Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 116 Star Rock Progress

Today is still the test chapter you know, and it will be updated in 20 minutes. The number of words is the same as the official chapter. You can read it later!

1. The classmate complained to me as soon as they met, saying that he always sweated at night, and he sweated when he fell asleep. It cost hundreds of dollars for the hospital examination. Later, he found an old Chinese medicine doctor who prescribed more than ten pairs of traditional Chinese medicine, but it didn’t work if he drank it. , and getting better every day. I asked, "What happened later? How did it get cured?" When I asked this, I clearly saw the corners of my classmate's mouth twitch, and said angrily, "I changed a thin quilt."

2. A second-hand friend came to my house to play, and I gave him a glass of Sprite. He took it and put it on the coffee table and accidentally knocked it over. Sprite spilled out, and the second-hand man's face turned green when he saw it. He overturned my table, grabbed my collar and said, "tmd is there poison in the water?"

3. A few days ago, I met a big brother in the rivers and lakes. The big brother has a carp tattoo on each side of his calf. The color is red and black. The fish head on the left is up, and the right is down. The shape is fierce and the face is hideous. It is very scary. During the meal, someone finally asked about the meaning of the tattoo. The elder brother lit a cigarette and said, "I was born on March 15, 1976..." We all pricked up our ears and waited for the next bloody story. . The elder brother held a cigarette and said, "I am Pisces"

4. Go to the hospital and ask the experts if there is anything to lose weight without dieting or exercising. Experts say yes. I asked what it was. He said it was garlic. I thought it was wrong at first, but after thinking about it, it makes sense, garlic has the effect of burning fat and promoting metabolism. Experts say that garlic can keep others away from you, and the further away you are, the smaller you will be.

5. A frail boy was often bullied at school. In the morning, he was bullied by his classmates, and after school, he was bullied by another class. So one day he smuggled a rope, ran to a wilderness, and hung the rope on a tree, Then...........

Sitting on it as a swing, I feel much better

6. A friend of mine told a fortune teller last year that he would be killed by a peach blossom this year and would be deeply injured by a woman who suddenly appeared. Yesterday, he was hit by an aunt riding an electric car around the corner, and he is still lying in the hospital now.

7. I went to get my hair cut today, and saw the barber next to me kept saying to a girl: Get a perm, beautiful girl! We have a new 5800 package here, you will definitely look good when you are hot. At that time, I was not happy. Isn't this cheating money? I stood up after rubbing it, girl, don't listen to him being ugly and hot like you, nothing looks good. After I finished speaking, I went out calmly. The girl kept chasing me, probably to thank me. Eh! Too polite.

8. A girl was fined for running laps on the playground because she was late for class. Unexpectedly, it rained and the girl had to run in the rain. This is a boy holding an umbrella to run beside her and moving the umbrella over the girl's head. The girl recognized that the boy had been watching her for a long time, and her face turned red in an instant, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend..." The boy lowered his head and pondered, and said affectionately to the girl, "Do you want it? Ten dollars for this umbrella...

9. Once I went to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis, and the pain was excruciating. My dad came to see me and told me anxiously, how come this hospital can't even connect to a wifi.

10. I confessed to the goddess today! She shyly told me to wait for her at the school gate after school. I can't believe happiness came so suddenly! The long wait has passed, and the moment I saw her figure, I slipped away quietly. I hate myself for being cowardly, and I also hate the knife in the hand of the bastard with the big gold chain next to her.

11. Outside the window, the rain was pattering. She looked at me with her eyes, "Meet the parents." I couldn't help but feel a shock. It was the first time she had said such a thing to me in such a long time. ?" She was a little excited: "How dare you bargain! You haven't handed in your homework for two days! Call your parents!"

12. When I was a child, once after school, I went to an Internet cafe with a few classmates. As a result, I was caught by my father when I was having a good time. After I got home, my father said softly: I'm sweating, let's take a shower first. I suddenly felt that spring was coming, so I quickly went to take a bath. Just after taking off your clothes, Dad kicked the bathroom door open with one kick, holding the whip and saying, "Little bastard! I usually tell you to take off your clothes, but this time it hits you with a long memory!"

Gu Ya 13. My friend came to play with me from the northeast. There were six people in a group, and one car could not fit! So I stopped another taxi and planned to show them the way! Repeatedly told them to follow closely, so as not to get lost! When I got in the car, I said to the master, "Master, there are people behind us!" The master nodded knowingly at me, kicked the accelerator and sped out, and went around a few streets at a very high speed, almost running a red light! When I recovered my senses, the master said to me with a strange expression: "I've gotten rid of it...

14. Today, a boy confessed to a girl. In order to send him off, the girl told the boy: If you can give me a rainbow right away, I will be nice to you. The boy replied: So where do you want it to appear? The woman stretched out her left hand and said: Here. So~~~ So the boy put the woman's hand on the ground and stepped on the red~~~

15. I went to a banquet with my mother today. Before I went, my mother taught me to be sweeter when I go out. She said that when I see other people's children who look good, I should praise them for being beautiful, and if they look ugly, I praise others. I'm so tall, and as a result, a lot of people have praised me for being tall after a meal.

16. My wife is going to divorce me. Although I compromised and accepted in the end, I still cannot tolerate this cruel reality. I decided to seek revenge and find out the culprit. So on a sunny afternoon, when she went out at the end of the line, I saw her holding our divorce certificate and running towards a huge banner "Singles have a gift, buy one get one free milk tea~~

17. Many years ago, when I was eating ice cream at the door of my house, a child in the distance looked at my ice cream and swallowed. I saw him pitiful and called over, gave him a stool and said, come, sit and watch... After many years, a blind date, go I went to the wife's house, she has a younger brother, his younger brother asked me: Do you want to marry my sister? I nodded, just wondering what he meant, he pointed to the sofa behind and said: Come, sit and think.

18. Something happened at home today that made my sister cry. Only then did I realize that after so many years, it has not changed. There is only such a woman in the world that I will never allow others to make her cry, that is my sister. Because other girls were pitiful when they cried, but she was really ugly when she cried.

19. Just now, my money was gone, and I turned it upside down in the dormitory... Still can't find it! My classmate was lying on the bed and said leisurely: Maybe it fell to the ground, if you sweep it down, maybe you can sweep it out... So, I swept it, but I still couldn't find it. Looking at the clean bedroom, I found something wrong. ...

20. The woman next door seems to finally realize the importance of finding a boyfriend, because her signature has been changed to: Actually, I want to say that it is quite important to have a boyfriend, at least when the water pipe bursts at home, you can give me I hand down the wrench...

21. In junior high school, there was a very beautiful female classmate in the class. It was a very popular type in that era, with double ponytails, fair skin, and freshness... I once kissed her in front of many people and ran away when she was playing in the hallway after class. In fact, I don't like her at all, I kissed her because her boyfriend was a punk in the school. I like the feeling of being chased and beaten for a week, desperate.

22. When it was just dark, I was passing by a residential area. A muscular man came across and suddenly began to cough. Then four or five men came over, all coughing in unison. I was suddenly a little nervous, are they talking about the password? Not going to rob? Shouldn't it be robbery? I was a little scared, and didn't dare to run until I walked to the place where they started coughing, and I also coughed. tmd Whose cooking is so choking with peppers!

23. The handsome guy was waiting for the bus at the station. A beautiful woman smiled at him, so he put on a few poses, thinking he was handsome. . The beauty smiled even happier. At this time, an aunt reminded: young man, don't stand on shit.

24. The first time I met a female netizen, I deliberately poured her wine while eating. When I saw her drinking unconscious, I booked a room right away. After confirming that she was asleep, I smiled evilly and fled back to my hometown by train overnight. Is p-map technology so advanced now? almost scared me

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