Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 128: Which Part Is The Brainwashed One?

The simulation is still going on, which shows that Ye Zhou still has a chance to change the final result. After the two returned to the safe area, the plot began to develop by leaps and bounds. It was just a transition, and Ye Zhou realized that he was already in the country.

He's sitting in an interrogation room -- or, a chat room would be more appropriate to name it.

This room is very comfortable, with a sofa, a tea table, and even music.

Opposite him was a middle-aged man with a serious face, but not indifferent.

"...Based on the needs of the program, I want to confirm with you again how things have developed, can you understand?"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Understandable, I also need you to help me recall more details, because I am not sure if my memory is clear under the strong anesthesia at the time."

"Very good, you are a very professional fighter. So let's start from the beginning, how did you find out that the other party might have a problem?"

"The immediate reason was that I saw something in the hand of the man named Robert, which I thought was a weapon; but, before that, when they suddenly changed their attitude, I was already alert."

The middle-aged man nodded and continued to ask:

"You discovered the opponent's sniper? How did you discover it?"

"Professional habits. Every time I go to an open field, I have to check all the sniper positions. This is my experience in protecting key personnel."

"So, after spotting the sniper, you already have a plan. Why would you choose to ignore the enemy's actions?"

"Because it doesn't make sense for me to do anything, this is the only way to find out their conspiracy. Or, it's a plan."

"Understood. How do you know you can survive the effects of anesthesia?"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"I'm not sure. We do have resistance training, but I don't know if I'm 100% successful. But like I said, I have no other way. If I resist, I'm 100% dead, the enemy's conspiracy It will succeed. But if I wait and see, I have a one in ten million chance of succeeding.”

"This is a purely rational choice, and none of my comrades will feel that I am cowardly because of this, because this is the choice of all of us after professional training."

"Understood, you made the right choice. You said earlier that you saw Robert take off his mask. Can you confirm that it wasn't an illusion?"

"There are no hallucinations in my memory. Not only him, but all the other participants wore masks. According to my inference, the faces are the faces of the dead."

"So you think it's self-directed and self-acted?"

"Yes, I strongly confirm it is."

The middle-aged man put a tick on the notebook, indicating that this judgment is consistent with the judgment of his superiors, and then continued to ask:

"You think Wang Hai has been 'brainwashed', but according to our recent review, all aspects of his mental state are normal, the results of the political review are also normal, and he has not been found to have any mutinous tendencies. Can you confirm your judgment? ?"

"I'm sure he was definitely mentally affected in some way, and the question now is just in what direction."

"That's what we want to know too."

The middle-aged man let out a rare sigh.

In the past few days, their review of Wang Hai has not stopped, but no matter how deep the dimension they dig, they can't find out what influence Wang Hai has been.

He was like completely unaffected, like a 100% normal person.

However, because of Ye Zhou's testimony, no one would think that Chou Guo's first-year drama was just for fun.

There are only two possibilities, either Ye Zhou's testimony is false, or Wang Hai's influence has not been found out.

There was no need for him to hesitate as to which possibility should be chosen.

One of the worst principles in intelligence work is to work under the worst conditions without knowing the conditions.

If Ye Zhou's testimony is false, then it proves that Wang Hai was really just kidnapped by a private armed gang, and the Chou Kingdom really went to rescue at any cost. This is a condition for our relative advantage.

But if Ye Zhou's testimony is true, it means that the officials of the ugly country have colluded with the ge company----this is the worst condition.

So, now they can only choose to believe in Ye Zhou, and choose to believe that the influence on Wang Hai's brain has not been found out.

After a moment of silence, the middle-aged man said:

Gu Ting "That's it for today's communication. If you can remember any other details, please let me know as soon as possible. Rest well, the review of you will continue for a long time."

Ye Zhou nodded, then opened his mouth and said:

"What about the Matrix project?"

The man was stunned and replied:

"Which aspect do you want to ask?"

"Will our cooperation with ge continue?"

"This is not within the scope of your work, but your authority is indeed enough. Our cooperation with ge company will continue, but the official Chou country has appointed an agent to take over the management of the other party - does it feel like killing two birds with one stone? the meaning of?"

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"No, what they want can't be as simple as a company. What is Wang Hai's position in the project?"

"Does this help your judgment?"

"Very well, I have to know."

The man sat back on the sofa, looked at Ye Zhou and said:

"Wang Hai, artificial intelligence architecture engineer, is a senior engineer in the matrix project. He is responsible for the construction of several key data analysis frameworks. He is a relatively important person."

"But at the same time, he's not that important, and the project could still go on without him."

Ye Zhou scratched his head. At this time, he was no longer thinking from the thinking of a security guard, but from the perspective of his own professional qualities and technical logic, trying to determine which aspect could be used to solve the problem. The sea is the fulcrum to influence the entire project.

He is an architecture engineer, responsible for data analysis, that is, processing engine test data.

That means that if there are problems with his framework construction, the entire matrix project will also have problems.

But the problem is that the scrutiny during this period not only focused on loyalty and information security, but also technical tests - Wang Hai completely passed all the tests.

Unless he deliberately sabotages, there can be no problem in this regard.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou asked:

"Will Wang Hai still participate in the subsequent work related to matrix development?"

The man shook his head and replied:

"It won't be involved for the time being, but he has to hand over the job, which is an inevitable step."

"Will there be professional supervision during the handover process?"

"Of course, the whole process will be supervised."

This is the only chance for Wang Hai to come into contact with the matrix program again, but it is impossible for him to have another chance to modify the program.

So, in what ways does the enemy want Hai Wang to influence the Matrix project?

Ye Zhou fell into deep thought.

After a while, the middle-aged man got up and left, and then the simulated screen darkened without warning.

Looking at the settlement interface, Ye Zhou sighed deeply.

The influence the other party exerted on the matrix project through Wang Hai obviously took effect, and the score is h, which means that the matrix project has completely failed.

But how exactly did they do it?

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