Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 124 Let The World Echo For Us

He Shuo's place was very small, but Ye Zhou planned to talk to him about some relatively sensitive content, so the three of them went downstairs and entered the special car driven by Wu Ping.

After getting in the car, Ye Zhou said:

"I read your resume and it is very good. To be honest, from my perspective, your choice to resign at that time was the right decision, because it really can't bear your ability here."

He Shuo nodded silently after hearing Ye Zhou's words.

Seeing his reaction, Ye Zhou continued:

"Of course, this is just my polite remark. You must have already known my purpose for coming here today, which is to persuade you to stay."

"thank you for your kindness."

He Shuo looked up at Ye Zhou and continued:

"Ye Gong, I know you are a genius. I can't think of a second word to describe what you have done at your age. However, I don't think you really understand my situation."

"Probably you will think that I am leaving Dawn because I am underappreciated or not compatible with the leadership, but I want to tell you that is not the case."

"I was taken very seriously at Dawn and the relationships were actually good, the only reason I left was..."

"It's you who think Liming's direction is wrong, that this company has not really taken on its due responsibilities, and has not produced breakthrough results like Shu Fei did, right?"

Ye Zhou interrupted He Shuo directly.

"...Yes, I don't think there's anything wrong with my idea. What we need now is not to keep things going, we need to move forward at all costs."

"Everyone at Dawn is too conservative. They are afraid of failure. But how can we succeed if we don't fail?"

"One or two failures are nothing, as long as the final results are good, then we can turn the situation around with those results."

"Just like you, you first aimed at the lithography machine. Before you do it, do you know that you will succeed? If you follow Dawn's thinking, they will not be 5nm first, but 14nm, but wait until we make it. When the 14nm lithography machine came out, the West had already moved to 3nm, what's the point of 14nm at this time?"

He Shuo's expression was sincere. He was quite critical of Liming's work style, or he was dissatisfied with Feng Fei's entire work style, but this dissatisfaction did not turn into resentment, but just pure regret.

After listening to his words, Ye Zhou replied:

"There is some truth to your idea. Failure is indeed the mother of success. However, I have one more question for you."

"Have you ever wondered if we could afford to fail two large projects at the same time?"

"The positioning of Turbofan 18 and Turbofan 15 is very clear. One points to the breakthrough and the other points to the basic disk. If either of them is missing, it will bring us a heavy price."

"Of course, we can also ask Liming to forge ahead when making Turbofan 18, try the latest technology and adopt the latest craftsmanship, but what if it fails?"

"If we fail, we will have the consequence that, for an extremely long period of time, our engine will not be able to iterate. Am I right?"

"...Yes, but that's not enough to convince me, because they could have made Turbofan 18 without me."

Ye Zhou smiled, first glanced at Chen Hao, and after seeing the other side nod, he continued:

"It's true that everyone on this earth turns the same way after leaving, but what if I told you that the reason I'm looking for you this time is not for Turbofan 18?"

"Not Turbofan 18?"

He Shuo's brows furrowed.

Ye Zhou was not surprised by his reaction.

As early as more than a month ago, He Shuo had already exposed his tendency to leave, and the sedan sedan project was only passed on to the core leadership of Liming Factory three days ago.

Due to confidentiality principles, the scope of communication of this project is strictly controlled, and only vetted senior researchers are informed of limited project background.

Although He Shuo was already the top researcher at Liming Factory, he was excluded from the review because of his instability.

This can actually be regarded as a procedural imperfection, because the reason why He Shuo left was not because of his moral or positional problems, but on the contrary, his departure was entirely for the benefit of the country. .

He didn't want to use his own plank, which could have been used to build a boat, to repair the water tank.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou explained:

Gu Hua "We have a new project, which is very difficult and requires a lot of researchers, especially in terms of thermodynamics."

"Or the engine? What exactly?"

He Shuo immediately became interested when he heard the words "new project" mentioned by Ye Zhou.

"Sorry, I can't tell you, the level of confidentiality of this project is very high, and you can only know the details of the project if you are sure to join and pass the review."

"...How do I know this is not the means by which you want to keep me?"

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:

"This question is meaningless. You have also seen that the two people sitting in front of you now, you know me, this one is Chen Hao, the commander-in-chief of the last chip project."

"Do you think it will be difficult for us to call several thermal power experts in China together?"

"To be honest, the reason why I came to you today is purely out of respect for you."

"Because I know what you want, and I happen to have it, so I don't want you to miss this opportunity."

He Shuo leaned back on the seat silently, his hand tapped on his thigh unconsciously, his face was a little dazed, as if he was carefully considering whether to accept the olive branch that Ye Zhou extended to him.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and asked:

"So, in your opinion, what do I want?"

"An echo."


"Yes, in my opinion, what you need is echoes, or feedback."

"Before this, you didn't see the meaning of your work because you felt that the results you made had too little impact on the world."

"Although these achievements may still cause huge discussions in China, you know, once those achievements are thrown into the world for comparison, it is like a stone sinking into the Mariana Trench, and there will be no echoes. "

"That's why you are so determined to leave Liming Aviation despite your excellent political review results and high loyalty in the organization. This is not a betrayal, but..."

Ye Zhou paused for a moment, then continued after thinking for a moment:

"A higher degree of loyalty. Am I right?"

"...That's right. Well, you're almost there to convince me. But, I want to make a final confirmation. Can I ask a question?"

"As long as it's not classified, I can answer."

He Shuo nodded and asked:

"I want to ask, what is the purpose of this project? I don't mean technical purpose, but... I don't know how to describe it, but you should be able to understand it?"

"Of course, I see what you mean."

Ye Zhou looked out the window. At this moment, the setting sun was pouring over the plain made of black soil. The golden air echoed faintly with the sounds of children laughing and playing after school.

He looked at the hurried passers-by who occasionally passed by on the road. Those people's faces often had some worldly sullenness on their faces, but under that stunnedness, he seemed to see another kind of power.

A tough, buried power that never dissipates.

Just like this land.

After retracting his gaze, Ye Zhou said in a serious tone:

"Actually, the purpose is very simple."

"We're going to build something."

"After this thing comes into existence, the whole world will echo for us!"

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