Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 119 The Inexplicable Conflict


This word gave Ye Zhou a familiar feeling, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, and he roughly guessed the content of this plot simulation.

The pre-introduction slowly unfolds.

After reading the brief introduction, Ye Zhou understood.

As expected, this simulation plot is related to engine development and design.

In the three previous simulations, he solved the problem of direction, material, and new technology. After all these problems have a plan, design and testing have become the top priority.

Just as the chip industry needs eda, aeroengine design needs special software, but because of the complexity of aero-engines, in the era where Ye Zhou lives, there are no tools that can support complex simulation testing work.

This kind of tool requires not only massive data as support, but also powerful AI and high computing power and high simulation degree of physics engine to perform simulation operations, otherwise the ever-changing situation cannot be presented in the computer system at all, and the simulation can be done. Reference is naturally extremely limited.

This is why it takes more than ten years to design and manufacture an engine, because most of the time is spent in the cycle of production, ground test, air test, then production, and test.

If there was a piece of software that could put this loop into a computer system, the cost and efficiency savings would be immeasurable.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou curiously opened the plot simulation interface. He did not intend to complete the simulation today, but simply wanted to know how such a huge project was accomplished.

After opening his eyes, Ye Zhou found himself in a huge factory. Except for a Chinese man wearing glasses, the others were actually white.

What's the situation?

Did this episode actually take place outside the borders of the country?

He looked down at himself subconsciously, trying to judge his identity from his clothes, but suddenly noticed an object on his waist.

a gun.

A serious pistol in a holster.

Ye Zhou touched the gun body calmly, then put his hand under his left armpit, and sure enough he touched the handle of the second gun.

The left waist is also hard, but it is not a gun, but a full 6 magazines.

There is something hidden under the clothes on the left arm, I don't know what it is, but if nothing else, it should be a weapon.

As he silently checked his equipment, a gentle stream of information slowly poured into his mind, making him understand his situation.

This is a transaction site, and the transaction data is exactly the historical data of the engine test run of Chouguoge Company.

The purpose of this transaction is to obtain the aero-engine data of other manufacturers except Huaxia manufacturers, so as to carry out the design of the "matrix" large-scale aviation simulation system.

Prior to this, the officials of the two countries have reached an agreement on data transactions, ge company provides data, and after the "matrix" design is completed, Huaxia will authorize the ugly country to use the matrix to a limited extent.

This was originally a purely commercial transaction, but for well-known reasons, officials still sent him, a national security officer with more than ten years of experience in secret positions, to accompany the engineer to prepare for possible accidents.

Just as he was digesting the memory in his mind, the engineer standing in front of him suddenly said:

"Robert, my request is very clear. When will you provide complete data? If you are unwilling to cooperate, then you can refuse now. We are not forcing you."

He speaks standard Chinese. Ye Zhou was a little surprised at first, but thinking about Huaxia's status in this time and space, he felt a little bit taken for granted.

Yes, one day, he will let the Chinese people in his own time and space speak Chinese in front of outsiders as a matter of course.

"Mr. Wang Hai, the data is ready. We will ship the hard drive to the designated address in your country by air, and it will be completed within three days."

"you sure?"

Gu Yu The engineer named Wang Hai asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Your Liming Engine Group is the most technologically advanced engine manufacturer in the world. Why should we give up the opportunity to cooperate with you?"

"I admit that the cooperation between our two parties was not smooth before, but it was only based on the principle of commercial prudence. Now, after a comprehensive discussion by ge company, we have accepted your plan. I believe that the follow-up cooperation will definitely be very high. efficiency.”

Hearing the other party's words, not only Wang Hai, but Ye Zhou also became vigilant.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. When have these Westerners been so happy?

According to his memory, the negotiation with the ge company has lasted for nearly three months, and he and Wang Hai have also been in the ugly country for three months. That is, in the previous week, the ge company's tone finally began to loosen, and the appointment Well, let them go to the factory today for the final negotiation.

Before they came, they all had doubts about this negotiation location, but according to the other party's explanation, they just hoped to take the two of them to visit the factory before reaching an agreement, so that Huaxia would understand the difficulty of running this engine company, so as to win to some concessions in business by Huaxia.

This explanation is quite convincing, and after research and judgment, they all believed that there was no need for the ugly country to be detrimental to them at this time, so they came to the factory as agreed.

But as things stand now, things don't seem right.

It's true that they visited the factory, but the person opposite seemed to have forgotten that after the visit, they hadn't put forward any conditions.

Without putting forward conditions, it is a direct showdown to accept cooperation. Isn’t it contradicting the previous statement?

Ye Zhou quietly moved his hand to his waist, pretending that he just wanted to mention the slightly slipping belt.

"Well, if that's the case, then I think our work is done. Now, can we sign the agreement?"

Wang Hai continued to ask.

"Of course, of course!"

As he was talking, the man named Robert on the opposite side enthusiastically reached out to Wang Hai, and at this moment, Ye Zhou suddenly drew his gun.

He saw what Robert was hiding in his hand, it was a needle.

Obviously, that couldn't be an ordinary sewing needle.

Ye Zhou's movements were fast. While the system instilled his memory, it also instilled the fighting instinct of this body into him, but even so, his muzzle still failed to point at the opponent successfully.

A large-caliber bullet had already shattered his head with unstoppable force.

Blood splattered.

Darkness came, Ye Zhou returned to the void.

He scratched his head and clicked on the replay, and sure enough, he found the sniper who had been in ambush in a hidden corner far away from the factory.

The ugly country really wants to move them, and has already arranged a complete plan, even at the expense of the military.

But the question is, why! ?

If you don't want to cooperate, just say no!

It is true that China at that time needed a lot of data, but lacking the data from the ugly country, it was not impossible to make a matrix.

As Wang Hai said in the simulation, we are not persecuting them.

You are unwilling to cooperate, and some people cry and beg for cooperation.

Isn't it stupid to kill someone at such a time?

And, what good would it do them to kill an engineer who came to negotiate business?

If Wang Hai is killed, will the Matrix project not continue? He is indeed a core engineer, but the problem is, this project is not done by him alone!

Or is this a demonstration?

What are you kidding?

At that time, in China, dozens of Jinwu strategic bombers were roaming the skies around the world day and night, and the military strength had already surpassed that of the declining ugly country. Do you think that you will not live long in the demonstrations at this time?

To put it back 10,000 steps, at the national level, there is no such thing as self-indulgence, and there is no profit. Why do they do it?

Ye Zhou was completely confused.

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