Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 127 Brainwashing? Still…

(Minor updates to the previous chapter!)



After entering the simulation again, Ye Zhou stood calmly in place, even after Wang Hai finished talking with Robert, and the hidden steel needle appeared in Robert's hand, he did not respond.

Robert first shook hands with Wang Hai, who didn't seem to notice the existence of the steel needle at all, and even the expression on his face didn't change.

There is definitely something wrong with the needle.

Ye Zhou was still thinking about whether it was a deadly poison or some kind of powerful anesthetic, and Robert's hand had already reached out to him.

He did not refuse, and let the needle pierce into his palm.

Seeing that everything was going according to plan, a smile appeared on Robert's face on the opposite side. He retracted the steel needle with a very concealed movement, and then said to Wang Hai:

"Mr. Wang, after this handshake, we have officially become partners. I hope our future cooperation will become smoother."

The expression on Wang Hai's face didn't fluctuate, he just replied plainly:

"Then I hope you can give me a frank attitude in the future cooperation. Mr. Robert, I want to remind you again, if you are still wary and hostile to us, then even if we complete the contract this time, The cooperation in the future will not be smooth.”

Robert nodded and replied:

"Of course. Mr. Wang, you can rest assured. I believe we will be allies on the same front in the future."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned slightly.

An ally on a front.

This sentence seems a bit unscrupulous.

It was as if they had known in advance that Wang Hai would join their camp, or would do something in their favor.

"We will not be allies, but partners at most."

Wang Hai was also displeased with Robert's words, but just after the words fell, a confused look suddenly appeared on his face.

His pupils began to dilate, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch uncontrollably.

Robert's smile grew brighter and he turned to look in Ye Zhou's direction, as if waiting for Ye Zhou to have the same reaction.

Ye Zhou was stunned, less than a second later, a huge sense of dizziness swept over, his eyes went black, and then he lost consciousness.

Endless darkness.

Just when Ye Zhou thought his plan had failed and he was about to return to the void, his heart twitched suddenly.

The violent throbbing hit his chest cavity, and even his ribs felt pain due to the expansion of the chest cavity.

Immediately afterwards, the lungs inhaled a huge amount of air uncontrollably, the oxygen content in the blood suddenly rose, and his mind was instantly clear.

The effects of the thought program are activated.

The effect was even better than what Ye Zhou expected. The injection into his body was not a highly toxic substance, but some kind of anesthetic. The super fast metabolism process just now had greatly reduced the anesthesia effect, and now he is completely normal within a certain range. action.

He felt himself lying flat on the ground, and Robert's shout came in his ears.

"Hurry up, get the brain-computer interface first!"

"Put the helmet on him... okay? Are the brainwave readings normal?"

"Okay, get rid of the clutter and get ready to start writing the program."

"Is it normal to write?"

Another voice replied:

"It's not normal, his brainwave structure is more complicated, we can't find the target variable in a short time..."

"It doesn't matter! This is not an elaborate job! If you can't input variables, just disrupt his original logic!"

"The current is going to exceed the safe range..."

"Come down! We have time, don't affect his original thinking ability and memory..."

Ye Zhou controlled his expression, but this series of conversations shocked his heart.

Why does it sound like brainwashing?

After decades, has human biotechnology developed to this extent?

As far as he understands, in his own time, through hypnosis and suggestion, it was possible to change people's inherent thoughts to a certain extent, or set up new conditioned reflexes for people, which was the same principle as his own thinking programming.

However, it is completely impossible to write memories by stimulating the brain through the electrical signals of the instrument.

Tani Kaji Because the electrical signals generated by these memories are too complex, even with all the computing power of human beings, they cannot be fully parsed.

How did they do that?

The other party continued to operate, Ye Zhou opened his eyes a little, and observed the outside environment from a limited perspective.

What appeared in front of him was an instrument that was not sci-fi at all.

A simple helmet dissatisfied with electrodes was placed on Wang Hai's head. The other end of the helmet was linked to a monitoring instrument. An operator stood in front of the computer next to him and kept operating.

Robert's voice rang again:

"Have you found the key variable?"

"I found it, analyzing it.... Confirm the execution, it will take about half a minute."

"It's alright, we still need time. Sean! Which damn criminals are you looking for? Why aren't they in place yet!"


"Come on! I can't stand this damn hood anymore..."

As he spoke, he put his hand behind his ear, and after groping a few times, a thin mask was torn off by him.

Ye Zhou looked at the other face under his mask calmly, and he understood the other party's plan a little.

After waiting quietly for half an hour, all the other party's work is ready.

Gunshots rang out suddenly.

A team of elite SEALs broke into the door and had a fierce gun battle with the original armed forces in the factory.

However, from Ye Zhou's perspective, this so-called shootout is somewhat comical.

Bullets will only go to those who have long been selected.

The gunpowder smoke filled the air, and shock bombs and smoke bombs were continuously thrown out. Two fully-armed SEAL members rushed to Wang Hai, dragging their bodies and starting to retreat.

At the same time, a rush of adrenaline was properly injected into the hearts of the two.

"Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang! How are you?"

The seal members shouted Wang Hai loudly, Ye Zhou saw him wake up suddenly, and was dragged back in confusion.

"What's going on here……"

Wang Hai looked at Ye Zhou in confusion and helplessness.

By now, Ye Zhou had fully understood the other party's plan, but he pretended that he had just woken up, and just answered hoarsely:

"We were kidnapped and we're evacuating now! Follow the team!"

The bullets whizzed past, and the two quickly withdrew from the factory under the cover of the SEALs, but paid the price of several "team members" casualties in the process.

This casualty is clearly not fake.

The penetrating power of the large-caliber bullet, even after piercing the body armor of the team members, still ripped huge blood holes in their backs!


There is no way out.

The two left the factory all the way and got into the armored vehicle before someone finally reported the situation to them.

"We have received clues from the intelligence officer. There may be people inside ge company colluding with some organizations, wanting to hijack you to threaten China, or want to obtain information about the matrix project through you."

"Of course, their motives are not completely clear, but they did act... Fortunately, we came in time. After finding out that your personal communication signal was blocked, we immediately brought people here. It's a risk!"

"Yeah, it's dangerous."

Ye Zhou replied calmly.

Actually it's not dangerous at all.

It just seems to be a play.

The purpose of this play is to cover up the fact that Wang Hai and himself fainted, and to create conditions for their "brainwashing".

They had obviously played tricks on Wang Hai's mind, but Ye Zhou couldn't understand what they did.

What made him even more puzzled was that if they had changed Wang Hai's thinking, how did they plan to let Wang Hai pass the 100% follow-up review?

----Or did they change only the parts that couldn't be found?

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