Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 129 We Are Too Short Of People

Ye Zhou planned to enter the simulation again, but the long-span plot simulation consumed a lot of energy. For safety's sake, he temporarily quit the simulator.

Now, the clues he got have increased again.

First, the other party changed Wang Hai's thinking through brainwashing, but this kind of thinking is difficult to find.

Second, this kind of thinking will eventually change the outcome of the matrix project, and even lead to the failure of the entire project.

Ye Zhou carefully recalled all the known conditions, but in the end still could not come up with a possible direction.

Wang Hai no longer has permission to contact the project. His last chance to contact the project is the handover, so the greatest possibility is that this influence will occur during the handover.

What if the handover is directly prohibited and completely excluded from the project team?

This is indeed a feasible solution.

Ye Zhou thought for a while, but in the end he couldn't hold back his curiosity, he entered the simulation again, and at the same time directly put forward the conditions for terminating the handover to the man who was reviewing him, but the final result was still the same, still an H-level failure.

Can not be done.

There are only two paths to go now.

Either find out the point in Wang Hai's mind that has been changed, or go straight to the front before he is changed.

Neither of these two options seem so easy.

Ye Zhou reluctantly lay down on the bed, his spirit was extremely exhausted, and it was really not suitable for him to think too much.


After waking up, Ye Zhou went to Liming Airfare as planned. This was the first day of the project. Xu Qi organized a mobilization meeting with the participation of core members. At the meeting, all members were reiterated the principle of confidentiality and were arrested by It is required to implement semi-closed management from the same day.

The so-called semi-closed management means that the daily food and lodging are in the factory area, and they can only leave after special circumstances and application.

No one complained about this policy.

They all know what they are going to do, and they all know how important it is.

If it can be done, then a project code-named "Flower Sedan chair" will become the beginning of the whole Fengfei, and even the entire Northeast.

After lunch, Ye Zhou sat down with several project managers led by Chen Hao. Different from the previous technical discussions, this time they were not discussing technical issues, but resource issues.

"...Our biggest problem now is talent, which includes two aspects, one is the R&D personnel engaged in technology, and the other is the skilled workers at the grassroots level."

"To be honest, neither of these two problems is easy to solve. Not only our factory, but in fact, the whole country has never done an engine project of this specification, and there is no experience to learn from."

"Not only theoretical things need to be slowly understood and adapted, but also manufacturing. How to design the impurity removal process during the production process of a blade, how to make uneven surfaces, and how to control the accuracy of punching, these It all needs skilled workers to solve it.”

The speaker is Xu Qi, who is responsible for the management of human resources, so he is particularly concerned about this aspect.

Chen Hao frowned and said:

"The problems you mentioned exist objectively, but I want to ask, are there any solutions to these problems?"

"Yes. It depends on time and manpower. For example, when it comes to skilled workers, one person can't do it. We can ask ten people to do ten at the same time, and there will always be one qualified."

"What's the point of this? I said that the goal of our project is not to build the engine, but to solidify the process and achieve large-scale production in the future!"

Xu Qi looked embarrassed, and after a few seconds of pause, he said:

"There is no way, only people can come from the sky, we can only try a little by ourselves. But I promise that as long as there is a mature method, we will definitely solidify it, and we will never do repeated trial and error. !"

Gu Lan Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"I can accept the strategy of relying on people to build results for the time being, but the question is, can you find so many people?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Ye Zhou interjected:

"Can you transfer people from other regions?"

"Yes, but there are also difficulties here, that is, we cannot give excess wages, and others may not be willing to come to us."

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao, who nodded and explained:

"Yes, this is a requirement of confidentiality. The salary market is an open market, especially in key areas. Every day, foreign forces are watching the salary levels of workers in our industries. If there are violent fluctuations in a short period of time, it is easy to Determining that we have new priority projects is detrimental to our secrecy work."

"Can the locality find enough workers?"

"There are definitely workers, but it will take time to reach a skilled level."

Ye Zhou sighed. From the very beginning of this meeting, he had already felt the difference between the sedan sedan project and the chip project.

Compared with the chip project, the sedan sedan project this time is no longer a national investment at any cost, but the use of resources is controlled within a limited range.

It can ensure abundant resources without affecting other economic activities of the whole country.

When you think about it, this strategy is actually the right one.

After all, large-scale aero-engines are not like the chip industry. Once applied, they can greatly change the economic and technological structure. Even if successful trial production can be carried out, its technological development and iteration will take time. Therefore, it is relatively fast. is the appropriate method.

From another point of view, Ye Zhou does not want the government to be too eager to achieve success in these new technologies, otherwise he will consume the domestic economy every time he comes up with new technologies in the future. In a very short period of time, the economic Potential is drained, and failure to see gains quickly can have a negative impact on the country as a whole.

Therefore, he can understand the difficulties that Liming Factory is encountering now.

Such difficulties are not due to their own lack of strength, but are caused by the objective fact that the technology is intergenerational. Even if they are put to Shufei, they will face the same dilemma.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Zhou said:

"Is it possible to re-employ retirees?"

"Of course, we are already doing this. In addition, we will also transfer some manpower from manufacturing manufacturers in other jurisdictions to try to fill the vacancies in a short period of time."

"Okay. This is a worker's problem. What about high-tech researchers? How do you plan to solve it?"

"The urgency of this piece is not so high. Use it first. A few days ago, we have also sent invitations to our staff from various research institutes and universities at home and abroad. This is not a big problem. Communicate."

Ye Zhou nodded, then looked at Chen Hao again.

"Is there a problem with resources?"

"The main problem is the material, but fortunately, the aviation industry chain is still mature in the world, and you can buy it, just spend a little more money. The only problem is the Jingdiao machine tool. The domestic Jingdiao machine tool is indeed It is not as good as the island countries and the country, the machine tools that meet the requirements need to be imported additionally - it is estimated that they will be slaughtered."

Hey, the two countries have always dominated the high-end CNC machine tools. Although the imperial capital Jingdiao and Fengtian Machine Tool Factory have also made great achievements in the field of Jingdiao in recent years, in all fairness, they are far from the real top level. There is still a gap.

However, this status quo is expected to change soon under the economic and technological tide that affects the whole body.

After a pause, Ye Zhou said:

"It doesn't matter, they slaughtered us today, and tomorrow it's our turn to slaughter them. Go ahead!"

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