Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 118 Feng Fei Is An Honest Child

That night, Ye Zhou received the project approval information before going to sleep. The budget increased from 20 billion to 40 billion. The project goal changed from completing the trial production of a single engine to completing the trial production and completing the second engine under the condition of solidified production process. of industrial production.

Compared with Ye Zhou and his goal, the difficulty of this goal has increased a lot. Although the core "copy" goal has not changed, it is a completely different concept from "copy" to "batch copy".

The industrial cooperation, raw material manufacturing, production process solidification, personnel skills training, etc. involved are not small subjects.

This is a work that requires a global perspective. Whether it is Chen Hao, the project commander, or Ye Zhou, the technical commander, there will be greater challenges.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Zhou called Chen Hao.

"Boss Chen, your results came out so soon? Just finished the meeting?"

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone seemed to be having a late-night snack, and his voice was a little vague.

"Yes, just after the meeting, the results have basically come out, but the specific project details will take a few days. After the details come out, I will send you a detailed road sign design book, and then the personnel and participation will be started. The choice of the unit."

"This project is still led by you. The selection of units and personnel is up to you. If you need a professional consultant, you can tell me and I will match it for you."

Ye Zhou nodded. Aero-engines are said to be complex products in the history of human industry. The upstream and downstream knowledge it needs is massive. From materials to processes, the final formed engine is coordinated by hundreds of companies from different industries. result.

As a result, no one can fully understand everything—not even Ye Zhou, who has a simulator.

Therefore, Chen Hao's proposal on professional consultants is very pertinent and practical.

"Understood, I mainly need consultants in industrial research. I want them to help me select the most suitable ones from all related domestic manufacturers to participate in the project. But my basic principles remain the same. The core unit of this imitation is the same. Or choose one of Shu Fei and Feng Fei to do it."

"Okay, then I'll notify Liming and Shu Fa first, and let them prepare in advance. Are you biased towards these two families?"

The Liming and Shufa mentioned by Chen Hao respectively refer to Fengtian Liming Engine Group, which is the legendary 460, and Shucheng Shufa Engine Group, 420.

These two companies are responsible for the research and development of Turbofan 15 and Turbofan 18 respectively. They are both the strongest aero-engine manufacturers in China and belong to two group companies, Fengfei and Shufei.

In the past two years, Feng Fei and Shu Fei have received mixed reviews in China, but most people think that Shu Fei is stronger because they created the J-20.

But Ye Zhou thought the exact opposite.

Ordinary people have only seen the J-20, a fourth-generation aircraft that has taken decades of technical heritage to finally take shape, but rarely pay attention to the J-16, the strongest domestic flanker.

Compared with the j-20, this aircraft cannot be said to have made any progress across the ages. It has a conventional aerodynamic layout, cannot be invisible, has general over-the-horizon combat capability, and has average electronic warfare capabilities. Head, there are many people dissatisfied.

However, this aircraft has an extremely prominent advantage, that is, it has a large volume.

To give a very simple example, in a mission, if J16 is going to blow up a radar station, it can bring two anti-radiation missiles, two fighting bombs, two medium-range bombs, two iron bombs, plus A jamming pod.

After blowing up the radar station, when returning home, throw the iron bomb on the head of the high-value target passing by. If you encounter the enemy air force, throw the auxiliary fuel tank, climb vertically to an altitude of 15,000 kilometers, and randomly dive in the direction of the enemy plane. Hair mid-range bombs to teach life.

There are no superfluous skills, just a large amount of ammunition and practicality.

And this is also Fengfei's consistent design idea, to do the best that can be done under limited technical conditions.

Gu Po This overall tone is in line with Ye Zhou's sedan chair project.

There is no need for too much innovation, because that is what will be done in the future, and the goal now is to build this engine and make it the best.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and replied:

"I am more inclined towards Feng Fei, but I estimate that there will be a lot of opposition at that time."

"You also know that some people will object? Is Shu Fei bad? Shu Fei's technical strength is much stronger than Feng Fei. This is an objective fact."

"It's a fact, but, Boss Chen, in all fairness, does it really require a strong technical background to build an engine according to the drawings I gave? The resources are used to the extreme unit.”

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone was silent for a moment, and then replied:

"I understand, you are worried that Shu Fei will go wrong."

"Yes, aviation manufacturing is a complex industry chain, involving too many people and technologies, and the entry threshold is also very high. Once the direction goes wrong, it may not be able to pull back for a long time."

"Of course, I also know that almost no one will mess up under such a major project, but why don't I choose a safer plan?"

"Compared to a talented player like Shu Fei, Feng Fei is an honest kid. I feel more at ease with this kind of work being done by an honest kid."

Hearing this, Chen Hao replied:

"Understood, we respect your opinion, but when the final decision comes, we still need to discuss with everyone's opinions. After all, this is a big project, and professional evaluation is indispensable. Can you understand this?"

"Understandable. The result doesn't matter. It's all my own children. It can fall on anyone. I'm just making a suggestion."

"Damn, your suggestion is actually very prudent. You have grown very fast recently. I remember that when I first met you, you were still a fresh graduate. In just a few months, you began to learn to follow me. Discuss global strategies outside of this technology.”

"What else? You said it before, I have to bear the burden, I have to bear the burden, and I must become stronger."

"Well, I'm pretty good, I'm a qualified comrade. By the way, I'm going to have supper near you now, do you want to come over and eat together? The chip project is basically over, we haven't even held a celebration dinner, we'll be together today Have a meal and wrap up?"

"...How can I invite someone to dinner on a whim like you. Next time, I have something to do at night."

"Okay, then you should rest early as well."

After that, Chen Hao hung up the phone, Ye Zhou sat on the sofa thinking for a moment, then walked back to his room and entered the simulator,

He hasn't extracted the technology reward from the last simulation. The main consideration is that the non-working substance ion engine technology is used in the aerospace field, and it is not used for the time being. .

He entered the plot simulation interface of the simulator, and a new simulation mission has appeared. Like the third stage, this simulation also has a pre-introduction.

Ye Zhou opened the introduction, and a line of huge titles appeared in front of him.

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