark on her left cheek!

He quickly exited the simulator, and then said to Chen Hao:

"Yes, yes, I remembered, it's to describe..."

"Like a Snoopy."

"Yes yes yes!! Do you know??"

Ye Zhou was overjoyed, he never imagined that there would really be this person in his own world, and this person Chen Hao actually happened to know!

"No, I don't know him, but I've seen pictures of him and I'm very impressed with his birthmarks."

"Have you seen his pictures? Do you have pictures of children?"

Ye Zhou's brows furrowed, listening to Chen Hao's tone, he always felt that something was wrong.

"It's not that I have pictures of the child, but I saw him in an internal journal. His father was a military pilot who died in a deportation operation, and he was given a first-class merit. At that time, the Organization Department visited his family. "

"It must have been more than three years ago, when Zhang Yue was only a few months old, and was living in intensive care with pneumonia. It's a poor child. His father was going to take a vacation to take care of him and his mother for a while, but it turned out that urgent task."

After listening to Chen Hao's explanation, Ye Zhou suddenly felt that his throat was a little blocked, but he was relieved.

Fortunately, he survived.

After a long time, he continued to ask:

"Where is this kid now, do you know?"

"He should be in Shencheng. I'll check it out for you later. I remember they moved to Shencheng after his father's accident, and his mother took it with him."

"Okay, let me check it out."

"10 minutes."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Hao hung up the phone without asking Ye Zhou why he asked about the child.

5 minutes later, Ye Zhou received a message from Chen Hao.

The legendary pilot who has not grown up is now in kindergarten in Futian District, and his mother works in a state-owned enterprise.

It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Zhou went out to find the driver in charge of his security work, and the two drove to the kindergarten together.

He didn't intend to disturb Zhang Yue's life, but just wanted to see the child from a distance.

After the sacrifice of his father, the child who once again ran to Huaxia Sky without any feedback.

After arriving at the gate of the kindergarten, Ye Zhou got out of the car, picked a flower bed from a distance and sat down, then looked at the photos sent by Chen Hao on his mobile phone, looking at the children who were picked up by their parents after school.

But until the last child was picked up, he still did not see Zhang Yue.

Ye Zhou sighed in disappointment and was about to leave when he saw a girl in a kindergarten teacher's uniform leading a child out.

The kid who jumped and jumped was Zhang Yue.

He quietly took a few steps closer and heard the teacher say to Zhang Yue:

"Just wait in the guard's room for a while. If mom doesn't come to pick you up at 6 o'clock, let the guard's uncle call me, okay?"

"I see, teacher, I'll be waiting in the guard room."

"Then don't go with the bad guys. Unless it's your mother, you can't agree to anyone who talks to you, and you can't run around, do you know?"

"I know, don't run around, don't talk to bad people!"

The teacher touched Zhang Yue's head, handed him to the guard's hands, smiled and said a few words, then walked towards the door with small steps, while Zhang Yue was kicking in the guard's room. The door kicked stones.

Under the mild setting sun in the south, his shadow was stretched to a length that did not belong to him, and against his small body, he looked a little lonely.

Accidentally, Xiao Zhang Yue kicked the stone to Ye Zhou's feet.

He first glanced at Ye Zhou, as if to confirm that he was not in danger, then ran over cautiously and said:

"Can you give me the stone back?"

Ye Zhou looked at his face carefully, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Big big brother, Stone!"

Seeing that Ye Zhou didn't respond, Zhang Yue shouted again.

"Oh, stone, here it is for you."

Ye Zhou gently kicked the stone back to him, and Xiao Zhang Yue pushed the stone aside with his foot, and then began to play silently again.

Looking at his innocent appearance, Ye Zhou couldn't help but say:

"Didn't the teacher just tell you not to talk to bad people? Do you want to stay away from strangers next time?"

Xiao Zhang Yue gave Ye Zhou a smile, and replied nonchalantly:

"You're not a bad person, I can see that."

"Why am I not a bad guy?"

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

"Big brother, there is a surveillance camera on your head. No bad person will sit under the surveillance surveillance. This is what my mother told me. She said that as long as I am under surveillance, I am safe, but the teacher doesn't believe it."

Ye Zhou nodded secretly, he was able to say these words, which proved that the official protection for him was still in place.

"When is your mother coming to pick you up?"

he continued to ask.

"I don't know, maybe five-thirty, maybe six. Mom is very busy with work, and sometimes I drive home by myself."

"You yourself?? How do you get in the car?"

"Take the No. 186 bus, I have money!"

Xiao Zhang Yue had a somewhat smug look on her face, and took out a neat stack of banknotes from his schoolbag to show off to Ye Zhou.

"'re really rich. Where did you save so much money?"

"This is the money my mother bought me snacks. I didn't buy them. I saved them all. I'll be able to save enough in three days."

Hearing Xiao Zhang Yue's childish words, Ye Zhou couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He seems to have changed a lot when he grows up, but he doesn't seem to have changed much—at least he still likes to talk.

"What are you saving so much money for?"

"I'm buying a plane!"

"You mean buying a model airplane? You like airplanes?"

"Of course it's an airplane model, big brother, you are stupid, how can I buy an airplane with my money? Besides, why should I buy it if I don't like it?"

"...Indeed, I also think this is a silly question. Why don't you let your mother buy it for you, doesn't she?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Xiao Zhang Yue's face also showed a bit of confusion.

He kicked the stone under his feet into the flower bed, then ran to Ye Zhou and sat down, propping his head with his hands, as if he was recalling something.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"My mother helped me buy a lot of model airplanes. She also said that I could become a pilot in the future so that I could fly a real airplane. But she didn't buy my favorite airplane for me."

"I begged her many times. I used to save 10 red flowers to buy a model, but now I have saved 100, and she didn't agree, so I had to save up my own money and buy it back secretly. "

Listening to Xiao Zhang Yue's words, Ye Zhou seemed to have guessed something in a trance. He wanted to ask, but felt that he should not ask.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhang Yue is still a child, so he quickly forgot about this topic and began to share knowledge of various aircraft with Ye Zhou with great interest. Ye Zhou was surprised that he could remember so many things, but at the same time he was a little puzzled .

If it was him, he probably wouldn't let his children come into contact with this field.

But Zhang Yue's mother's thoughts are obviously not like this.

The two men, one big and one small, sat at the gate of the kindergarten and chatted until the lights were on, and even the security room was lit up. Ye Zhou asked the security to buy KFC, and Xiao Zhang Yue bit the fried chicken with a mouthful of oil. To Ye Zhou:

"Big brother, I'll just say you're a good person, look at me smart!"

Ye Zhou nodded and said sincerely:

"You're not only smart, you're also brave."

"Why? I'm actually not very brave. I don't dare to watch those roller coasters when I go to the amusement park, but my mother said that my father was never afraid."

"When you grow up, you won't be afraid anymore."

"Then I'll grow up soon..."

While they were talking, Xiao Zhang Yue's mother arrived in a hurry. She was wearing a professional attire, her hair was softly draped over her shoulders, and she was a woman with a gentle face.

When she saw Ye Zhou and Zhang Yue sitting together, she was stunned for a while, and then she noticed the guard behind Ye Zhou who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and her nervous expression instantly relaxed.

"sorry to bother you."

She said to Ye Zhou sincerely.

"No trouble, I just happened to be here waiting for someone. I saw him at the door alone, so I chatted with him a few words----this kid is very funny."

The woman smiled and replied:

"Everything is fine, it's just a little skinny."

"After the child is naughty, he will only be successful in the future."

"That said, it's not very worry-free. I'm sorry, I have to take him back first, you..."

Ye Zhou quickly waved his hand and said:

"It's okay, you go, I have to wait here for a while."

The woman smiled and nodded, took Zhang Yue's hand and said:

"Just say thank you to Uncle."

A smile appeared on Xiao Zhang Yue's face, he looked at Ye Zhou and said:

"Thank you Uncle, KFC is delicious. When I grow up, I will fly you to play!"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then involuntarily reached out and touched his head, then replied:

"Don't thank me. Zhang Yue, you will fly the world's largest plane in the future."

------off topic-----

Never ask me "This is all for today?"



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