Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 126: Step By Step, Collect Clues

(The original plot direction of the clone was prompted by the editor, so after thinking about it, it changed to a less sensitive direction, which means that the plot has to be reconsidered, so I will change it slowly today, I’m still writing, maybe still one chapter)

The speculation about replicants is just an inference of Ye Zhou based on existing clues, but whether the truth is true, he still needs to continue the plot simulation to find more evidence.

After returning to the residence, Ye Zhou found a notebook and wrote down all the existing clues, preparing to add new clues in each subsequent simulation, and then deduce the whole picture of the opponent's plan in order to find a way to break the game.

While thinking, he wrote and drew on the paper.

First of all, the ge company doesn't care about his life or death, but it is uncertain whether it is necessary for him to die.

The second point, the other party should want Wang Hai to die, or at least to make him incapacitated.

The third point is that the other party needs Wang Hai's body to maintain integrity.

Based on these three points, he has to enter the simulator to verify one by one.

After a short rest, Ye Zhou entered the plot simulation.

After opening his eyes, Ye Zhou was still in front of the factory. He moved two steps to the left quietly, using Wang Hai's body to block the sight of the sniper on the high platform in front of him.

It is very simple to verify the purpose of the other party, just do the opposite of them directly.

Ye Zhou quietly put his hand on his waist, and then pulled out his pistol in a lightning-fast manner. The gun's caliber pointed directly at the back of Wang Hai's head!

He uses a quick-draw holster, which can complete the loading action at the moment of drawing the gun, and it takes less than one second from drawing the gun to firing.

But with this second delay, a bullet had penetrated Ye Zhou's body from the side.

It was still a large-caliber bullet, and half of his body was torn to pieces, completely losing his ability to move.

Back in the void, Ye Zhou cursed in a low voice, then turned on the playback, and found the second sniper from the right side of the factory.

The third person is on the left side of the factory.

The fourth man, outside the factory gate, could only see the faint flash of the scope.

This arrangement, without any dead ends, completely blocked all of his action routes. As long as there is any abnormal movement, the opponent will directly kill it.

However, from another perspective, Ye Zhou also came to a new conclusion.

That is, the other party does not need him to die.

In other words, his death is not a necessary condition to achieve the opponent's goal, otherwise they should have started directly at the beginning, and there is no need to wait for Ye Zhou to draw a gun and it is dangerous to kill it. Actions.

Ye Zhou silently took down this clue, and then entered the simulation again.

His goal still hasn't changed, that is, to kill Wang Hai before the sniper kills him.

This sounds nonsensical, a security guard would do everything possible to try to kill the key guards he protects, but this is the only clue that Ye Zhou can try to verify at the moment.

In the second attempt, Ye Zhou switched to the center-axle relocking pistol method. This action could save him 0.2 seconds of time, and it could also ensure accuracy at close range.

However, this attempt still failed, because he found that the judgment condition for the opponent's sniper to shoot is not to see the gun, but to move his hand to the holster, and this action cannot be hidden under all-round monitoring. of.

In the third attempt, Ye Zhou changed his mind. He didn't choose to draw his gun, but jumped forward to Wang Hai, and then rolled into a ball with him on the ground. During the rolling process, Ye Zhou's gun was finally drawn. came out.

He looked blankly at Wang Hai's panicked eyes, and then said softly:

"Brother, I'm sorry."

The gunshot sounded, Wang Hai's head was pierced by the bullet, Ye Zhou repeatedly fired it several times, and when he finally stood up, Wang Hai's face was completely smashed into scum.

Everyone on the scene was dumbfounded, and even the sniper forgot to shoot.

"wtf...what have you done??"

The man opposite Robert asked in shock.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to know what the consequences would be."

Having said that, Ye Zhou raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed at himself, and ended the simulation neatly.

At the last moment of darkness, he was amused to see Robert's overwhelmed expression.

Gu Di

After Ye Zhou finished the simulation summary, he felt that "everything was expected".

The ending was indeed completed, and the key clues were indeed verified, but, just as he guessed when he entered the simulation, it should be impossible for such a rotten solution to bring him any technological rewards.

However, as long as there is an ending, there is an ending summary, then in the ending summary, he should get further clues.

He clicked on the ending summary, and a series of subtitles emerged.

Seeing this, Ye Zhou has basically sorted out the logic of the other party.

They want to slow down the progress of the Huaxia Matrix project by influencing Wang Hai, a key element, so as to gain time for their own similar projects.

But at the same time, they didn't want to tear their faces directly, because according to Huaxia's current strength, they really didn't have the confidence to tear their faces.

However, Ye Zhou was still curious about how the other party planned to make things right.

They obviously don't care if their bodyguard is alive or dead, but if they die, how can they explain the problem that there were only two people when they went and only one person when they came back?

Even if a story is to be made up, there must be enough evidence and personnel to endorse it.

Among them, in addition to copying Wang Hai's information, I am afraid there is a big drama.

Ye Zhou thought for a moment and suddenly had an idea.

If I did nothing and let the situation develop as they planned, would I get more clues instead?

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou had a plan in his mind.

He entered the subconscious sea of ​​strings and set up a simple thinking program for himself.

Back to light.

Before dying or about to lose consciousness, mobilize all the adrenaline in your body and buy yourself 30 seconds of wakefulness.

In these thirty seconds, he needs to know the other party's follow-up actions.

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