Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 123 I Have What You Want

Hearing the secretary's words, Xu Qi's expression changed, and then he said:

"Find the personnel department, appease him first, and confirm his plans before talking! Go!"

Looking at his expression, Ye Zhou asked curiously:

"Who is Xiao He?"

Xu Qi smiled awkwardly, then replied:

"A doctoral student we just recruited has encountered some difficulties in his life recently... We didn't expect him to resign."

"What's the difficulty?"

Ye Zhou continued to ask.

"...Ye Gong, I'm not hiding it from you. The family is indeed a great Buddha. It was purely because of the family's request that they came to us."

"After the results came, the highest salary we could give did not meet expectations, and the way of working did not meet expectations. In addition, his personal personality was a bit introverted, so just do what you do...what Anyway, it's good for him to leave, and it's not good for both of us if you force him to stay."

"He's very capable, and he's really a talent here -- but that's not necessarily the case after the new project is launched."

"What's he doing?"

"It's thermal power."

After listening to his words, Ye Zhou thought about it and said:

"Show me his information, let's not say that we need talents like him, just say that at a critical time of this project, he is a key position. If he really quits and misses this project, I am afraid he will regret it for the rest of his life. I'll try to talk to him."

"Okay, Ye Gong, then I'll trouble you. To be honest, we've already thought about what we should do here, but there's really no way to persuade us."

"That's because your sincerity is not enough. It doesn't matter, I understand your difficulties, let me talk."


On the other side, in an old-fashioned residential building, He Shuo's family of three were eating lunch in a crowded kitchen.

The man opposite him had a serious expression, the food was placed in front of him and he didn't move, but he was scolding him in a very ironic way.

"...I said don't resign, don't resign, you are too ambitious, what's wrong with the low salary, and the monthly salary of 16,000 in this place is still called low? Your second aunt's child, in When the Urban Construction Bureau goes to work, I only get more than 3,000 yuan a month in seven, seven, eight, eight, so don’t they still do the same?”

"It's hard to come back after so many years of reading. What are we looking forward to you? Don't we just hope that you can earn some money, get married, and let us have a grandson as soon as possible?"

"You think you're still young? You're 30 years old, and you still want to go out? What's in it for you? What's in it for us?"

"I told you to come back at the beginning, don't leave when you come back, and finally entered a state-owned enterprise, the salary is high, and the job is decent, if you don't do it, you don't do it, what's the matter?"

He Shuo ate without saying a word, he had heard this more than once.

When I came back, it was because of the strong request of my parents.

In their hearts, there is no future in the outside world. Even if you earn millions of dollars in annual salary in a private company in Shencheng, in Fengtian, it is still not as good as a civil servant with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan.

The concept of his parents, coupled with his self-confidence in his ability, finally he chose to follow his parents' advice and come back.

When he first returned to Fengtian, he was not very reluctant, because the unit he chose was Liming Aviation Development under Fengfei. As one of the strongest aviation engine manufacturers in the country, no matter in terms of technical strength In terms of development prospects, it is actually not too bad.

And he is confident that with his own ability, he will definitely be able to make some achievements here.

However, when he actually got into it, he found that everything was different from what he imagined.

It's not because of some bureaucratic problem in the legends of the outside world, and it's not because he doesn't get attention, but because he doesn't feel challenged.

The job is easy and the subordinate relationship is good, but it just makes me feel wrong.

Too few projects, or rather, too few forward-looking projects.

Most of the knowledge he has mastered has no room for use. If it goes on like this, he feels that his skills are likely to be completely wasted.

This is a completely unacceptable result, because he has studied for so many years, not just for the salary of tens of thousands of yuan.

In his heart has always been hidden the ambition to change the world.

It may be idealism, blood is not cold, or simply stunned and naive, but he just wants to try it.

So, today, he is to the leadership to resign.

Gu Ju He doesn't want to be stuck here.

The leader was not surprised by his decision, because everyone could see that he was not very happy here.

However, they are indeed regretful and sincere.

His parents were still chattering at him, but He Shuo became more determined.

"Okay, okay, okay! I've quit my job, what else can I say, with my education, are you still afraid that I can't find a job? If I find a research institute, my salary is higher than the 16,000 salary here!"

Father He glared at him angrily, then patted the table and said:

"Money, money, do you know money? Are we so unworthy of your nostalgia that we have to go outside?"

"It's not unworthy of nostalgia, I also have my ambitions! Why do I have to be trapped here for the rest of my life?"

"You can't even realize your ambitions at Liming Aviation? Don't you know it yourself? The news has already said that you are all going to develop a turbofan 18 engine!"

"That's a... Forget it, I can't tell you, in short, it's an ordinary project, and what I want to do is not like this. I'm not saying that I can't work steadily, I also know that I have to take one step at a time, but it is really a waste to stay here any longer, the leaders of the unit have said that they want to introduce me to other good units!"

"...You have good leadership, shouldn't you cherish it more? Who didn't start from ordinary projects?"

"Yes, everyone starts from ordinary projects, but here, I really don't see any hope of moving forward..."

Father He still wanted to refute, but as soon as the words reached his lips, there was a sudden knock on the door of the living room.

He snorted, got up and walked to open the door, but there were two strangers standing outside.

It was Ye Zhou and Chen Hao.

"Excuse me, is this He Shuo's house?"

Ye Zhou asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, you are... the leader of He Shuo's unit?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Forget it... I came to find him today because I want to talk to him about something."

Father He quickly let the two of them into the living room, and while leading them to the sofa to sit down, he said apologetically:

"Is it because of his resignation? That's what this kid is like. He's reckless before he even thinks about it. You guys are bothered."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"Actually not. He wants to leave precisely because he really wants to understand. Let's not talk about this, what about He Shuo?"

Father He didn't understand Ye Zhou's words, he just shouted into the kitchen:

"He Shuo! The leader is here, don't come out soon!"

He Shuo in the kitchen sighed, he really didn't want to see any leaders, and he didn't want to listen to their words.

But everyone has already taken the initiative to come to the door, if you don't go out to meet, it will be very rude.

So he put down the dishes and slowly walked out of the kitchen, but when his eyes moved to the two people on the sofa, his body suddenly froze.

This man, he has seen.

Ye Zhou, Executive Vice President of MicroFusion.

In other words, the chief engineer of the Spark Factory that changed the world's chip pattern.

At this moment, he suddenly had a strong premonition.

The entire Liminghangfa, the entire Fengfei, and even the entire Northeast will be changed by the man in front of him.

Before he could speak, he heard Ye Zhou on the opposite side say in a brisk tone:

"Hello, He Shuo."

"I have what you want here."

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